(Andy Cheese) (12/08/86)
GABB84a * Gabbay D.M. & Reyle U. N-Prolog : An Extension of Prolog with Hypothetical Implications. I. Journal of Logic Programming, Vol 1, No 4, pp 319-355 Decmeber 1984 GABB?? * Gabbay D.M. Intuitionistic Basis For Non-Monotonic Logic Project Rohrer University of Stuttgart & Bar-llan University GABB85a * Gabbay D.M. Towards a Better Logic Programming Language (Theoretical Discussion of Subprojects) Draft Department of Computing, Imperial College March 1985 GABB85b * Gabbay D.M. Temporal Logic and Computer Science Draft Department of Computing, Imperial College to be published in D. Reidel, Synthese-Library May 1985 GALI86a * Gallimore R. & Coleman D. Rigorous Program Development Using OBJ RMG/SIGFM/0 Presented at The Alvey SIG FM One Day Colloquium on The Specification Language OBJ And Applications, Imperial College Friday, 18th April, 1986 GALLA82a * Gallaire H. & Lasserre C. Metalevel Control for Logic Programs in Logic Programming, Academic Press, pp 173-185 (eds Clark K.L. & Tarnlund S.-A.), APIC Studies in Data Processing No 16 PS/84 1982 GALLI84a * Gallier J.H. & Raatz S. Graph-Based Logic Programming Interpreters Dept of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, MS-C15-84-61 November 1984 GANZ83a * Ganzinger H. Parameterized Specifications : Parameter Passing and Implementation with Respect to Observability ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol 5, No 3 pp 318-354 July 1983 GANZ85a * Ganzinger H. & Hanus M. Modular Logic Programming of Compilers 1985 IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, July 15-18, 1985 Boston, Massachusetts pp 242-253 1985 GEHL86a * Gehlot V. & Srikant Y.N. An Interpreter for Slips - An Applicative Language Based on Lambda Calculus Computer Languages, Vol 11, No 1, pp 1-13 Pergamon Press Ltd 1986 GELE84a * Gelernter D. A Note on Systems Programming in Concurrent Prolog Proceedings 1984 IEEE International Logic Programming Conference pp 76-82 1984 GERR86a * Gerrard C.P. Experience With OBJ In The Specification Of A Configuration Management System Presented at The Alvey SIG FM One Day Colloquium on The Specification Language OBJ And Applications, Imperial College Friday, 18th April, 1986 GERR86b * Gerrard C.P. Experience With OBJ In The Design Of A Configuration Management System Presented at The Alvey SIG FM One Day Colloquium on The Specification Language OBJ And Applications, Imperial College Friday, 18th April, 1986 GIAN84a * Giannesini F. & Cohen J. Parser Generation And Grammar Manipulation Using Prolog's Infinite Trees Journal of Logic Programming, Vol 1, No 3, pp 253-266 October 1984 GIER80a Gierz G. & Hofmann K.H. & Keimel K. & Lawson J.D. & Mislove M. & Scott D.S. A Compendium of Continuous Lattices Springer Verlag 1980 GILB86a * Gilbert N.G. & Alexander I. Alvey IKBS Expert Systems Theme 'Explanation' Report of a Workshop 20-21 March 1986, University of Surrey IKBS/MS 5/86 3.2, distributed with Alvey IKBS Mailshot, May 1986 April 1986 GILO85a * Giloi W. & Beer J. The German Parallel Prolog Machine Development Project IFIP TC-10 Working Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Architecture UMIST, Manchester July 15-18 1985 GLAS84a * Glaser H. & Hankin C. & Till D. Principles of Functional Programming Prentice Hall International, 1984 GLAS85a * Glasgow J.I. & Jenkins M.A. & McCrosky C.D. User Defined Parallel Control Strategies in Nial 1985 IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, Boston, Massachusetts pp 22-28 July 15-18 1985 GLAU78a Glauert J.R.W. A Single-Assignment Language for Data Flow Computing MSc Dissertation, Dept of Comp Sci, Univ. of Manchester, January 1978 GLAU85a * Glauert J.R.W. & Holt N.P. & Kennaway