[comp.lang.fortran] MS-DOS f77 Compilers generating iAPX386 code

zmact61@tsun5.doc.ic.ac.uk.doc.ic.ac.uk (D Spinellis) (12/05/89)

I am looking for information on MS-DOS compilers capable of generating 
iAPX386 code.  Pointers to reviews, products that are good, or ones I should
steer away from would be helpful.  Features that interest me are:

- Ease of conversion from MS-FORTRAN.
- Quality of generated code in terms of speed.
- Support for more than 640k of real memory.
- Virtual memory support.

I am interested on products that generate code that take advantage of the
386 32 bit instructions, so iAPX86 compilers don't interest me.

Diomidis Spinellis                  Internet:                 dds@cc.ic.ac.uk
Department of Computing             BITNET:                   dds@cc.ic.ac.uk
Imperial College                    UUCP:   ...!cernvax!cc.imperial.ac.uk!dds
London SW7 2BZ                      JANET:                    dds@uk.ac.ic.cc