[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V4 #80

PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (11/30/86)

PROLOG Digest             Monday, 1 Dec 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 80

Today's Topics:
                     LP Library - Utility Update

Date: 25 Nov 86 07:06:00 EST
From: John Cugini <cugini@nbs-vms.ARPA>
Subject: update of utility library

%%     NBS/ICST Prolog Utility Library
%%     version date: Nov. 25, 1986
%%     developed by:
%%     John Cugini <cugini@nbs-vms.arpa>
%%     Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology
%%     National Bureau of Standards
%%     Product of US Government: not subject to copyright
%%  This file contains various utility predicates, some commonly used,
%%  some not.  They deal with lists, structures, I/O, sets, numeric
%%  facilities, and some extensions of logic and control.  This library
%%  is written in and for the C-Prolog dialect of Prolog.
%%  Many of these predicates expect certain of their arguments to be
%%  instantiated upon invocation.  When such restrictions apply it is
%%  usually the leading arguments which are thought of as input (and
%%  hence instantiated), and the trailing arguments as output (and hence
%%  allowed to be uninstantiated).
%%  There is a coding convention: the user-callable version of the
%%  predicate has a plain name.  If this predicate needs sub-predicates,
%%  based on whether certain arguments are instantiated or not, the names
%%  of the sub-predicates are formed by appending a string of c,v, or
%%  x's, where c indicates argument must be constant (instantiated), v
%%  that it must be a variable, and x that it may be either.
%%  Further, each main predicate is preceded by documentation lines,
%%  which describe the declarative meaning of the predicate, and which
%%  arguments must be instantiated.
%%  The overall organization of the library is:
%%      Basic predicates
%%      Lists
%%      Structures
%%      Input/Output
%%      Sets
%%      Numeric
%%      Control
%%      Extended Logic
%%  Each section is prefaced by a header with lots of asterisks

%%  ************ Basic Predicates *************

%%  The following predicates test the type of the term passed
%%  to them, using the terminology of the C-Prolog manual.

simple(Term)   :- atomic(Term); var(Term).
compound(Term) :- not(simple(Term)).
literal(Term)  :- nonvar(Term),
                  functor(Term, Name, _),
float(Term)    :- number(Term), not(integer(Term)).
rational(Term) :- integer(Term); ratio(Term).
ratio(Num/Den) :- integer(Num), integer(Den).

%%  constant_term(Term) iff Term is currently instantiated and all
%%  of its arguments, sub-arguments, etc. are constant.

constant_term(Term) :-
  atomic(Term) -> true;
                   Term =.. [Functor | Args],
                   all(constant_term, Args)).

%%  instantiation(Term, Type) iff Type describes the instantiation state
%%  of Term: constant (completely ground), partial, or var.

instantiation(Term, Type) :-
  var(Term)           -> Type = var;
  constant_term(Term) -> Type = constant;
                         Type = partial.

%%  ************* Lists **************

%%  islist(X) iff X is a list.  (Really just checks for [] or that
%%  main functor is '.').

islist([]) :- !.

%%  is_real_list(X) iff X is a properly formed list.  Does not allow
%%  "dotted" lists, a la [a|b], as does islist.

is_real_list([]) :- !.
is_real_list([_ | Rest]) :- is_real_list(Rest).

%%  non_null_list(List) iff List is a real list containing at least
%%  one element.

non_null_list([_ | Rest]) :- is_real_list(Rest).

%%  member(Elem, List) iff Elem is a member of List.

member(Elem, [Elem | _]).
member(Elem, [_ | Rest_of_list]) :- member(Elem, Rest_of_list).

%%  member_rest(Elem, List, Rest) iff Elem is a member of List and
%%  Rest is the rest of the list following Elem.

member_rest(Elem, [Elem | Rest], Rest).
member_rest(Elem, [_ | Rest], Rest_rest) :-
  member_rest(Elem, Rest, Rest_rest).

%%  append(First_part, Second_part, List) iff List is the
%%  concatenation of the first two arguments.

append([], List, List).
append([Elem | First_part], Second_part, [Elem | List]) :-
  append(First_part, Second_part, List).

%%  append_n(L1, L2) iff L1 is a list of lists, which, if concatenated,
%%  is L2.  When L1 is var, no null lists are generated for it, even
%%  though logically they could appear anywhere.  Thus, this isn't
%%  symmetric, in that L1=[[],[1]] will generate L2=[1], but not
%%  vice-versa.  Note especially that L1=[[]] will generate L2=[], but
%%  not the reverse.  L1 and L2 can be partially instantiated, and this
%%  usually works.  NG if both args are var.

%% avoid generating the null list in arg1.

append_n([List1], List2) :-
  not((var(List1), List2 == [])),

append_n([SL1, SL2 | Rest], List) :-
  (var(SL1) -> V=t; V=f),
  append(SL1, Right_part, List),
  not((V=t, SL1=[])),
  append_n([SL2 | Rest], Right_part).

%%  delete(Elem, Old_list, New_list) iff New_list equals Old_list except
%%  for the removal of all occurrences of Elem.  NG if arg2 is var.

delete(Elem, Old, New) :-
   (var(Elem) -> (remove_dupl(Old, Smaller_old),
                  member(Elem, Smaller_old)
                  Elem=X        %  dummy statement to fill else-part
   delete_c(Elem, Old, New).

delete_c(_, [], []).
delete_c(Elem1, [Elem2 | Rest_of_old], New_list) :-
   Elem1 = Elem2 -> (delete_c(Elem1, Rest_of_old, New_list)
                    (New_list = [Elem2 | Rest_of_new],
                     delete_c(Elem1, Rest_of_old, Rest_of_new)

%%  delete_all(Del_list, Old_list, New_list) iff New_list equals Old_list
%%  except for the removal of any occurrences of any elements of Del_list.
%%  NG if arg1 or 2 is var.

delete_all([], L, L).
delete_all([E | R_del], Old_list, New_list) :-
   delete(E, Old_list, M),
   delete_all(R_del, M, New_list).

%%  remove_dupl(List, Shriven_list) iff Shriven_list equals List
%%  in same order, sans leading duplicate members.  Ie, only the
%%  rightmost of duplicate members remain.  NG if arg1 is var.

remove_dupl([Elem | Rest_list], Rest_shriven) :-
  member(Elem, Rest_list),
  remove_dupl(Rest_list, Rest_shriven).
remove_dupl([Elem | Rest_list], [Elem | Rest_shriven]) :-
  remove_dupl(Rest_list, Rest_shriven).

%%  no_dupls(List) iff List is a list with no duplicate elements.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.

no_dupls([Elem | Rest]) :-
   not(member(Elem, Rest)),

%% ordered(List) iff List is a list whose elements are in non-
%% decreasing order.  NG if List is var.

ordered([Elem1, Elem2 | Rest]) :-
  Elem1 @=< Elem2,
  ordered([Elem2 | Rest]).

%%  last(Elem, List) iff Elem is the last element in List.

last(Elem, [Elem]).
last(Elem, [_ | Rest]) :- last(Elem, Rest).

