[comp.lang.fortran] Getting at COMMON things from C

burton@chilko.ucs.ubc.ca (Steve Cumming, net.leftist) (01/08/91)

I have some FORTRAN modules that I am trying to connect to
a C driver. How can I declare the object FOO in COMMON/BAR/
so that things link properly?  Is there some ld(1) trickery
I should know about?

Judging from the output of f2c and the internals of gdb,
something like a structure declaration should do ...?

I am presently using SUN F77 and C compilers, but this will also
have to work with Turbo C and some yet to be determined 
PCish FORTRAN compiler.

Suggestions appreciated.

#include "../h/disclaimer.h"        /* I am not really Phil Burton, btw. */
burton@unixg.ubc.ca		    ... and if dinosaurs "became" birds		
Steve Cumming, a.k.a.			what will we become?   - Anselm Hollow.