[comp.lang.fortran] renumbering

kate@cgdisis.cgd.ucar.edu (Kate Hedstrom) (02/11/91)

OK, I've gotten several requests so here is the perl relabel
program.  Keep your old sources until you're sure that nothing bad
has happened to the new ones!

Kate Hedstrom

Also, I got the following message from a Swedish astronomer:
> From uucp@kth.se Sun Feb 10 17:16:58 1991
> Organization: SAAF, Svensk Amat|rAstronomisk F|rening
> About 7-8 years ago I wrote a Fortran-77 program that renumbers all
> labels in a Fortran program.  If the Fortran program to be renumbered
> is syntactically correct, it will correctly handle all the syntax
> details of the F-77 program to be renumbered.
> Each function/subroutine will get a number sequence of its own.  Also,
> one can select different number sequences for FORMAT labels and other
> labels (if they should overlap, the program will ensure that no two
> labels get the same number).
> Although it's many years since I wrote a Fortran program, I still have
> this Fortran renumbering program available somewhere.  If you are
> interested, I can post it here.

eval "exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 $*"
	if $running_under_some_shell;
# Relabel a fortran program
# Usage: relabel [file]
#	The relabeled program is written to STDOUT.
# Restrictions:
#	No computed goto
#	No assigned goto or assign
#	No arithmetic if
#	No new-lines inside the parenthesis immediately following a read/write
#	Others that I have not thought of
# $Header: /usr/local/src/RCS/relabel,v 1.2 89/11/14 10:44:25 bin Exp $
# Written by:
#       Sverre Froyen
#       sverre@fesk.seri.gov
# Bugfixes and perl 3 support by:
#	Kate Hedstrom
#	kate@ahab.rutgers.edu
$tmp = "/tmp/rel.$$";			# Temporary file name
$label_no_start = 100;			# First new label number
$label_no_incr = 10;			# New label increment
$cont_char = '&';			# Continuation character
$label_no = $label_no_start;
$section_no = 0;
$s_pref = $section_no."_";
# get a line, combining continuation lines
sub get_line {
	$thisline = $lookahead;
	line: while ($lookahead = <tmp>) {
		if ($lookahead =~ s/^     \S/     $cont_char/) {
			$thisline .= $lookahead;
		else {
			last line;
# Find matching parenthesis
sub find_match {
	$parexp = '';
	while (/[()]/) {
		$parexp .= $`;
		$parexp .= $&;
		$_ = $';
		if ($& eq "(") { $left++; }
		else           { $left--; }
		if ($left == 0) { last; }
# first pass - collect all labels and copy to tmp file
open(tmp,">$tmp") || die "Can't open tmp file";
$no_change_needed = 1;
while (<>) {
#	Skip comments
	if (/^[c#]/i) {
		print tmp;
#	Check for new section (function or subroutine)
	if (/function|subroutine/i && $` !~ /'/) {
		$s_pref = $section_no."_";
		$label_no = $label_no_start;
#	Check for numeric label field
	$label_field = substr($_,0,5);
	if ($label_field =~ s/^[ 0]*([1-9][0-9]*) */$1/) {
		$label_field = $s_pref.$label_field;
		if ($label{$label_field}) {		# Duplicate label
			system "rm $tmp";
			die "Duplicate label $label_field";
		if ($label_field != $label_no) {
			$no_change_needed = 0;
		printf tmp ("%5d", $label_no);		# New label
		$_ = substr($_,5,999);
		$label{$label_field} = $label_no;
		$label_no += $label_no_incr;
		if (/^ *format/i) {			# Label type
			$type{$label_field} = "format";
		else {
			$type{$label_field} = "other";
	print tmp;
if ($no_change_needed) {
	system "cat $tmp";
	system "rm $tmp";
	exit 0;
# Second pass - relabel
open(tmp,"$tmp") || die "Can't open tmp file - second pass";
$lookahead = <tmp>;				# Get first line
$section_no = 0;
$s_pref = $section_no."_";
while ($_ = do get_line()) {
#	Skip comments
	if (/^[c#]/i) {
	s/\t/        /g;			# Replace tabs with blanks
#	Check for new section (function or subroutine)
	if (/function|subroutine/i && $` !~ /'/) {
		$s_pref = $section_no."_";
#	Remove and print label field
#	(these were changed during first pass)
	print substr($_,0,6);
	$_ = substr($_,6,999);
#	Must first skip past `if (...)' constructs
	if (/^ *if *\(/i) {
		print $&;
		$_ = $';
		$left = 1;
		do find_match();
		if ($left != 0) { die "Illegal if statement"; }
		print $parexp;
#	Skip to next line if end-of-line before continuation-line
	if (/^ *\n     \S */) {
		print $&;
		$_ = $';
#	Do some simple tests to see if line needs further processing
#	(to speed things up)
	if ($_ !~ /^ *read|^ *write|^ *open|^ *go *to|^ *do/i) {
#	Read / write
	if (/^ *read *\(|^ *write *\(/i) {
		print $&;
		$_ = $';
		$left = 1;
		do find_match();
		if ($left != 0) { die "Illegal read/write statement"; }
		if ($parexp =~ /\n/) {		# Can be removed later
			die "Cannot handle new-lines in r/w statements";
		if ($parexp =~ /^([ a-z0-9()*]+ *)/i) {
			print $1;		# unit
			$parexp = $';
		if ($parexp =~ /^(, *\*)/i) {
			print $1;		# free format
			$parexp = $';
		elsif ($parexp =~ /^(, *)([0-9]+)/i) {
			if ($type{$s_pref.$2} ne "format") {
				die "Wrong label type - # $2";
			print $1;
			print $label{$s_pref.$2};	# format number
			$parexp = $';
		while ($parexp =~ /^( *, *[ednr]+ *= *)([0-9]+)/i) {
			if ($type{$s_pref.$2} ne "other") {
				die "Wrong label type - # $2";
			print $1;		# end / err
			print $label{$s_pref.$2};	# label
			$parexp = $';
		print $parexp;
#	open
	elsif (/^ *open *\(/i) {
		print $&;
		$_ = $';
		$left = 1;
		do find_match();
		if ($left != 0) { die "Illegal open statement"; }
		while ($parexp =~ /([ednr]+ *= *)([0-9]+)/i) {
			print $`;
			if ($type{$s_pref.$2} ne "other") {
				die "Wrong label type - # $2";
			print $1;		# end / err
			print $label{$s_pref.$2};	# label
			$parexp = $';
		print $parexp;
#	goto
	elsif (/^ *go *to */i) {
		print $&;
		$_ = $';
		if (/^([0-9]+) *$/i) {			# only simplest type
			if ($type{$s_pref.$1} ne "other") {
				die "Wrong label type - # $1 sec $section_no";
			print $label{$s_pref.$1};
			$_ = $';
		else { die "Illegal goto"; }
#	do
	elsif (/^( *do *)([0-9]+)( *[a-z0-9]+ *= *[-+*\/a-z0-9() ]+ *, *[-+*\/a-z0-9() ]+)/i)
		if ($type{$s_pref.$2} ne "other") {
			die "Wrong label type - # $2";
		print $1;
		print $label{$s_pref.$2};
		print $3;
		$_ = $';
# cleanup
system "rm $tmp";