J.R. & Sleep M.R. An Active Term Rewrite Model for Parallel Computation Document, Alvey DACTL group, March 1985 GLAU85b * Glauert J.R.W. & Holt N.P. & Kennaway J.R. & Sleep M.R. DACTL Report 3/5 Document, Alvey DACTL group, March 1985 GLAU85c * Glauert J.R.W. & Holt N.P. & Kennaway J.R. & Reeve M.J. & Sleep M.R. & Watson I. DACTL0: A Computational Model and an Associated Compiler Target Language University of East Anglia May 1985 GOEB85a Goebel R. The Design and Implementation of DLOG, a Prolog-Based Knowledge Representation System New Generation Computing, Vol 3, No 4, pp 385-401 1985 GOEB86a * Goebel R. A Logic Data Model For The Machine Representation Of Knowledge Technical Report CS-86-07 Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo June 1985 GOGU67a Goguen J.A. L-Fuzzy Sets Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 18 no 1, pp 145-174 1967 GOGU68a Goguen J.A. Categories of Fuzzy Sets Phd Dissertation Dept. of mathematics, Univ. of california, berkeley 1968 GOGU68b Goguen J.A. The Logic of Inexact Concepts Synthese, Vol 19, pp 325-373 1968-69 GOGU69a Goguen J.A. Categories of V-Sets Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol 75, no 3, pp 622-624 1969 GOGU71a Mathematical Representation of Hierarchically organised Systems in "Global Systems Dynamics" (ed. Attinger E. & Karger S.) Basel, Switzerland pp 112-128 1971 GOGU72a Goguen J.A. Systems and Minimal Realisation Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, Florida pp 42-46 1972 GOGU72b Goguen J.A. Minimal Realisation of Machines in Closed Categories Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Vol 78, no 5, pp 777-783 1972 GOGU72c Goguen J.A. Hierarchical Inexact Data structures in Artificial Intelligence Problems Proc. 5th Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences Honolulu, Hawaii, pp 345-347 1972 GOGU72d Goguen J.A. & Yacobellis R.H. The Myhill Functor, Input-Reduced Machines, and Generalised Krohn-Rhodes Theory Proc. 5th Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems Princeton, New Jersey pp 574-578 1972 GOGU72e Goguen J.A. On Homomorphisms, Simulation, Correctness and Subroutines for programs and Program schemes Proc. 13th IEEE Symp. on Switching and Automata Theory College Park, Maryland pp 52-60 1972 GOGU73a Goguen J.A. Realisation is Universal mathematical System Theory Vol 6, no 4, pp 359-374 1973 GOGU73b Goguen J.A. System theory concepts in Computer Science Proc. 6th Hawaii Int. Conf. on Systems Sciences Honolulu, Hawaii, pp 77-80 1973 GOGU73c Goguen J.A. The Fuzzy Tychonoff Theorem Journal of mathematical Analysis and applications vol 43, pp 734-742 1973 GOGU73d Goguen J.A. Categorical Foundations for general Systems Theory in "Advances in Cybernetics and Systems research" (ed. Pichler F. & Trappl R.) Transcripta Books, London pp 121-130 1973 GOGU74a Goguen J.A. Semantics of Computation Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control (1974 American Association for the Advancement of Science, San francisco) Univ. of massachusetts at Amherst, 1974, pp 234-249 also published in LNCS vol 25, pp 151-163, springer-verlag 1975 GOGU74b Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. Initial Algebra Semantics proc. 15th IEEE Symp. on Switching and Automata pp 63-77 1974 GOGU74c Goguen J.A. Concept Representation in Natural and Artificial languages: Axioms, extensions and Applications for Fuzzy sets" Int. Journal of man-Machine Studies vol 6, pp 513-561 1974 reprinted in "Fuzzy Reasoning and its Applications" (ed. Mamdani E.H. & Gaines B.R.) pp 67-115 Academic Press 1981 GOGU74d Goguen J.A. On Homomorphisms, Correctness, termination, Unfoldments and Equivalence of Flow Diagram