%%  next_to(X,Y,L) iff X and Y are adjacent in list L.

next_to(X, Y, [X,Y | _]).
next_to(X, Y, [_ | Rest]) :- next_to(X, Y, Rest).

%%  reverse(List1, List2) iff List1 is List2 in reverse order.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.

reverse([], []) :- !.
reverse([Head | Tail], List) :-
  reverse(Tail, Liat), append(Liat, [Head], List).

%%  efface(Elem, Old_list, New_list) iff New_list = Old_list
%%  with first occurrence of Elem removed.  NG if more than
%%  one arg is var.

efface(Elem, [Elem | Rest], Rest) :- !.
efface(Elem, [Non_elem | Old_rest], [Non_elem | New_rest]) :-
  not(Elem = Non_elem),
  efface(Elem, Old_rest, New_rest).

%%  insert(Elem, List, Bigger_list) iff Bigger_list = List plus
%%  Elem inserted somewhere.  NG if all args are var.

insert(Elem, List, [Elem | List]).
insert(Elem, [Non_elem | List], [Non_elem | Bigger_list]) :-
   insert(Elem, List, Bigger_list).

%%  subst(Old_elem, Old_list, New_elem, New_list) iff New_list equals
%%  Old_list except for the substitution of New_elem for any
%%  occurrences of Old_elem.  NG for arg1;2;3 var.

subst(_, [], _, []).
subst(Old_elem, [Old_elem | Rest_of_old],
      New_elem, [New_elem | Rest_of_new]) :-
         !, subst(Old_elem, Rest_of_old, New_elem, Rest_of_new).
subst(Old_elem, [Non_elem | Rest_of_old],
      New_elem, [Non_elem | Rest_of_new]) :-
            subst(Old_elem, Rest_of_old, New_elem, Rest_of_new).

%%  prefix(Part, Whole) iff Part is a leading substring of Whole.

prefix([], _).
prefix([Elem | Rest_of_part], [Elem | Rest_of_whole]) :-
  prefix(Rest_of_part, Rest_of_whole).

%%  suffix(Part, Whole) iff Part is a trailing substring of Whole.

suffix(List, List) :- islist(List).
suffix(Part, [Elem | Rest_of_whole]) :- suffix(Part, Rest_of_whole).

%%  trim(List, Elem, Ans) iff Ans is List with all leading and
%%  trailing occurrences of Elem removed.  NG if arg1 or arg2
%%  is var.

trim(List, Elem, Ans) :-
  trim_left(List, Elem, Temp),
  trim_right(Temp, Elem, Ans).

%%  trim_left(List, Elem, Ans) iff Ans is List with all leading
%%  occurrences of Elem removed.  NG if arg1 or arg2 is var.

trim_left([Elem | Rest], Elem, Ans) :-
  trim_left(Rest, Elem, Ans), !.
trim_left(List, _, List).

%%  trim_right(List, Elem, Ans) iff Ans is List with all trailing
%%  occurrences of Elem removed.  NG if arg1 or arg2 is var.

trim_right([],  _, [])  :- !.
trim_right([Elem | Rest], Elem, []) :-
  trim_right(Rest, Elem, []), !.
trim_right([Arb | Rest], Elem, [Arb | Rest_Trim]) :-
  trim_right(Rest, Elem, Rest_Trim).

%%  sublist(List, Start, End, Sublist) iff Sublist is a contiguous
%%  sub-list within List, starting at position Start, and ending at
%%  position End.  Note that [] is a valid sublist, so for
%%  List = [1,2], valid solutions are:
%%         Start  End   Sublist
%%         1      0     []
%%         1      1     [1]
%%         1      2     [1,2]
%%         2      1     []
%%         2      2     [2]
%%         3      2     []
%%  NG if arg1 is var.

sublist(List, Start, End, Sublist) :-
  prefix(Sublist, List),
  Start = 1,
  length(Sublist, End).

sublist([Elem | Rest], Start, End, Sublist) :-
  sublist(Rest, Startx, Endx, Sublist),
  Start is Startx + 1,
  End is Endx + 1.

%%   matchlist(List1, List2, Common, New1, New2) iff List1 and
%%   List2 are sorted instantiated lists (possibly with repetitions)
%%   and Common is a list of their matching elements, and New1 and New2
%%   are List1 and List2 minus the matching elements in Common, eg:
%%   matchlist([1,2,3,3,3,4,5,5,6], [3,3,4,4,5,5], [3,3,4,5,5],
%%             [1,2,3,6],           [4]) is true.  NG if Arg1 or Arg2
%%   is var or unsorted.

matchlist([], List2, [], [], List2) :- !.

matchlist([Elem | Rest], [], [], [Elem | Rest], []) :- !.

matchlist([Elem | Rest1], [Elem | Rest2], [Elem | Com_Rest], New1, New2) :-
  matchlist(Rest1, Rest2, Com_Rest, New1, New2), !.

matchlist([El1 | Rest1], [El2 | Rest2], Com, New1, New2) :-
  (El1 @< El2 ->
     (matchlist(Rest1, [El2 | Rest2], Com, New_Rest1, New2),
                       New1 = [El1 | New_Rest1]);
     (matchlist([El1 | Rest1], Rest2, Com, New1, New_Rest2),
                       New2 = [El2 | New_Rest2])

%%  list_length(List, Number) iff List has Number elements.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.  Note that, apparently, C-Prolog has an
%%  undocumented evaluable predicate, length(List, Number).

list_length([], 0).
list_length([Elem | Rest], Number) :-
  list_length(Rest, N_minus),
  Number is N_minus + 1.

%%  position(List, Elem, Number) iff Elem is in position Number
%%  in the List.  NG if arg1 is var.

position([Elem | Rest], Elem, 1).
position([_    | Rest], Elem, Number) :-
   var(Number) -> (position(Rest, Elem, N_minus),
                   Number is N_minus + 1);
                  (N_minus is Number - 1,
                   position(Rest, Elem, N_minus),

%%  repeat_list(Elem, Number, List) iff List is a list of Elem
%%  repeated Number times.  No var restrictions.

repeat_list(Elem, Number, List) :-
  (nonvar(Number), var(List)) ->
      repeat_list_xcv(Elem, Number, List);
      repeat_list_xxx(Elem, Number, List).

repeat_list_xcv(Elem, 0, []).
repeat_list_xcv(Elem, N, [Elem | Rest]) :-
  N_minus is N - 1,
  N_minus > -1,
  repeat_list_xcv(Elem, N_minus, Rest).

repeat_list_xxx(Elem, 0, []).
repeat_list_xxx(Elem, N, [Elem | Rest]) :-
  repeat_list_xxx(Elem, N_minus, Rest),
  N is N_minus + 1.

%%  permute(List1, List2) iff List1 is a permutation of List2.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.

permute(Whole, [Elem | Rest_of_part]) :-
     member(Elem, Whole),
     efface(Elem, Whole, Reduced_whole),
     permute(Reduced_whole, Rest_of_part).

permute([], []).

