[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V4 #68

PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (11/08/86)

PROLOG Digest            Monday, 10 Nov 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 68

Today's Topics:
        LP Library - Declarative Language Bibliography, Part P

Date: Fri 7 Nov 86 18:51:19-PST
From: Chuck Restivo  <Restivo@Score.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Lauren Smith's Bibliography - Part P

PAPAD86a * Papadopoulos G.  PARLOG84 -> DACTL0 University of East
Anglia Personal Communication 13 May 1986

PAPAK86a * Papakonstantinou G. & Kontos J.  Knowledge representation
With Attribute Grammars Computer Journal, Vol 29, No 3, pp 241-245 

PARK76a * Park D.  The Y-Combinator In Scott's Lambda-Calculus Nodels 
(Revised Version) Theory of Computation Report No 13 Dept of Computer
Science, University of Warwick June 1976

PARK76b * Park D.  Finiteness is Mu-Ineffable Theoretical Computer
Science, 3, pp 173-181 1976

PART86a * Partridge D.  Engineering Artificial Intelligence Software 
Artificial Intelligence Review, 1, pp 27-41 1986

PASI74a * Pasini A.  Some Fixed Point Theorems of the Mappings of 
Partially Ordered Sets Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, Vol 51, pp
167-177 1974

PATT81a * Patterson D.A. & Sequin C.H.  RISC 1 : A Reduced Instruction
Set VLSI Computer Proc 8th International Symposium on Computer 
Architecture SIGARCH News vol 9, no 3 pp 443-457 1981

PATT82a Patterson D.A. & Sequin C.H.  A VLSI RISC Computer Vol 15 No
9, pp 8-21, Sept 1982

PATT84a Patterson D.A.  VLSI Systems Building: A Berkeley Perspective 
Proc. Conf. on Advanced Research in VLSI, MIT January 1984

PATT85 Patterson D.A.  Reduced Instruction Set Computers CACM Vol 28,
No 1 January 1985

PAUL83a * Paulson L.  A Higher-Order Implementation of Rewriting 
Science of Computer Programming 3, pp 119-149 1983

PAUL84a * Paulson L.C.  Constructing Recursion Operators in
Intuitionistic Type Theory Computing Laboratory, University of
Cambridge Technical Report no 57 October 1984

PAUL85a * Paulson L.C.  Lessons Learned From LCF: A Survey of Natural 
Deduction Proofs Computer Journal, Vol 28, no 5, pp 474-479 1985

PAUL85b * Paulson L.C.  Natural Deduction Proof as Higher-Order
Resolution ( Revised Version ) Computing Laboratory, University of
Cambridge Technical Report no 82 December 1985

PERE79a * Pereira L.M. & Porto A.  Intelligent Backtracking and
Sidetracking in Horn Clause Programs - The Theory Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, Report no 2/79 1979

PERE79b * Pereira L.M.  Backtracking Intelligently in AND/OR Trees 
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, report no 1/79 1979

PERE83a * Pereira F.C.N.  Can Drawing Be Liberated From The Von
Neumann Style ?  SRI International Technical Note 282 June 1983

PETE83a * Peterson K.  An Introduction To The Programming System For
Type Theory Declarative Programming Workshop, University College 
London pp 46-65 11-13th April 1983

PEYT82a Peyton Jones S.L.  An Investigation of the Relative
Efficiencies of Combinators and Lambda Expressions Proc. of ACM LISP
Conf 1982 p150-158 1982

PEYT84a * Peyton Jones S.L.  Directions in Functional Programming
Research in DUCE84 1984

PEYT85a * Peyton Jones S.L.  GRIP-a parallel graph reduction machine 
Dept. of Computer Science, Internal Note 1665, grm.design v1.0, Jan

PEYT85b * Peyton Jones S.L.  Functional Programming Languages as a
Software Engineering Tool 2nd December 1985

PEYT86a * Peyton Jones S.L.  Parsing Distfix Operators CACM, Vol 29,
no 2, pp 118-122 February 1986

PEYT86b * Peyton Jones S.L.  Using Futurebus in a Fifth-Generation
Computer Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol 10, No 2 pp 69-76 March

PEYT86c * Peyton Jones S.L.  The Implementation of Functional
Programming Languages Pre-Publication Copy to be published by
Prentice-Hall 9th May 1986

PEIR83a Pier K.A.  A Retrospective on the Dorado, A High Performance 
Personal Computer ISL-83-1, Xerox PARC, 1983

PELE84a * Peleg D.  Communication in Concurrent Dynamic Logic CS84-15 
Dept of Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 
July 1984