Programs" Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol 8, no 3, pp 333-365 1974 GOGU74e Goguen J.A. Some Comments on Applying Mathematical System Theory in "Systems Approaches and Environmental Problems" (ed. Gottinger H.W. & Vandenhoeck & Rupert) pp 47-67 (Gottingen, Germany) 1974 GOGU75a Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.G. & Wright J.B. Factorisation, Congruences, and the Decomposition of Automata and Systems in "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science" LNCS Vol 28, pp 33-45, Springer-Verlag 1975 GOGU75b Goguen J.A. Objects International Journal of general systems, vol 1, no 4, pp 237-243 1975 GOGU75c Goguen J.A. Discrete-Time Machines in Closed Monoidal Categories, I, Journal of Computer and System sciences, Vol 10, No 1, February, pp 1-43 1975 GOGU75c Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.G. & Wright J.B. Abstract Data types as Initial algebras and the Correctness of Data Representations Proc. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Pattern recognition, and Data Structure (Beverly Hills, California), pp 89-93 1975 GOGU75d Goguen J.A. & Carlson L. Axioms for Discrimination Information IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Sept '75 pp 572-574 1975 GOGU75e Goguen J.A. On Fuzzy Robot Planning in "Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes (ed. Zadeh L.A. & Fu K.S. & Tanaka K. & Shimura M.) pp 429-448 Academic Press 1975 GOGU75f Goguen J.A. Robust Programming Languages and the Principle of Maximum Meaningfulness Proc. Milwaukee Symp. on Automatic Computation and Control (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) pp 87-90 1975 GOGU75g Goguen J.A. Complexity of Hierarchically Organised Systems and the Structure of Musical Experiences Int. Journal of General Systems, vol 3, no 4, 1975, pp 237-251 originally in UCLA Comp. Sci. Dept. Quarterly, October 1975, pp 51-88 1975 GOGU76a Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.G. & Wright J.B. Some Fundamentals of Order-Algebraic Semantics Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sciences (Gdansk, Poland, 1976) LNCS vol 46, 1976, pp153-168, Springer-Verlag 1976 GOGU76b Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.W. & Wright J.B. Parallel Realisation of Systems, Using Factorisations and Quotients in Categories Journal of Franklin Institute, vol 301, no6, June '76, pp 547-558 1976 GOGU76c Goguen J.A. Correctness and Equivalence of Data Types Proc Symp. on Mathematical Systems Theory (Udine, Italy) Springer Verlag Lecture Notes (ed. Marchesini G.) pp 352-358 1976 GOGU76d Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.G. & Wright J.B. Rational Algebraic Theories and Fixed-point Solutions Proc. IEEE 17th Symp on Foundations of Computer Science (Houston, Texas), 1976, pp 147-158 1976 GOGU77a Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.G. & Wright J.B. Initial Algebra Semantics and Continuous Algebras JACM, vol 24, no 1, January 1977, pp 68-95 1977 GOGU77b Goguen J.A. Abstract Errors for Abstract Data Types in "Formal Descriptions of Programming Concepts" (ed. E.Neuhold) North-Holland, 1978, pp 491-522 also in Proc. IFIP Working Conf. on Formal Description of Programming Concepts (ed. Dennis J.) MIT Press, 1977, pp 21.1-21.32 1977 GOGU77c * Goguen J.A. & Burstall R.M. Putting Theories Together to Make Specifications Proc. 5th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts), 1977, pp 1045-1058 1977 GOGU77d Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Correctness of Recursive Flow Diagram Programs Proc. Conf. on Mathematical Foundations of Comp. Sci. (Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia) pp 580-595 1977 GOGU77e Goguen