(Kyosti Huhtala) (03/08/91)
I'm using NAMELIST read from stdin in a program under SUN/OS 4.1, but always get following error message namelist read: [-1] end of file logical unit 5, named 'fort.5' lately: reading sequential list external IO part of last format: ext list io part of last data: | Before NAMELIST read I have done formatted read from stdin and the piece of program looks like this: C READ IN THE DATA C Here I do the formatted read of some filenames from stdin CALL DREAD(X,LX,Y,T,N,NT,NBETA,NETA,ETA,NHAV,IR,MODEL, & NOFFS,IOFFS) C READ IN PARAMETERS C Then I set some default values for the NAMELIST variables. All variables C from MAXIT to P2 have been mentioned in NAMELIST command under the name C PARAM. P1 and P2 also belong to a named COMMON block DATA MAXIT,ETOL,BTOL,DEVTOL,NEQTOL,TOL1A,TOL1R,LB,UB,MAXCAL, & IPRINT / 20,.001D0,.001D0,.01D0,.0D0,.001D0,.001D0, & -3.D0,3.D0,10,7*1/ P1=0.D0 P2=0.D0 WRITE(*,9996) 9996 FORMAT(' GIVE THE CONTROL PARAMETERS') C And then I try to do NAMELIST read from stdin and the program crashes READ(*,NML=PARAM) C ECHO THE CONTROL PARAMETERS WRITE(7,NML=PARAM) I have been running this program also under VMS and all worked. What have I done wrong? Kyosti