[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V5 #4


PROLOG Digest            Monday, 26 Jan 1987        Volume 5 : Issue 4

Today's Topics:
       Queries -  "91 Function" & Suns & Performance Estimates,
          Seminar - Presenting Intuitive Deductions (UPenn)

Date: 23 Jan 87 16:05:57 GMT
From: Frank Parrish <hpcea!hpisla!parrish@hplabs.hp.com>
Subject: 91 function

I have been looking for information on the "91 function", a recursive
function which always returns a value of 91.  Does anyone know the
algorithm for this function or a reference where I may find it?

Thank you.


Date: 21 Jan 87 14:10:12 GMT
From: Thomas Rodden <mcvax!ukc!dcl-cs!tam@seismo.css.gov>  
Subject: Prolog & Sun3.2 ?

I am currently looking for a Prolog that will allow me to interface
easily with the sun window system  on Sun UNIX 4.2 Release 3.2. Has
anyone either interfaced  a prolog to sun windows, or can recommend one
with a working interface.

Many thanks

-- Tam Rodden


Date: Sun 18 Jan 87 12:25:04-PST
Subject: Speed estimates

I need some Prolog computing speed estimates for a talk I am
preparing.  I would be most appreciative of any help anyone can give

I have one estimate:

DEC-10 Prolog on DEC-2060 achieves ~30,000 LIPS (logical inferences
per sec). That was apparently the best one could do with readily
available software and hardware ca. 1981.  Is this the best one could
do now with readily available software and hardware?  Which software
and hardware?

What is the best one could do with readily available software on a
Symbolic LISP workstation? Which software?

What is the best one could do with readily available software on a PC
of some flavor? Which software and PC?

The numbers need not be very exact; they are simply needed to put some
of the quoted goals and accomplishments of the Japanese 5th Generation
Computer project in proper perspective.

Thanks you.

-- John


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 87 09:52 EST
From: Tim Finin <Tim@cis.upenn.edu>
Subject: Presenting Intuitive Deductions

                      Penn Math/CS Logic Seminar
                              26 January

                   Presenting Intuitive Deductions
                            Frank Pfenning
                      Carnegie-Mellon University

A deduction of a theorem may be viewed as an explanation why the
theorem holds.  Unfortunately the automated theorem proving community
has concentrated almost exclusively on determining whether a proposed
theorem is provable - the proofs themselves were secondary.  We will
explore how convincing explanations may be obtained from almost any
kind of machine proof.  This extends work by Dale Miller and Amy Felty
(who present deductions in the sequent calculus) to a natural
deduction system.  Also, our deductions will generally not be normal,
that is, they make use of lemmas which are so frequent in mathematical
practice and everyday reasoning.  We will also briefly discuss
possible applications of the methods in the field which may be called
"Inferential Programming".

Math Seminar Room, 4th floor Math/Physics Building, 11:00am


End of PROLOG Digest