J.A. Algebraic Specification Techniques UCLA Comp. Sci. Dept. Quarterly Vol 5, no 4 pp 53-58 1977 GOGU78a Goguen J.A. & Varela F. The Arithmetic of Closure Journal of Cybernetics, Vol 8, 1978 also in "Progress in Cybernetics and Systems research, vol 3" (ed. Trappl R. & Klir G.J. & Ricciardi L.) Hemisphere Pub Co. (Washington D.C.) 1978 GOGU78b Goguen J.A. & Ginali S. A Categorical Approach to General Systems in "Applied General Systems research" (ed. Klir G.) Plenum Press pp 257-270 1978 GOGU78c Goguen J.A. & Thatcher J.W. & Wagner E.G. An Initial Algebra Approach to the Specification, Correctness and Implementation of Abstract data Types in "Current Trends in Programming, vol 4, Data Structuring" pp 80-149 (ed. Yeh R.) Prentice Hall 1978 GOGU78d Goguen J.A. Some Design Principles and Theory for OBJ-0, a Language for Expressing and Executing Algebraic Specifications of Programs Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematical Studies of Information Processing (Kyoto, Japan) pp 429-475 1978 GOGU78e Goguen J.A. & Linde C. Structure of Planning Discourse Journal of Social and Biological Structures, Vol 1 pp 219-251 1978 GOGU79a Goguen J.A. & Shaket E. Fuzzy Sets at UCLA Kybernetes, vol 8 pp 65-66 1979 GOGU79b Goguen J.A. & Varela F. Systems and Distinctions; Duality and Complementarity International Journal of General Systems, vol 5 pp 31-43 1979 GOGU79c Goguen J.A. & Tardo J.J. An Introduction to OBJ: A Language for writing and Testing formal algebraic specifications Reliable Software Conf. Proc. (ed. Yeh R.) (Cambridge, Massachusetts) pp 170-189 Prentice Hall 1979 GOGU79d Goguen J.A. Algebraic Specification in "Research Directions in Software Technology" (ed. Wegner P.) pp 370-376 MIT Press 1979 GOGU79e Goguen J.A. Some Ideas in Algebraic Semantics Proc. 3rd IBM Symp on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Kobe, Japan) 53 pages 1979 GOGU79f Goguen J.A. Fuzzy Sets and the Social Nature of Truth in "Advances in Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications" (eds. Gupta M.M. & Yager R.) pp 49-68 North-Holland Press 1979 GOGU79g Goguen J.A. & Tardo J. & Williamson N. & Zamfir M. A Practical Method for Testing Algebraic Specifications UCLA Computer Science Quarterly, Vol 7, no 1 pp 59-80 1979 GOGU80a Goguen J.A. Thoughts on Specification, Design and Verification Software Engineering Notes, Vol 5, no 3 pp 29-33 1980 GOGU80b How to Prove Algebraic Inductive Hypotheses Without Induction: with Applications to the Correctness of Data Type Implementation Proc. 5th Conf. on Automated Deduction, (Les Arcs, France) (eds. Bibel W. & Kowalski R.) LNCS, vol 87 pp 356-373 Springer Verlag 1980 GOGU80c Goguen J.A. & Burstall R.M. The Semantics of CLEAR, a Specification Language in "Abstract Software Specification" (eds Bjorner D.) (Proc. 1979 Copenhagen Winter School) LNCS, vol 86 pp294-332 1980 GOGU80d Goguen J.A. & Linde C. On the Independence of Discourse Structure and Semantic Domain Proc. 18th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Parasession on Topics in Interactive Discourse (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) pp 35-37 1980 GOGU81a Goguen J.A. & Parsaye-Ghomi K. Algebraic Denotational Semantics Using Parameterised Abstract Modules Proc. Int. Conf on Formalising Concepts (Peniscola, Spain) (ed. Diaz J. & Ramos I.) LNCS, vol 107 pp 292-309 Springer verlag 1981 GOGU81b Goguen J.A. & Burstall R.M. An Informal Introduction to CLEAR, a Specification Language in "The Correctness Problem in Computer Science" (eds. Boyer R. & Moore J.) pp 185-213 Academic Press 1981 GOGU81c Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Completeness of Many-Sorted Equational Logic SIGPLAN Notes, Vol 16, no 