[comp.lang.fortran] Needed fortran routines for maitain a random access table.

quan@sol.surv.utas.oz (Stephen Quan) (07/02/90)

Hello, I am a freshman in Fortran, so my style of programming may not
totally Fortranish.  Currently I am writing some routines that do a
bit of topography.  Bascialy, I need about five different tables, 
preferable sorted.  I wrote one, using a temporary direct access file
and it works fine - but I found I had to reinvent this code to do the
other four.  I was wondering if there is a technique for just making
one library routine for tables in general.

Table 1 : Format is (I10,I10)
Table 2 : Format is (I10,I10)
Table 3 : Format is (I10,4G30.15)
Table 4 : Format is (I10,3G30.15)
Table 5 : Format is (I10,I10)

Where the 1st field is the index (not a unique index though).
So if there is any suggestions/fortran commands I should be looking up
please e-mail me.

Personally, I think something like imbedding Oracle*SQL into my code is
the solution but we don't have SQL*Fortan installed and it really isn't
that major.  So all I want is just some tips - preferably guidance to
learning a bit more fortran as well in the process.

Stephen Quan
quan@sol.surv.utas.edu.au []