[comp.lang.fortran] Question on OPEN

gsuaaa@blake.acs.washington.edu (Brian Chan) (10/06/89)

How do I solve the following problem?
I need to read data (and to process them real time) from a text file which 
grows continuously over a 24-hour period. 
The sample code listed as followed:
      Program whatever
      implicit none
      character*25 inputf
      character*6 time_current
      character*7 inputf /"c100489"/
      integer*2 iunit /20/
      integer*2 i_ios /0/
      open(iunit, file=inputf, status='old', carriagecontrol='LIST', 
           maxrecl=80, position = 'START')
      call get_time(time_current)  ! get current time 
      do while (time_current .le. '235959') ! while it's not the end of day
         do while (i_ios .eq. 0)  ! do while not eof()
            read(iunit, fmt='(A)',iostat=i_ios) string80
            print *, string80   ! print to screen
         call delay(15 seconds) 
c        if eof() then wait 15 sec. Reopen the file to read some more data 
c        from the last read. (It didn't work.)
         open(iunit, file=inputf, status='old',carriagecontrol='LIST',
     +   maxrecl=80, position = 'CURRENT')
         print *, "Gee, there're more..."  
         call get_time(time_current)
According to P.5-20 from the Data General F77 program manual, 
" POSITION = pos
  POSITION allows you to position the file to its start, end, or current
  postion. pos ... 'START','CURRENT', or 'END'.  On the first OPEN of a 
  file, the current positon is the start position. On subsequent OPEN 
  statements (reopens) of this file, the current position set during the
  previous OPEN will be carried over...."
When I execute the above code on a Data General S140 running AOS, it will keep 
printing "Gee, there're more" once it reached the eof in the first do-loop.  
In other words, the program didn't re-open from its last read. Once it reached 
eof, even though there're more data added to file - inputf, it will not print 
those new data. 
Hummm... I am new to Fortran.  Would someone give me some hints?  Do I need to 
make some low-level system calls to keep track of its' file pointer? 
Thank you very much for your assistance in advance,
Brian Chan
Internet address:  gsuaaa@blake.acs.washington.edu  or