7, pp 24-32, 1981 also in SIGPLAN Notes, vol 17, no 1, pp 9-17, 1982 extended version as Tech Rep CSLI-84-15, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Standford Univ., September 1984 GOGU82a Goguen J.A. ORDINARY Specification of KWIC Index Generation Proc Workshop on Program Specification (ed. Staunstrup J.) LNCS, Vol 134 pp 114-117 Springer Verlag 1982 GOGU82b Goguen J.A. ORDINARY Specification of Some Constructions in Plane Geometry Proc Workshop on Program Specification (ed. Staunstrup J.) LNCS, Vol 134 pp 31-46 Springer verlag 1982 GOGU82c Goguen J.A. & Burstall R.M. Algebras, Theories and Freeness: An Introduction for Computer Scientists in "Theoretical Foundations of Programming Methodology" (eds. Broy M. & Schmidt G.) pp 329-348 D. Reidel 1982 GOGU82d Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Security Policies and Security Models Proc 1982 Berkeley Conf on Computer Security IEEE Computer Society Press pp 11-20 1982 GOGU82e Goguen J.A. Universal Realisation, Persistent Interconnection and Implementation of Abstract Modules Proc 9th Int Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (Aarhus, denmark) LNCS, Springer Verlag 1982 GOGU82f Goguen J.A. Rapid Prototyping in the OBJ Executable Specification Language Proc Rapid Prototyping Workshop (Columbia, Maryland) 1982 also in Software engineering Notes, ACM Special Interest Group on Software engineering, vol 7, no 5, pp 75-84, 1983 GOGU83a Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. & Plaisted D. Programming with Parameterised Abstract Objects in OBJ in "Theory and practise of Software technology" (eds. Ferrari D. & Bolognani M. & Goguen J.A.) pp 163-193 North-Holland 1983 GOGU83b Future Directions for Software Engineering in "Theory and Practise of Software Technology" (eds. Ferrari D. & Bolognani M. & Goguen J.A.) pp 243-244 North-Holland 1983 GOGU83c Goguen J.A. & Ferrari D. & Bologanani M. Theory and Practise of Software Technology North Holland 1983 GOGU83d * Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Correctness of Recursive Parallel Non-Deterministic Flow Programs Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol 27, no 2 pp 268-290 October 1983 GOGU83e Goguen J.A. Parameterised Programming IEEE TOSE, vol SE-10, no 5, september 1984, pp 528-543 preliminary version in Proc. Workshop on Reusability in Programming, ITT, pp 138-150 1983 GOGU83f Goguen J.A. & Linde & Weiner J. Reasoning and Natural explanation International Journal of man-Machine Studies, Vol 19 pp 521-559 1983 GOGU83g Goguen J.A. & Burstall R.M. Introducing Institutions Logics of programs (Carnegie-mellon Univ., Pittsburgh PA, June 1983) LNCS, vol 164, Springer Verlag pp 221-256, 1984 GOGU84a Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Unwinding and Inference Control 1984 Symp on Security and privacy, IEEE, pp 75-86 1984 GOGU84b Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Equality, types, Modules and generics for Logic Programming Tech Rep no. CSLI-84-5, Center for the Study of Logic and Information, Stanford University, March 1984 also in Proc. 2nd int. Logic Programming Conf., Upsala, Sweden, pp 115-125 1984 GOGU84c * Goguen J.A. & Bustall R.M. Some Fundamental Properties of Algebraic Theories: For the Semantics of Computation, Part 1: Comma Categories, Colimits, Signatures and Theories Theoretical Computer Science, vol 31, no 2, pp 175-209 1984 GOGU84d Goguen J.A. & Burstall R.M. Some Fundamental Algebraic Tools For The Semantics of Computation, Part 2: Signed and Abstract Theories Theoretical Computer Science, vol 31, no 3 pp 263-295 1984 GOGU84e * Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Equality, Types, Modules and (Why Not ?) Generics