%%  reduce(Bin_op, List, Ans) iff Ans is the result of applying
%%  Bin_op, left-associatively, to the elements of List.   NG if
%%  arg1 or arg2 is var, or if List contains fewer than two
%%  elements. If ID is an identity element for Bin_op, and the List
%%  may contain only one element, invoke with: reduce(Bin_op, [ID |
%%  List], Ans).   To allow a null list to return ID, invoke
%%  with: reduce(Bin_op, [ID, ID | List], Ans).

reduce(Bin_op, [El1, El2 | Rest], Ans) :-
  Callit =.. [Bin_op, El1, El2, Temp],
  (Rest = [] ->
     Ans = Temp;
     reduce(Bin_op, [Temp | Rest], Ans)

%%  maplist(Pred, Old, New) iff for each corresponding element in
%%  Old and New, Pred(Old, New) is true.  NG if arg1 is var.

maplist(_, [], []).
maplist(Pred, [Elem_old | Rest_of_old], [Elem_new | Rest_of_new]) :-
  Pred_call =.. [Pred, Elem_old, Elem_new],  %  constructs  predicate
  Pred_call,                         %  invokes constructed predicate
  maplist(Pred, Rest_of_old, Rest_of_new).

%%  maplist_2(Pred, L1, L2, L3) iff L1, L2, and L3 are lists of equal length
%%  and for each element (E1, E2, E3) in corresponding positions in the
%%  lists, Pred(E1, E2, E3) is true.  Thus, E3 should be a function of E1
%%  and E2 - if there is more than one solution, only the first will be
%%  used.  NG if arg1 is var.  Whether arg2 or arg3 can be var depends on
%%  the nature of Pred.

maplist_2(_, [], [], []).
maplist_2(Pred, [Elem1 | Rest1], [Elem2 | Rest2], [Elem3 | Rest3]) :-
  Pred_call =.. [Pred, Elem1, Elem2, Elem3],
  maplist_2(Pred, Rest1, Rest2, Rest3).

%%  for_all(Op_list, Pre_list, Post_list) iff a predicate is
%%  successfully invoked for each member of Op_List.  Each
%%  predicate is formed by pre-pending Pre_list to a member
%%  of Op_List, appending Post_list to it, and then forming
%%  the corresponding functor.
%%  Thus, for_all([a,b,c], [wiggle,x], [y]) will invoke:
%%       wiggle(x, a, y)
%%       wiggle(x, b, y)
%%       wiggle(x, c, y).
%%  and for_all([number, atomic], [], [A]) will invoke:
%%       number(A)
%%       atomic(A).

for_all([], _, _).
for_all([Op | Rest_Ops], Pre_list, Post_list) :-
  append(Pre_list, [Op | Post_list], Pred_list),
  Pred =.. Pred_list,
  for_all(Rest_Ops, Pre_list, Post_list).

%%  maxlist(List, Max) iff Max is the highest value in a List of numbers.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.

maxlist([Elem], Elem).
maxlist([Elem | Rest], Max) :-
   maxlist(Rest, Rmax),
   (Elem > Rmax -> Max = Elem; Max = Rmax).

%%  minlist(List, Min) iff Min is the lowest value in a List of numbers.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.

minlist([Elem], Elem).
minlist([Elem | Rest], Min) :-
   minlist(Rest, Rmin),
   (Elem < Rmin -> Min = Elem; Min = Rmin).

%%  bestlist(List, Pred, Best) iff Best is the best value in a List,
%%  according to some binary predicate Pred(A,B), which succeeds iff
%%  A is better than B.  NG if arg1 or arg2 is var.

bestlist([Elem], _, Elem).
bestlist([Elem | Rest], Pred, Best) :-
   bestlist(Rest, Pred, Rbest),
   Call =.. [Pred, Elem, Rbest],
   (Call -> Best = Elem; Best = Rbest).

%%  all(Pred, List) iff Pred is a single-place predicate true of
%%  all members of the list.  NG if either arg is var.

all(Pred, []) :- atom(Pred).

all(Pred, [Elem | Rest]) :-
  Callit =.. [Pred, Elem],
  all(Pred, Rest).

%%  some(Pred, List) iff Pred is a single-place predicate true of
%%  at least one member of the list.  NG if either arg is var.

some(Pred, List) :- atom(Pred), some_cx(Pred, List).

some_cx(Pred, [Elem | Rest]) :-
  (Callit =.. [Pred, Elem],
  some_cx(Pred, Rest).

%%  notall(Pred, List) iff Pred is a single-place predicate false of
%%  at least one member of the list.  NG if either arg is var.

notall(Pred, List) :- atom(Pred), not(all(Pred,List)).

%%  none(Pred, List) iff Pred is a single-place predicate true of
%%  none of the members of the list.  NG if either arg is var.

none(Pred, List) :- atom(Pred), not(some(Pred,List)).

%%  string_of(Alphabet, String) iff String is a list composed of
%%  elements of the non-redundant non-null Alphabet.
%%  NG if both args are var.

string_of(Alphabet, String) :-
  var(Alphabet) -> remove_dupl(String, Alphabet);
                   (Alphabet = [_|_],       %  ie non-null
                    string_of_cv(Alphabet, String)

string_of_cv(Alphabet, []).
string_of_cv(Alphabet, [Elem | Rest]) :-
  string_of_cv(Alphabet, Rest),
  member(Elem, Alphabet).

%%  sort_all(In_list, Out_list) iff Out_list is a sorting of In_list,
%%  saving duplicates.  The Xing allows the use of keysort, which
%%  doesn't delete duplicates.

sort_all(In, Out) :-
  sort_all_xit(In, Xed_list),
  keysort(Xed_list, Sorted_xed_list),
  sort_all_xit(Out, Sorted_xed_list).

%%  sort_all_xit(List, Xed_list) iff each element of list is matched
%%  by an xed element in Xed_list.

sort_all_xit([Elem | In_rest], [Elem-x | Out_rest]) :-
  sort_all_xit(In_rest, Out_rest), !.

%%  tot_sort(In_list, Out_list) iff Out_list is a total sorting
%%  of In_list.  This means that not only are the elements of
%%  In_list sorted, but that any of those elements which are lists
%%  are also transformed by sorting, and so on.  Thus:
%%  tot_sort([1,[a3,a2,a3,a1],2,1], [1,2,[a1,a2,a3]]). Recall that
%%  sort eliminates duplicates, and so Out_list might be shorter
%%  than In_list.  Tot_sort can be thought of as providing a
%%  normalized form for multi-level sets.  NG if arg1 is var.

tot_sort(In, Out) :-
  norm_elem(In, Normalized_list),
  sort(Normalized_list, Out).

