[comp.lang.fortran] "Fortran Tools," by Jones and Crabtree--A Mini-Review

bcphyagi@Twg-S5.uucp (Stephen Walton) (10/24/90)

I recently bought a copy of the book "Fortran Tools for VAX/VMS and
MS-DOS" by R.K. Jones and T. Crabtree, and thought there might be
some interest in my reaction.

The book, as has been previously posted, is intended as a successor
to the Kernighan and Plauger "Software Tools" book of 1976.  It
has Fortran source code to, among other tools, a preprocessor to
turn VAX/VMS extensions into standard Fortran-77 (v77), a lexical
analyzer (lex), and a compiler for a simple programming language (spl).

My overall reaction to the book is very favorable.  I like the
authors' writing and programming styles, probably because they
are similar to my own.  The programs are well-written, modular,
and available from the authors on 6250-bpi mag tape or TK-50
cartridge at $99, or on MS-DOS floppies at $49.

However (always a however), I cannot recommend the book unreservedly,
particularly if you are not programming under either MS-DOS or VAX/VMS.
The first couple of chapters are devoted to setting up VMS DCL command
files and some utilities to yield a Unix-ish programming environment.
(An appendix contains MS-DOS batch files giving a similar setup.)
The chosen environment is a bit, well, odd...a Fortran file is compiled
and put in a library, including main programs.  To build an executable,
the desired main program is extracted such as:

$ link /exe=v77.exe chap1.lib /lib /incl=v77

The resulting environment, while usable, is much less flexible than
that which comes from using a good Make program.

The authors also choose to use a null-terminated format for character
strings, resulting in constructs like
	if (equal(str1, 'integer function'//NULLCHAR))
rather than the more standard
	if (str1 .eq. 'integer function')
I doubt that the first form is portable to a non-ASCII machine. The
authors state (pp. 75-76), "The use of a termination character
eliminates the need for blank padding strings but also demands that
a special string comparison routine be used to compare strings."
The authors are aware that string comparisons ignore trailing blanks,
but seem unaware that string assignments do blank padding by default,
so that
	STR1 = 'abc'
results in STR1 containing 'abc     ' regardless of its previous contents.

Incidentally, the authors recommendations for Fortran reference texts
are "Fortran 77 featuring Structured Programming," by Meissner and
Organick;  "Fortran 77: A Structured, Disciplined Style," by Davis
and Hoffman;  and "Principles of Fortran Programming," by Wagener.
I have the Meissner and Organick book, and also recommend it.

Summary:  the book is probably a "Must-read" if you're using either
MS-DOS or VAX/VMS.  It is probably even helpful on other systems if
you want to be able to do text-handling chores without needing to
learn C or Pascal.  But the tools therein do, to some extent, duplicate
tools which come with Unix systems.
Stephen R. Walton, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Cal State Northridge
I am srw@csun.edu no matter WHAT the stupid From: line says!