[comp.lang.fortran] Fortran compilers for 386 machines

taylor@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Ross Taylor) (03/01/91)

Fortran compilers for 386's

Several  weeks  ago  I  posted  a  notice  to   comp.lang.fortran 
concerning  Fortran  compilers  for  386  class machines.  I have 
received lots of requests for this posting  (it  was  15  screens 
long)  and  they  continue  to come in on an occasional basis.  I 
have also learnt that my posting has been  circulated  to  others 
from  whom  I  received  no  request  (someone else sent them the 
posting).  I am delighted to find that there are so many  Fortran 
users interested in using the language on 386 class machines.

There are two points to this latest posting:

1.  The original is still available; send me  an  e-mail  if  you 
    want it.

2.  Following  e-mail  discussions with Walt Brainerd, editor  of 
    The Fortran Journal, I rewrote the  posting  completely  from 
    scratch.   I  have  summarized  the contents of all published 
    reviews and provided a  more  up-to-date  table  listing  the 
    features  and  prices  of the available compilers.  The table 
    from a published review  that  was  included  in  my  earlier 
    posting  is  no longer accurate. In fact, it's not even close 
    to being accurate any more.

The much revised version of the summary is due to appear  in  the 
next  edition  of  The  Fortran  Journal that is due out in early 

I  will  also  be doing a more in depth look at WATCOM's compiler 
for a future edition of The Fortran Journal.

For  obvious  reasons  these  article  will not be posted to this 
network. If anyone is interested in copies of these article  they 
should  subscribe  to the Fortran Journal. Mr. Brainerd posts the 
contents of each  issue  when  it  is  available  so  watch  this 
newsgroup for further details.

Ross Taylor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699 (yes, we have our own zip code)