%%  norm_elem(In, Out) iff Out is the same list as In, except that
%%  any elements of In which are themselves lists, are transformed
%%  by tot_sorting.  NG if arg1 is var.

norm_elem([In_elem | In_rest], [Out_elem | Out_rest]) :-
  (islist(In_elem) -> tot_sort(In_elem, Out_elem); In_elem = Out_elem),
  norm_elem(In_rest, Out_rest),

%%  ordered_merge(List1, List2, List3) iff List3 is the ordered merging
%%  of List1 and List2.  If more than one arg is var, returns only a
%%  single solution.  To find all decompositions of a list into two
%%  lists, use merge.  NG if all args are var.

ordered_merge([], List, List) :-

ordered_merge([Elem1 | Rest1], [], [Elem1 | Rest1]) :- !.

ordered_merge([Elem1 | Rest1], [Elem2 | Rest2], [Elem1 | Rest3]) :-
  (var(Elem2) -> true; Elem1 @< Elem2),
  ordered_merge(Rest1, [Elem2 | Rest2], Rest3).

ordered_merge(List1, [Elem2 | Rest2], [Elem2 | Rest3]) :-
  ordered_merge(List1, Rest2, Rest3).

%%  merge(List1, List2, List3) iff List3 is a random merge of List1 and
%%  List2, ie, order is preserved within List1 and List2 but not between
%%  them.  This is like a combination: pick 2 of 5.  Eg, for
%%  List1=[1,2,3], and List2=[a,b], List3 can be [1,2,a,3,b],
%%  [a,1,2,b,3],... NG if List3 and (List1 or List2) are var.

merge([], List, List) :- islist(List).

merge([Elem | Rest], [], [Elem | Rest]).

%  pick from List1
merge([Elem1 | Rest1], [Elem2 | Rest2], [Elem1 | Rest3]) :-
  merge(Rest1, [Elem2 | Rest2], Rest3).

%  pick from List2
merge([Elem1 | Rest1], [Elem2 | Rest2], [Elem2 | Rest3]) :-
  merge([Elem1 | Rest1], Rest2, Rest3).

%%  ***************** Structures ****************

%%  full_name(Term, Name) iff Name is the name of Term, which may be
%%  atomic or compound.  NG if both args are var.

full_name(Term, Name) :-
  name(Term, Name).

full_name(Term, Name) :-

full_name(Term, Name) :-
  Term =.. [Functor, Arg1 | Arglist],
  name(Functor, Func_name),
  full_name(Arg1, Arg1_name),
  full_name_list(Arglist, Arglist_name),
  append_n([Func_name, "(", Arg1_name, Arglist_name, ")"], Name).

full_name_list([], []) :- !.
full_name_list([Arg1 | Arg_rest], Arglist_name) :-
  full_name(Arg1, Arg1_name),
  full_name_list(Arg_rest, Arg_rest_name),
  append_n([",", Arg1_name, Arg_rest_name], Arglist_name).

%%   tree_position(Term, Subterm, Location) iff Term is a
%%   non-variable containing Subterm, at the Location, which
%%   is a list of numbers corresponding to position, eg, for
%%   Term = a(b,c,d(e,f),g), the solutions are:
%%    Subterm             Location
%%    -------             --------
%%    a(b,c,d(e,f),b)     []
%%    b                   [1]
%%    c                   [2]
%%    d(e,f)              [3]
%%    e                   [3,1]
%%    f                   [3,2]
%%    g                   [4]

tree_position(Term, Sub, []) :-
  Term = Sub.
tree_position(Term, Sub, [Number | Sub_pos]) :-
  Term =.. [Func | Args],
  position(Args, Elem, Number),
  tree_position(Elem, Sub, Sub_pos).

%%  contains(Term, Sub) iff Term is a non-variable containing Sub,
%%  either immediately or indirectly.  NG if arg1 is var.

contains(Term, Sub) :-
  Term = Sub.
contains(Term, Sub) :-
  Term =.. [Func | Args],
  member(Elem, Args),
  contains(Elem, Sub).

%%  compound_contains(Term, Tester, Count) iff Count is the number of
%%  terms, compound or atomic, within Term for which Tester is true.
%%  Tester is either the name of a unary predicate, or a list of predicate
%%  name, followed by arguments.

compound_contains(Term, Tester, Count) :-
  (Tester = [Pred | Args] -> true;
                             (Pred = Tester, Args = [])),
  Test =.. [Pred, Term | Args],
  (Test -> N=1; N=0),
  (simple(Term) -> Count = N;
                   (Term =.. [Functor | Arglist],
                    compound_contains_list(Arglist, Pred, Args, Subcount),
                    Count is Subcount + N)).

compound_contains_list([], _, _, 0).
compound_contains_list([Elem | Rest], Pred, Args, Subcount) :-
  compound_contains(Elem, [Pred | Args], Elemcount),
  compound_contains_list(Rest, Pred, Args, Restcount),
  Subcount is Elemcount + Restcount.

%%  atomic_contains(Term, Tester, Count) iff Count is the number of
%%  atomic terms or vars within Term for which Tester is true.  Tester is
%%  either the name of a unary predicate, or a list of predicate
%%  name, followed by arguments.

atomic_contains(Term, Tester, Count) :-
  (Tester = [Pred | Args] -> true;
                             (Pred = Tester, Args = [])),
  (simple(Term) -> (Test =.. [Pred, Term | Args],
                      (Test -> Count=1; Count=0)
                   (Term =.. Termlist,
                    atomic_contains_list(Termlist, Pred, Args, Count)

atomic_contains_list([], _, _, 0).
atomic_contains_list([Elem | Rest], Pred, Args, Count) :-
  atomic_contains(Elem, [Pred | Args], Elemcount),
  atomic_contains_list(Rest, Pred, Args, Restcount),
  Count is Elemcount + Restcount.

%%  ************* Input and Output *************

%%  readline(List) iff user enters characters of list, followed
%%  by a carriage return (whose ASCII code is 10, under VMS).

readline(List) :-
  (Char=10 -> List = [];
     (Char=26 -> List = end_of_file;
                (List = [Char | Rest], readline(Rest))
  )  ).

%%   user_pick(List, Selection) iff Selection is a member of the list
%%   chosen by the user.  NG if arg1 is var.

user_pick(List, Selection) :-
  List = [E | R],
  nl, print('Select one of the following: '),
  user_pick_1(List, 1),
  print('Enter the number of your preferred entry, '),
  print('terminated by a period.'),
  print('Anything besides a valid number will select none of the above.'),
  position(List, Selection, Num).

user_pick_1([], _).
user_pick_1([Elem | Rest], N) :-
  nl, print('  '),
  (N < 10 -> print(' '); true),
  print(' - '),
  N1 is N+1,
  user_pick_1(Rest, N1).

%%  user_yes_no(Prompt) iff the user responds affirmatively to the Prompt.
%%  The Prompt should be a yes or no type question, suitable for printing,
%%  user_yes_no('Do you wish to continue?').  The current input stream
%%  is assumed to be set correctly.

user_yes_no(Prompt) :-
  nl, print(Prompt),
  print('  (respond with "y." or "n.")'), nl,
  (Ans = y -> true;
    (Ans = n -> (!,fail);
  ) ) ).

