I've just started programming in fortran and I'm thinking about building a collection of useful routines. Is there an FTP site that holds a collection of nifty Fortran routines? The one at simtel-20 is rather small. Does anybody have some nice ones they'd like to send me? I'll collect almost anything.. Stats Fourier Curve Fitting Plotting etc... Any Replies will be greatly appreciated Huw (05/08/91) writes: > > I've just started programming in fortran and I'm thinking about building > a collection of useful routines. Is there an FTP site that holds a collection > of nifty Fortran routines? The one at simtel-20 is rather small. Does anybody > have some nice ones they'd like to send me? I'll collect almost anything.. There is a freeware archive "" where you can send a message (E-mail) like this: send 27 from apstat. 27 is upper tail area under Student's t. There are hundreds of subroutines, some are well written, but all are free. In Japan, portions can be obtained from, in Australia, from ACSnet, local index can be obtained by fetchfile -ddmssyd.dms.oz S/index. Roman Kanala, CUEPE, University of Geneva, Switzerland,