[comp.lang.fortran] GNU Fortran Status

burley@pogo.ai.mit.edu (Craig Burley) (12/29/90)

I've just sent email regarding the status of GNU Fortran to everyone on
the GNU Fortran "interest list" that I maintain.

This status report does not include any release announcements or schedules
or anything, just an update on how things are going.

If anyone is interested in receiving this information and either has not
already asked me to be put on the GNU Fortran interest list or has asked
but has not received the email mentioned above within a day or two of
reading this, please send me your email address, your name, and a
description of what you are interested in (F77, F90, writing code, testing,
just wanting status reports), and I'll put you on my list.  (I might well
have accidentally lost the names of people who have already expressed
an interest; if so, I apologize.  Also, some people on the list don't seem
to be reachable from where I am on the network, or I may have mistyped
their email names, because mail to them gets bounced back to me.)

The summary of the status is this: I have an executable program named "gf77"
that actually compiles some simple Fortran programs.  It consists of the
FFE (Fortran Front End) I've been writing plus the back end for the gcc
(GNU C) compiler, plus the code necessary to connect them together.  Work
is progressing fairly smoothly.

When any important announcements are to be made, I will post them to this
group in addition to sending them to people on the interest list.  So you
don't need to ask to be on the interest list if you are just interested
in when the beta releases or regular releases happen.

James Craig Burley, Software Craftsperson    burley@ai.mit.edu