for Logic programming Journal of Logic programming, vol 1, no 2 pp 179-210 (Erratum in Journal of Logic Programming, Vol 1, No 4, pp 356, December 1984) August 1984 GOGU84f Goguen J.A. & Murphy M. & Randle R.J. & Tanner T.A. & Frankel R.M. & Linde C. A Full Mission Simulator study of Aircrew performance: The measurement of Crew Coordination and descisionmaking factors and their relationships to Flight task performance Proc. 20th Annual Conf on Manual control, vol II (eds. Hartzell E.J. & Hart S.) NASA Conference publication 2341, pp 249-262 1984 GOGU84g Goguen J.A. & Linde C. & Murphy M. Crew Communication as a factor in Aviation Accidents Proc 20th Annual Conf on Manual control, vol II (eds. Hartzell E.J. & Hart S.) NASA Conference Publication 2341, pp 217-248 1984 GOGU85a Goguen J.A. Meseguer J. EQLOG: Equality, Types and Generic Modules for Logic Programming In Functional and Logic Programming, Prentice Hall 1985 GOGU85b * Goguen J.A. & Jouannaud J-P & Meseguer J. Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra In Proceedings of ICALP 1985 1985 GOGU85c * Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Initiality, Induction and Computability to appear in "Algebraic Methods in Semantics" (ed. Nivat M. & Reynolds J. ) Cambridge U.P. chapter 14, pp 459-540 approx. 1985 GOGU85d * Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. Completeness of Many-Sorted Equational Logic to appear in Houston Journal of Mathematics 1985 GOGU85e * Goguen J.A. & Futatsugi K. & Jouannaud J.-P. & Meseguer J. Principles of OBJ2 Proc 1985 Symp on Principles of programming languages, ACM pp 52-66 1985 GOGU86a * Goguen J.A. Aspects of the Past Present and Future of OBJ Presented at The Alvey SIG FM One Day Colloquium on The Specification Language OBJ And Applications, Imperial College Friday, 18th April, 1986 GOGU86b * Goguen J.A. & Meseguer J. EQLOG : Equality, Types, and Generic Modules for Logic Programming in DEGR86a, pp 295-364 1986 GOGU86c * Goguen J. & Kirchner C. & Meseguer J. A Rewrite Rule Machine : Models of Computation for the Rewrite Rule Machine July 9, 1986 SRI Project ECU 1243 Final Report July 1986 GOGU86d * Goguen J. A Rewrite Rule Machine : Programming by Generic Example SRI Project ECU 1243 Final Report July 1986 GOGU86e * Goguen J.A. & Mesgeuer J. Extensions and Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming 1986 GOLD81a * Goldfarb W. The Undecidability Of The Second-Order Unification Problem Theoretical Computer Science, 13, pp 225-230 1981 GOLS82a Golshani F. Growing Certainty With Null Values Research Report 82/22 Department of Computing, Imperial College December 1982 GOOD83a Goodall A. Language Of Intelligence (PROLOG) Systems International p21-24 Jan 1983 GOOD85a Good D.I. Mechanical Proofs about Computer Programs in HOA85a 1985 GORD79a * Gordon M.J. & Milner R. & Wadsworth C.P. Edinburgh LCF Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol 78 Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1979 GORD85a * Gordon M. HOL : A Machine Oriented Formulation of Higher order Logic Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge Technical Report no 68 July 16 1985 GOST79a Gostelow K.P. & Thomas R.E. A View of Dataflow Proc. Nat. Comp. Conf., Vol 48, pp 629-636 1979 GOTO82a Goto A. & Moto-oka T. Basic Architecture of Highly Parallel Processing System for Inference Document Univ. of Tokyo, Dec 1982 GOTO84a * Goto A. & Tanaka H. & Moto-oka T. Highly Parallel Inference Engine PIE - Goal Rewriting Model and Machine Architecture New Generation Computing, Vol 2, No 1, pp 37-58 1984 GRAH84a * Graham P.C.J. Providing Architectural Support For Expert Systems ACM SIGARCH, 12, 5, pp 12-18 December 1984 GREE85a * Greene