[comp.lang.fortran] FORTRAN9x encourages Ada?

cazier@mbunix.mitre.org (Cazier) (09/20/90)

Is it possible that at some evolutionary stage a language can become too
big for its own britches? FORTRAN9x may be a turning point for some companies
to move to C or Ada. Rather than take "advantage" of the "new" features of
an old, established language set, it might be worthwhile considering the
advantages of actually converting to those languages that already have
those "new" features.

Is there any concern in the programming community about the effects of
'9x on future trends?

ereiamjh@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Tom B. O'Toole) (09/21/90)

But do these great other languages have the vector
operations that fortran9x has? If not, another great
theory augers in at 743 kts.

Tom O'Toole - ecf_stbo@jhuvms.bitnet - JHUVMS system programmer 
Homewood Computing Facilities, Johns Hopkins University, Balto. Md. 21218 