"P. D. Yapa" <pdy@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> (06/14/91)
From pdy Fri Jun 14 13:10:39 1991 Return-Path: <pdy> Received: by water.cee.clarkson.edu (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA00948; Fri, 14 Jun 91 13:10:39 EDT Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 13:10:39 EDT From: pdy (P. D. Yapa) Message-Id: <9106141710.AA00948@water.cee.clarkson.edu> To: comp.lang.fortran Subject: Re: Difference between Lahey Fortran and Microsoft Fortran dlindsle@afit.af.mil (David T. Lindsley): > I haven't worked with Lahey, but several people I know and trust have, > amd they _all_ say it's better than MS Fortran. (We're talking about > the full-blown version.) > we use Lahey 32 bit version every day. It is expensive around 1000 $ if you buy from outside vendors, but it works well. we run programs as large as 4 meg - no problems MS fortran is OK I have both 4.1 and 5.0, but it can't do very large program and slower in compiling. On execution - one test model ran slightly ( 1 %) faster on MS fortran. Pooji discalimer : I am not associated with Lahey or MS .