%%  print_string(S) succeeds if S is a list of printable integers, and
%%  it prints the string as a side-effect to the current output stream.

print_string([Elem | Rest]) :-
  Elem > 31,
  Elem < 127,

%%  tree_print(Term) prints term in tree-fashion, indented by two.

tree_print(Term) :-
  tree_print_sub(Term,0,'  ').

tree_print_sub(Term, Depth, Prefix) :-
  print_prefix(Depth, Prefix),
  (var(Term) -> (Name = Term, Arglist = []);
                Term =.. [Name | Arglist]),
  print(Name), nl,
  Depth_plus is Depth+1,
  print_args(Arglist, Depth_plus, Prefix).

print_prefix(Depth, Prefix) :-
  Depth > 0,
  Depth_minus is Depth-1,
  print_prefix(Depth_minus, Prefix).

print_args([],             Depth, _).
print_args([First | Rest], Depth, Prefix) :-
  tree_print_sub(First, Depth, Prefix),
  print_args(Rest, Depth, Prefix).

%%  tree_list_print(Term) prints Term just like tree_print, except that
%%  it keeps lists flat (at the same level), rather than indenting.
%%  Further it uses '[' and ']' to delimit the lists instead of the
%%  true internal functor '.'.

tree_list_print(Term) :-
  tree_list_print_sub(Term,0,'  ').

tree_list_print_sub(Term, Depth, Prefix) :-
  print_prefix(Depth, Prefix),
  (var(Term) -> (Name = Term, Arglist = []);
     (non_null_list(Term) ->
         (Name = '[', Term = Arglist);
         Term =.. [Name | Arglist]
  )  ),
  print(Name), nl,
  D_plus is Depth+1,
  list_print_args(Arglist, D_plus, Prefix),
  (Name == '[' -> (print_prefix(Depth, Prefix), print(']'), nl); true).

list_print_args([],             Depth, _).
list_print_args([First | Rest], Depth, Prefix) :-
  tree_list_print_sub(First, Depth, Prefix),
  list_print_args(Rest, Depth, Prefix).

%%  *************** Sets ****************

%%  Following predicates treat lists as sets.  Note that only
%%  outer brackets are interpreted as set-constructors.  Any inner
%%  nested brackets are interpreted as ordered lists - thus these
%%  sets are "flat"; they do not contain other sets.  Eg, the
%%  set: [a,b,[1,2,1]] has a list as its 3rd element and is
%%  distinct from: [a,b,[2,1]], but *not* from [b,b,[1,2,1],a,a],
%%  since duplication and order at the highest (set) level are
%%  insignificant.
%%  To treat lists as multi-level sets, perform tot_sort on them, eg
%%  both [a,b,[1,2,1]] and [a,b,[2,1]] map to: [a,b,[1,2]], which
%%  may be thought of as a normalized form for multi-level sets.
%%  Thus, the only easy choice is to treat all inner brackets as
%%  list-constructors (default) or as set-constructors (using
%%  tot_sort).  To explicitly distinguish and therefore allow
%%  both kinds, a structure must be set up, something like:
%%  set(List) to be interpreted as a set.  Then, eg:
%%  set([1,2,[d,d,c,a]])      : 3rd element is list
%%  set([1,2,set([d,d,c,a])]) : 3rd element is set
%%  [1,2,1]                   : (ordered) list of 3 integers
%%  set([1,2,1])              : (unordered) set of 2 integers (= set([1,2]))
%%  Set structure would accept unordered/duplicate elements, but
%%  assume their insignificance.  Conversion predicate might be:
%%  set_list(Set, List) :- Set =.. [set, List], is_real_list(List).

%%  subset(Part, Whole) iff Part is an subset of Whole.
%%  NG if both args are var.

subset(Part, Whole) :-
  var(Whole) -> (var(Part) -> fail;
                              subset_cv(Part, Whole)
                (remove_dupl(Whole, Shorn_whole),
                 (var(Part) -> subset_vc(Part, Shorn_whole);
                               subset_cc(Part, Shorn_whole))

subset_vc([Elem | Rest_part], [Elem | Rest_whole]) :-
  subset_vc(Rest_part, Rest_whole).
subset_vc(        Rest_part,  [Elem | Rest_whole]) :-
  subset_vc(Rest_part, Rest_whole).

subset_cv(Part, Whole) :- remove_dupl(Part, Whole).

subset_cc([], Whole) :- islist(Whole).
subset_cc([Elem | Rest_of_part], Whole) :-
  member(Elem, Whole),
  subset_cc(Rest_of_part, Whole).

%%  intersection(S1, S2, Ans) iff Ans is the intersection of S1 and S2.
%%  NG if arg1;2 is var.

intersection(S1, S2, Ans) :-
   remove_dupl(S1, Better_S1),
   (var(Ans) -> intersection_1(Better_S1, S2, Ans);
                intersection_2(Better_S1, S2, Ans)

intersection_1([], S2, []).
intersection_1([E | R1], S2, Ans) :-
   member(E, S2) -> (Ans = [E | RA],
                     intersection_1(R1, S2, RA)
                     intersection_1(R1, S2, Ans).

intersection_2(S1, S2, Ans) :-
   intersection_1(S1, S2, X),
   set_equal(X, Ans).

%%  union(S1, S2, Ans) iff Ans is the union of S1 and S2.
%%  NG if arg1;2 is var.

union(S1, S2, Ans) :-
   var(Ans) -> union_1(S1, S2, Ans);
               union_2(S1, S2, Ans).

union_1(S1, S2, Ans)  :- append(S1, S2, X),
                         remove_dupl(X, Ans).

union_2(S1, S2, Ans) :- union_1(S1, S2, X),
                        set_equal(X, Ans).

%%  set_diff(S1, S2, Ans) iff Ans is the set difference S1 - S2.
%%  NG if arg1;2 is var.

set_diff(S1, S2, Ans) :-
   remove_dupl(S1, Better_S1),
   (var(Ans) -> set_diff_1(Better_S1, S2, Ans);
                set_diff_2(Better_S1, S2, Ans)

set_diff_1(S1, S2, Ans) :- delete_all(S2, S1, Ans).

set_diff_2(S1, S2, Ans) :- set_diff_1(S1, S2, X),
                           set_equal(X, Ans).

%%  set_equal(A,B) iff A and B contain the same elements (set equality).

set_equal(A, B) :-
  nonvar(A), nonvar(B), set_equal_cc(A, B);
     var(A),    var(B), A = B;
     var(A), nonvar(B), remove_dupl(B, A);
  nonvar(A),    var(B), remove_dupl(A, B).

set_equal_cc(A, B) :- subset(A,B), subset(B,A).

%%   disjoint(A,B) iff A and B have no common element.
%%   NG if arg1;2 is var.

disjoint(A,B) :- not(joint(A,B)).

%%   joint(A,B) iff A and B have at least one common element.
%%   NG if arg1;2 is var.

joint(A,B) :- member(E,A), member(E,B).