PELE84b * Peleg D.  Concurrent Dynamic Logic CS84-14 Dept of Applied
Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel July 1984

PING84a Pingali K. & Arvind Efficient Demand-Driven Evaluation (I) 
Lab. For Computer Science Technical Memo 242 September 1984

PING84b Pingali K. & Arvind Efficient Demand-Driven Evaluation (II) 
Lab For Computer Science Technical Memo 243 November 1984

PITT85a * Pittomvils E. & Bruynooghe M. & Willems Y.D.  Towards a Real
Time Garbage Collector for Prolog IEEE 1985 Symposium on Logic
Programming Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.  pp 185-198 July 15-18 1985

PLAI85a * Plaisted D.A.  The Undecidability of Self-Embedding For Term
Rewritng Systems Information Processing Letters 20, pp 61-64 15
February 1985

PLAI85b * Plaisted D.A.  An Architecture for Functional Programming
and Term Rewriting IFIP TC-10 Working Conference on Fifth Generation 
Computer Architecture, UMIST, Manchester July 15-18 1985

PLES85a * Pless E.  Die Ubersetzung von LISP in die reduktionsprache
BRL GMD 142 March 1985

PLOT76 Plotkin G.D.  A Powerdomain Construction SIAM J. Comput. 5 3 pp
452-487 September 1976

PLOT82 Plotkin G.D.  A Power Domain For Countable Non-Determinism
(Extended Abstract) Proc 9th Int. Colloq. on Automata, Languages and 
Programming Springer Verlag LNCS no 140, pp 418-428 (ed. Nielson M. &
Schmidt E.M.)  1982

PNUE81a * Pnueli A.  The Temporal Semanticss of Concurrent Programs 
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 13, pp 45-60 1981

POLL81a * Pollard G.H.  Parallel Execution Of Horn Clause Programs PhD
Thesis Department of Computing, Imperial College 1981

POOL85b * Poole D.L.  Making "Clausal" Theorem Provers "Non-Clausal" 
Research Report CS-85-52 Logic Programming and Artificial Intelligence
Group Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo December

POOL85c * Poole D. & Goebel R.  On Eliminating Loops in Prolog ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, Vol 20, No 8, pp 38-40 August 1985

POOL86a * Poole D. & Goebel R. & Aleliunas R.  Theorist: A Logical
Reasoning System For Defaults And Diagnosis Research Report CS-86-06 
Logic Programming and Artificial Intelligence Group Department of
Computer Science, University of Waterloo February 1986

POOL86b * Poole D.L.  Default Reasoning And Diagnosis As Theory
Formation Technical Report CS-86-08 Logic Programming and Artificial
Intelligence Group Department of Computer Science, University of
Waterloo March 1986

POON85 Poon E.K. & Peyton Jones S.L.  Cache Memories in a Functional
Programming Environment Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. College
London, Internal Note 1680, Jan 1985

POPP86a * Popplestone R. & Smithers T. & Corney J. & Koutsou A. & 
Millington K. & Sahar G.  Engineering Design Support Systems 
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh IKBS/MS
7/86 3.1, distributed with Alvey IKBS mailshot July 1986

POUN86a * Pountain D.  Intuitive Solution Byte, Vol 11, No 5, pp
363-374 May 1986

PPRG9a Persistent Programming Research Group Procedures as Persistent
Data Objects Persistent Programming Research Report 9

PPRG11 Persistent Programming Research Group PS-Algol Abstract Machine
Manual Persistent Programming Research Report 11

PPRG12 Persistent Programming Research Group PS-Algol Reference Manual
Second Edition Persistent Programming Research Report 12

PRAM85a * Pramanik S. & King C-T Computer Journal, Vol 28, no 3, pp
264-269 1985

PRAT80a * Pratt V.R.  A Near-Optimal Method for Reasoning about Action
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 20, pp 231-254 1980

PRO84a Prolog: A Tutorial/Review Microsystems, January 1984, page 104 

PRO86a * Prolog Digest Volume 4 : Issue 14 Tuesday 20 May 1986

PRO86b * Prolog Digest Volume 4 : Issue 14 Friday 23 May 1986

PULL84a Pull H.  A HOPE in HOPE Interpreter BSc. Undergraduate Thesis,
Department of Computing, Imperial College 1984

PYKA85a * Pyka C.  Syntactic Analysis Forschungstelle fur
Informationswissenschaft und Intelligenz, Universitat Hanburg LOKI
Report NLI - 4.1 November 1985


End of PROLOG Digest