[comp.lang.fortran] How to use f2c as a partial fortran "lint"

gl8f@astsun7.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) (07/27/90)

If you wish to compare the types and number of arguments to
subroutines, and the lengths and types of things in your common
blocks, one easy way is to use f2c, availble from research.att.com via
anonymous ftp in the directory dist/f2c.

I just cat all my .f source files into one big file, run it through
f2c using the -A and -P options, edit the resulting C file to include
the prototype headers, and then compile with gcc. gcc will then give
me an error for every function prototype which doesn't match the
prototype include file, that is, every function or subroutine whose
parameters don't match the call.

Any ANSI C compiler could be used in liu of gcc.

By the way, I haven't had any luck getting f2c to generate working
executables on my sun3 4.0.3 machines. Linking with the system F77
libraries results in all formatted output being converted into a
single capital T, and all input is goofed up. Compiling the F77 and
I77 included in the f2c distribution results in a core dump. I haven't
had the time to figure this out... did anyone get this running out of
the box?

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