%%  set_plus(S1, S2, Both) iff S1 and S2 are disjoint, and their
%%  union equals Both.  NG if Both and (S1 or S2) are var.

set_plus(S1, S2, Both) :-
  nonvar(S1) -> (nonvar(S2) -> set_plus_ccx(S1, S2, Both);
                               set_plus_vxc(S2, S1, Both)
                set_plus_vxc(S1, S2, Both).

set_plus_ccx(S1, S2, Both) :- disjoint(S1, S2), union(S1, S2, Both).

set_plus_vxc(S1, S2, Both) :-
  subset(S2, Both),
  set_diff(Both, S2, S1).

%%  powerset(Set, Power) iff Power is the power set of Set, ie, a list
%%  of all subsets of Set.  NG if arg1 is var.

powerset(Set, Power) :-
  remove_dupl(Set, Shrunk_set),
  powerset_xx(Shrunk_set, Power).

powerset_xx([], [[]]).
powerset_xx([Elem | Rest], Power) :-
  powerset_xx(Rest, Sub_Power),
  double_list(Elem, Sub_Power, Power).

double_list(New_elem, [Single], [Single, [New_elem | Single]]) :- !.
double_list(New_elem, [Elem | Rest], [Elem, [New_elem | Elem] | List]) :-
  double_list(New_elem, Rest, List).

%%  Here's an alternative version of powerset, perhaps a bit less
%%  efficient, but easier to understand.  It is deliberately
%%  commented out, so as not to conflict with the above.
%%  NG if arg1 is var.
%%  powerset(Set, Power) :- setof(Sub, subset(Sub, Set), Power).

%%  partition(S1, S2) iff S2 is a partition of S1, ie S2 is a set of
%%  non-null pairwise disjoint sets, whose union = S1.
%%  NG if both args are var.

partition(S1, S2) :-
  nonvar(S1), nonvar(S2),        partition_cc(S1,      S2);
     var(S1), nonvar(S2),        partition_vc(S1,      S2);
  nonvar(S1),    var(S2),
       remove_dupl(S1, Slim_S1), partition_cv(Slim_S1, S2).

partition_vc(S1, S2) :-
  not(member([], S2)),      %  partition members must be non-null
  append_n(S2, S1),         %  take all elements of all members
  no_dupls(S1).             %  ensure pairwise disjoint

partition_cc(S1, S2) :-
  partition_vc(Test, S2),
  set_equal(Test, S1).

partition_cv([Elem], [[Elem]]).
partition_cv([Elem | Rest], S2) :-
  partition_cv(Rest, Sub_S2),      %  take a partition of set minus elem
  ( S2 = [[Elem] | Sub_S2];        %  either add a new singleton member
                                   %  containing elem
    (insert(Sub_S2_Elem, Sub_S2_Less_1, Sub_S2),
                                   %  or take one of the old members
     S2 = [[Elem | Sub_S2_Elem] | Sub_S2_Less_1]
    )                              %  and add elem to it

%%  closure2(List1, Pred2, List2) iff List2 is the closure of List1
%%  according to the binary predicate Pred2, for which the first
%%  operand is the "old" element and the second is the "new" or
%%  generated element.  NG if arg1 or arg2 is var.

closure2(List1, Pred2, List2) :-
  sort(List1, Sorted_list1),
  (setof(Arg2, Arg1^Test^(member(Arg1, Sorted_list1),
                          Test =.. [Pred2, Arg1, Arg2],
     (append(Sorted_list1, New_list, Combined_list),
      sort(Combined_list, Sorted_combined_list),
      (Sorted_combined_list = Sorted_list1
           -> List2 = Sorted_combined_list;
              closure2(Sorted_combined_list, Pred2, List2)
     List2 = Sorted_list1

%%  closure3(List1, Pred3, List2) iff List2 is the closure of List1
%%  according to the ternary predicate Pred3, for which the first 2
%%  operands are the "old" elements and the third is the "new" or
%%  generated element.  NG if arg1 or arg2 is var.

closure3(List1, Pred3, List2) :-
  sort(List1, Sorted_list1),
  (setof(Arg3, Arg1^Arg2^Test^(member(Arg1, Sorted_list1),
                               member(Arg2, Sorted_list1),
                               Test =.. [Pred3, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3],
       (append(Sorted_list1, New_list, Combined_list),
        sort(Combined_list, Sorted_combined_list),
        (Sorted_combined_list = Sorted_list1
             -> List2 = Sorted_combined_list;
                closure3(Sorted_combined_list, Pred3, List2)
       List2 = Sorted_list1

%%  **************** Numeric ****************

%%  numvar(X, Limit) iff X and Limit are non-negative integers,
%%  with X =< Limit.  In generative mode, solutions are produced
%%  from zero to higher values.  Either, both, or neither argument
%%  may be instantiated.  NG if arg1 is fraction and arg2 var.

numvar(X,Limit) :- var(Limit),    natural(Limit), numvar(X, Limit).
numvar(X,Limit) :- nonvar(Limit), natural(X), ((X>Limit, !, fail); true).

%%  natural(X) iff X is a non-negative integer.

natural(X) :- nonvar(X), integer(X), X>=0;
              var(X), gen_integer(X, 0).

%%  gen_integer(X,Seed) generates integers, incrementing from Seed.
%%  NG if arg1 is nonvar or arg2 is var.

gen_integer(X, Seed) :-
  gen_integer_vc(X, Seed).

gen_integer_vc(X, Seed) :-
  X is Seed;
  (New_seed is Seed+1,
   gen_integer_vc(X, New_seed)).

%%  random(Max, N) instantiates N to a random integer between
%%  1 and Max.  NG if arg1 is var.


random(R,N) :-
        N is (S mod R) +1,
        NewSeed is (125*S+1) mod 4096,

%%  rationalize(Exprs, R_Exprs) iff Exprs is a numeric expression,
%%  and R_Exprs is a mostly evaluated form of the expression.
%%  Rational numbers are preserved and reduced to lowest terms,
%%  or integers if possible.  If no floating-point numbers are in
%%  the expression, the results are exact, except for raising to a
%%  fractional power.  NG if Exprs is not a fully instantiated
%%  numeric expression.  Routines for handling exponentiation
%%  override some C-Prolog defaults.  X^0 always equals 1, even for
%%  0^0.  A negative base is allowed with an integer power, so
%%  (-2)^4 = 16, and (-2)^5 = -32.  Negative powers are handled
%%  correctly, eg, 2^(-3) = 1/8, (-2)^(-3) = -1/8, (2/3)^(-3) =
%%  27/8. A negative base to a fractional power fails, as does zero
%%  to a negative power.

rationalize(Exprs, Exprs) :- number(Exprs), !.

%%  handle plus and minus unary ops

rationalize(-(Exprs), R_Exprs) :- rationalize(Exprs*(-1), R_Exprs).

rationalize(+(Exprs), R_Exprs) :- rationalize(Exprs, R_Exprs).