K.J. A Fully Lazy Higher Order Purely Functional Programming Language with Reduction Semantics CASE Center Technical Report No. 8503 CASE Center, Syracuse University, New York December 1985 GREG80a * Gregory S. Towards The Compilation Of Annotated Logic Programs Department of Computing, Imperial College, Research Report 80/16 June 1980 GREG83a Gregory S. Getting Started With PARLOG Dept of Computing, Imperial College October 1983 GREG84a * Gregory S. Implementing PARLOG On The Abstract Prolog Machine Research Report DOC 84/23 Department of Computing, Imperial College August 1984 GREG84b * Gregory S. How To Use PARLOG (C-Prolog Version) Dept of Computing, Imperial College October 1984 GREG84c Gregory S. How To Use PARLOG (micor-PROLOG Version) Dept of Computing, Imperial College August 1984 GREG85a * Gregory S. Design, Application and Implementation of a Parallel Programming Language PhD Thesis, Dept of Computing, Imperial College, Univ of London September 1985 GREG85b * Gregory S. Sequential Parlog Machine Specification (Draft) Department of Computing, Imperial College 24 Jan 85 Minor Revisions 16 Feb 85, 16 Mar 85 Major Revision 16 May 85 GRIE77a Gries D. An Exercise in Proving Parallel Programs Correct CACM, 20, no 12, pp 921-930 1977 GRIS71a Griswold R.E. & Poage J.F. & Polonsky J.P. The Snobol-4 Programming Language Prentice Hall 1971 GRIS84a * Griswold R.E. Expression Evaluation in the Icon Programming Language Proceedings of 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming Austin, Texas pp 177-183 1984 GRIT81a * Grit D.H. & Page R.L. Deleting Irrelevant Tasks in an Expression-Oriented Multiprocessor System ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol 3, No 1, pp 49-59 January 1981 GUES76a * Guessarian I. Semantic Equivalence of Program Schemes and its Syntactic Characterization Proceedings 3rd International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming pp 189-200 Edinburgh University Press, 1976 GULL85a * Gullichsen E. Heuristic Circuit Simulation Using Prolog Integration, the VLSI Journal, 3, pp 283-318 1985 GUNN84a * Gunn H.I.E. & Harland D.M. Polymorphic Programming II. An Orthogonal Tagged High Level Architecture Abstract Machine Software - Practise and Experience, Vol 14(11), pp 1021-1046 November 1984 GUNT?? * Gunter C.A. The Largest First-Order-Axiomatizable Cartesian Closed Category of Domains Computer Laboratory, Univ of Cambridge GURD78a * Gurd J. & Watson I. & Glauert J. A Multi-Layered Data Flow Computer Architecture Internal Report, Dept of Comp Sci, Univ of Manchester 1978 GURD85a * Gurd J. & Kirkham C.C. & Watson I. The Manchester Prototype Dataflow Computer CACM, vol 28, p 34-52, 1985 GUTT75a Guttag J.V. The Specification and Application to programming of Abstract Data Types PhD dissertation, Univ. of Toronto, Dept of Comp Sci 1975 GUTT77a Guttag J.V. Abstract Data Types and the Development of Data Structures CACM Vol 20, no 6, pp 396-404, June 1977 GUTT78a Guttag J.V. & Horowitz E. & Musser D.R. Abstract Data Types and Software Validation CACM Vol 21, pp 1048-1064, december also USC Information Sciences Institute Tech. Rep. Aug 76 1978 GUTT78b Guttag J.V. & Horning J.J. The Algebraic Specification of Abstract Data Types Acta Informatica, 10, 1, pp 27-52 1978 GUTT80a Guttag J.V. Notes on Type Abstraction (version 2) IEEE Trans. on Soft. Eng. Vol SE-6, no 1, pp 13-23, January 1980 GUTT82a Guttag J. Notes On Using Types and Type Abstraction In Functional Programming in DARL82a 1982 GUZM81a * Guzman A. A heterarchical Multi-Microprocessor Lisp Machine 1981 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management, Hot Springs, Virginia pp 309 - 317 November 11-13, 1981 -- Andy Cheese