v087mxgb@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Shawn E Thompson) (01/05/91)
Hello all, I hope you can help me; I manage a Computer Aided Design department at my company. We are running on a Prime 9955 II, which uses the Primos rev 22.1 operating system. On this system, we have excellent Basic and Fortran compilers. I want to offer some games to our users, preferably some multi-user,interactive-type games (although *ANY*thing would be great). Please direct me to source codes for PD Basic and/or Fortran games (again, preferably something that more than one user can play together), which I could load onto our system. As well, I am going to write some of my own games. I am accomplished in Fortran and Basic for Engineering and numerical work, but really have never delved into multi-user games (for example a game that two players can compete in against each other from their terminals). How does this type of thing work. I know that for something simple (where each user takes a turn, I could write to a commonly shared file - but that seems grossly inefficient). Please give me some hints or direct me to the location of good information. Thank you very much, Shawn E. Thompson "....the beatings will continue until moral improves!!" v087mxgb@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu | set@autarch.acsu.buffalo.edu University @ Buffalo|Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering CAD Engineering|Leica, Inc.|PO Box 123|Buffalo, NY 14240-0123|(716)891-3375