%%  all other unary ops to be handled by regular evaluation.

rationalize(Exprs, R_Exprs) :-
  Exprs =.. [Un_op, Opnd1],
  Un_op \== '+',
  Un_op \== '-',
  rationalize(Opnd1, R_Opnd1),
  Eval =.. [Un_op, R_Opnd1],
  R_Exprs is Eval.

%%  handle binary ops

rationalize(Exprs, R_Exprs) :-
  Exprs =.. [Bin_op, Opnd1, Opnd2],
  rationalize(Opnd1, R_Opnd1),
  rationalize(Opnd2, R_Opnd2),
  (plain_eval(Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2)
        -> (Eval =.. [Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2], R_Exprs is Eval, !);
           (rationalize_1(Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2, R_Exprs), !)

%%  plain_eval is true if the expression can be evaluated directly,
%%  either because: 1) the result will be exact (eg integer subtraction),
%%  or 2) the result is (probably) not rational anyway (eg, when
%%  a floating-point number is an operand, or raising to a fractional
%%  power).

plain_eval(Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2) :-
  not(member(Bin_op, [+,-,*,/,^])).

plain_eval(Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2) :-
  Bin_op \== '^',
  (float(R_Opnd1); float(R_Opnd2)).

plain_eval(Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2) :-
  integer(R_Opnd1), integer(R_Opnd2),
  member(Bin_op, [+,-,*]).

plain_eval(^, Base, Power) :-
  Base > 0,
   Power =:= 0;
   (number(Base), Power > 0)

rationalize_1(^, 0, Power, _) :-
  Power < 0,
  nl, print('Error: raising zero to negative power.'), nl,
  !, fail.

rationalize_1(^, 0, Power, 0) :-
  Power > 0.

rationalize_1(^, _, 0, 1).

rationalize_1(^, Base, Power, R_Exprs) :-
  Base < 0,
  nl, print('Error: raising negative to fractional power.'), nl,
  !, fail.

rationalize_1(^, Base, Power, R_Exprs) :-
  Base < 0,
  Mag is (-Base) ^ Power, !,
  (Power mod 2 =:= 0 -> R_Exprs is  Mag;
                        R_Exprs is -Mag).

rationalize_1(Bin_op, R_Opnd1, R_Opnd2, R_Exprs) :-
  (integer(R_Opnd1) -> (Num1 = R_Opnd1, Den1 = 1);
                        Num1/Den1 = R_Opnd1),
  (integer(R_Opnd2) -> (Num2 = R_Opnd2, Den2 = 1);
                        Num2/Den2 = R_Opnd2),
  rationalize_2(Bin_op, Num1, Den1, Num2, Den2, Num, Den),
  (Den =:= 0 -> (nl, print('Error: divide by zero'), nl,
                 !, fail
                reduced(Num/Den, R_Exprs)

rationalize_2(+, Num1, Den1, Num2, Den2, Num, Den) :-
  Num is Num1*Den2 + Num2*Den1,
  Den is Den1*Den2.

rationalize_2(-, Num1, Den1, Num2, Den2, Num, Den) :-
  Num is Num1*Den2 - Num2*Den1,
  Den is Den1*Den2.

rationalize_2(*, Num1, Den1, Num2, Den2, Num, Den) :-
  Num is Num1*Num2,
  Den is Den1*Den2.

rationalize_2(/, Num1, Den1, Num2, Den2, Num, Den) :-
  Num is Num1*Den2,
  Den is Den1*Num2.

rationalize_2(^, Num1, 1, Num2, 1, Num, Den) :-
  abs(Num1, Base),
  abs(Num2, Power),
  Mag is Base^Power,
  ((Num1 >= 0; Power mod 2 =:= 0) -> Sign = 1; Sign = -1),
  (Num2 < 0 -> (Num = Sign,      Den = Mag);
               (Num is Sign*Mag, Den = 1)).

rationalize_2(^, Num1, Den1, Num2, 1, Num, Den) :-
  rationalize_2(^, Num1, 1, Num2, 1, NumNum, NumDen),
  rationalize_2(^, Den1, 1, Num2, 1, DenNum, DenDen),
  Num is NumNum*DenDen,
  Den is NumDen*DenNum,

%%   reduced(Exprs, R_Exprs) iff R_Exprs is Exprs reduced to
%%   lowest terms.  R_Exprs is an integer if the denominator
%%   would be 1.  NG if arg1 is var.

reduced(Exprs,Exprs) :- integer(Exprs), !.
reduced(Num/Den, Ans) :-
  Num mod Den =:= 0,
  Ans is Num/Den, !.
reduced(Num_In/Den_In, Num_Out/Den_Out) :-
  gcd(Num_In, Den_In, GCD),
  Num_Temp is Num_In/GCD,
  Den_Temp is Den_In/GCD,
  (Den_Temp < 0 -> (Num_Out is -Num_Temp, Den_Out is -Den_Temp);
                   (Num_Out is  Num_Temp, Den_Out is  Den_Temp)

%%  gcd(X, Y, Ans) iff Ans is the greatest common divisor of the
%%  integers X and Y.  NG if arg1 or arg2 is var.

gcd(X, 0, X) :- !.
gcd(0, X, X) :- !.
gcd(X, Y, Ans) :-
  L is Y mod X,
  gcd(L, X, Ans), !.

%%  abs(X, Y) iff Y is the absolute value of X.  Ng if arg1 is var.

abs(X,Y) :-
  X < 0 -> Y is -X; Y is X.

%%  ***************** Control ****************

%%  loop(Pred) repeatedly invokes Pred until it fails.  Loop always
%%  fails and so is executed only for side-effects.  If Pred has
%%  several clauses, enclose in parens.  A typical use might be:
%%     loop((pred(X,Y), write(X), write('  '), write(Y), nl)).
%%  to write out all solutions.

loop(Pred) :-
  (Pred; (!, fail)),     %   Pred succeeds, or kill loop
  fail.                  %   Force repetition.

%%  invoke(Pred_list) creates a predication from Pred_list and
%%  invokes it.  Pred_list must be instantiated.  The reason for
%%  the 2nd arg is that otherwise invoke will quit after first
%%  success with all nonvars.  Even if all args are nonvar,
%%  users may wish to re-invoke by re-instantiating Pred_list.

invoke(Pred_list, Pred_call) :- Pred_call=..Pred_list, Pred_call.

%%  ************* Extended Logic **************

%%  counter_eg(If, Then) iff there exists some instantiation of If
%%  and Then such that If is true and Then is false.  If and Then
%%  must be predicates.  Their arg-lists may contain vars, but the
%%  predicates themselves must be specified.  Eg:
%%  counter_eg((gender(X,male), gender(Y,female)), taller(X,Y)).
%%  may be understood as "Are there any counter-examples to the rule
%%  that if X is male and Y is female, then X is taller than Y?"

counter_eg(If, Then) :- If, not(Then).

%%  implies(If, Then) iff If and Then form a true implication for
%%  this DB, ie there are no counter-examples.

implies(If, Then) :- not(counter_eg(If, Then)).

