fsset@bach.lerc.nasa.gov (Scott E. Townsend) (11/29/90)
[ sorry if this has been hashed around before, I haven't needed to deal with FORTRAN or numeric exceptions for quite a while ] I don't want to start any religious wars, but I would like to know if there is a standard way of configuring IEEE exception handling in FORTRAN. I've looked at Silicon Graphics 'handle_sigfpes' and Sun's sigfpe/ieee_handler stuff. These are similar in function, but quite different at the user level. Does manipulating the exception semantics really need to look so different? I realize that the various flavors of UNIX tend to have different capabilities regarding handling things like SIGBUS, but I had hoped the the numeric stuff could be a bit more portable than I've seen so far. Any enlightement would be appreciated. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scott Townsend | Phone: 216-433-8101 NASA Lewis Research Center | Mail Stop: 5-11 Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | Email: fsset@bach.lerc.nasa.gov ------------------------------------------------------------------------
khb@chiba.Eng.Sun.COM (Keith Bierman fpgroup) (11/29/90)
In article <1990Nov28.224835.17336@eagle.lerc.nasa.gov> fsset@bach.lerc.nasa.gov (Scott E. Townsend) writes:
Does manipulating the exception semantics really need to look so different?
I realize that the various flavors of UNIX tend to have different
capabilities regarding handling things like SIGBUS, but I had hoped
the the numeric stuff could be a bit more portable than I've seen so far.
It could have been, but
*) IEEE 754 chose to ignore language binding issues
(they had enough problems getting done anyway;> )
*) language groups (such as X3J3) have resisted putting in
ieee 7|854 stuff out of deference to those nifty Cray's,
IBM 3090's, VAXen, etc.
*) etc.
Thus everyone has had to do the best they can. This is very
unfortunate, it inhibits clever use of the facilities of 7|854, and
adds to the difficulty in porting software, etc.
Keith H. Bierman kbierman@Eng.Sun.COM | khb@chiba.Eng.Sun.COM
SMI 2550 Garcia 12-33 | (415 336 2648)
Mountain View, CA 94043