[comp.lang.fortran] Assigning subroutine names in FORTRAN?

oliver@athena.mit.edu (James D. Oliver III) (09/21/89)

I have a program construct of the following form:

	program main
	external a,b,c
	call sub1(a,b,...) 
	call sub2(a,b,c,...)

where a,b,c are subroutines called within sub1 and sub2.  What I would like
to do is to be able to assign which subroutines a, b, and c are used in
sub1 and sub2 without having to recompile the program for each set I
choose.  (So that, for instance I could call sub1(a,c,...) or sub1(a,a,...)
or sub2(a,c,b...) or sub2(c,a,c...), etc.)  My sysadmin doesn't think
there's any way to do it because the subroutine name is not a variable but
specifies a memory location.  But neither he nor I are knolwedgable enough
to know for sure.  Could someone give a definitive answer or suggestions?
I would be running FORTRAN 77 on either a UNIX or a VAX/VMS system.
	Jim Oliver