%%  The following stuff is meant to provide some capability for expressing
%%  disjunction and negation.  The three predicates visible at the user
%%  level are:
%%    or(L) - to ask if this is a true disjunction; defined herein, but
%%            invoked by the user.
%%    ground_or(L) - to tell the system that this is a true disjunction,
%%            ie, at least one disjunct is true.  Defined by the user
%%            as part of the DB.
%%    false(P) - says that P is definitely false (not just not provable,
%%            a la "not" in normal Prolog).  Defined by the user as part
%%            of the DB.
%%    start_or. - the user has to invoke this to fire up the system,
%%            before he starts asking things.
%%  eg, if the user, in the DB, says:
%%    ground_or([e,f,g,h,i]).
%%    false(f).
%%    false(g).
%%    ground_or([a,b,c]) :- d.
%%    d.
%%    false(b).
%%    false(a) :- w; d.
%%  and then invokes start_or, the system will be able to conclude
%%  that the following succeed:
%%    c.                    (because (a or b or c) is true and a and b are
%%                           both false)
%%    or([x1,d,x2]).        (because d is a true disjunct)
%%    or([f,g,t,h,r,e,i]).  (because it contains a true disjunct: [e,f,g,h,i]).
%%    or([e,h,i])           (because its residue from [e,f,g,h,i] is [f,g] all
%%                           of which are false.)
%%  It's probably not wise for "ground_or" itself to depend on "or".

%%  or(L) iff L is a list of disjuncts, at least one of which is true.
%%  NG if L is var.

or(L) :- nonvar(L), L = [_|_], (or_1(L); or_2(L); or_3(L)).

%%  or_1 tries to find a true individual disjunct.
%%  or_2 tries to find a subset of L already known to be true.
%%  or_3 tries to find a superset of L already known to be true,
%%       and then show the rest are false.

or_1([E | R]) :- E; or_1(R).
or_2(L1)      :- ground_or(L2), subset(L2, L1).
or_3(L)       :- ground_or(Ground_list),
                 set_plus(L, Residue, Ground_list),

%%  false_list(L) iff all members of L are provably false.

false_list([E1 | Rest]) :- false(E1), false_list(Rest).

%%  start_or always fails, but in the meantime, it builds clauses
%%  for each disjunct of the ground_or's.

start_or :-
  clause(ground_or(Disjuncts), Antecedents),
  set_plus([One_disjunct], Rest, Disjuncts),
  assertz((One_disjunct :- Antecedents, false_list(Rest))),

%%  Some meta-logical facilities coming up.

%%  kb_object(Type, Head, Tail) iff there is a clause "Head :- Tail."
%%  in the current program.  If the Tail=true, and the Head is
%%  composed of all constants, Type = fact, otherwise Type = rule.

kb_object(Type, Head, Tail) :-
  current_predicate(_, Head),
  clause(Head, Tail),
  ((Tail = true, constant_term(Head)) -> Type = fact;
                                         Type = rule).

%%  assert1(Term) iff there is exactly one matching instance of Term
%%  asserted in the DB.  Term should be at least partially instantiated.

assert1(Term) :-
  (retract(Term) -> fail;

%%  ed allows for some very primitive run-time program modification.
%%  The user can enter terms, facts or rules, without the "extra"
%%  parentheses needed by assert, and ed then asserts and writes out
%%  the term for later editing into the permanent program.

ed :-
   nl, print('Enter fact or rule ([] to quit).'), nl,
   (T = [] -> true; (ed_1(T), !, ed)).

ed_1(T) :-
  nl, writeq(T), put(46), nl,

%%   End of Prolog Utilities


End of PROLOG Digest

csrdi@its63b.ed.ac.uk (ECTU68 R Innis CS) (12/03/86)


Acknowledgement: Paul Brna, who explained this notation to me....

In PROLOG Digest V4 #80 John Cugini <cugini@nbs-vms.arpa> writes:
>%%  Many of these predicates expect certain of their arguments to be
>%%  instantiated upon invocation.  When such restrictions apply it is
>%%  usually the leading arguments which are thought of as input (and
>%%  hence instantiated), and the trailing arguments as output (and hence
>%%  allowed to be uninstantiated).

A standard way (at least, in Edinburgh) of denoting the status of arguments to 
a Prolog predicate is to include a comment line before the body of the clause,
in which arguments expected to be instantiated are prefixed by '+', 
uninstantiated arguments by a '-', and arguments where it doesn't matter (or 
where either can be used) by '?'. For example,

%% Append(+L1, +L2, -L3)

indicates the status of the arguments to the usual use of the standard 'append'
clause. To illustrate further uses, further comments could be added, viz:

%% Append(+L1, -L2, +L3) is the calling pattern for finding if L1 is a member 
%% of L3. (?L2 would also be acceptable).

In use, I've found that this notation makes Prolog code much easier to read
and understand, which given some of what is possible in Prolog is a very
desirable attribute. What say anyone else?

	--Rick Innis.

dowding@bigburd.UUCP (John Dowding) (12/07/86)

In article <157@its63b.ed.ac.uk> csrdi@itspna.uucp (Rick Innis, CS3) writes:
>In PROLOG Digest V4 #80 John Cugini <cugini@nbs-vms.arpa> writes:
>>%%  Many of these predicates expect certain of their arguments to be
>>%%  instantiated upon invocation.  When such restrictions apply it is
>>%%  usually the leading arguments which are thought of as input (and
>>%%  hence instantiated), and the trailing arguments as output (and hence
>>%%  allowed to be uninstantiated).
>A standard way (at least, in Edinburgh) of  denoting the  status of arguments
>to a Prolog predicate is to  include a  comment line  before the  body of the
>clause, in which arguments expected to be  instantiated are  prefixed by '+',
>uninstantiated arguments by a '-', and arguments where it  doesn't matter (or
>where either can be used) by '?'.  For example, 
>%% Append(+L1, +L2, -L3)
>indicates  the  status  of  the arguments  to the  usual use  of the standard
>'append'  clause.    To  illustrate further  uses, further  comments could be
>added, viz:  
>%% Append(+L1, -L2, +L3) is the calling pattern for finding if L1 is a member
>%% of L3.  (?L2 would also be acceptable).  
>In use, I've found that this notation makes Prolog code much easier to read
>and understand, which given some of what is possible in Prolog is a very
>desirable attribute. What say anyone else?
>	--Rick Innis.

I have found this notation a little bit misleading because it is unclear
whether, for instance, when '+' is used, if the programmer intended the
argument to be fully instantiated (i.e. ground), or simply non-variable.
Also, it doesnt allow certain kinds of important distinctions to be made.
For instance, a predicate might have a modeing foo(?,?) because the
programmer intends it to be used with either the first or second
argument instantiated, however, may not intend that it be called with
both arguments uninstantiated.  To express this, the programmer would have to
write something like:  foo(+,-) | foo(-,+) | foo(+,+).
To me this seems kind of awkward.

I dont have a better notation in mind.  Any suggestions?

John Dowding

UUCP:  {psuvax1 | bpa | sdcrdcf } !burdvax!bigburd!dowding
ARPA:  dowding@cis.upenn.edu