[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V5 #19

PROLOG-REQUEST@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (03/19/87)

PROLOG Digest            Friday, 20 Mar 1987       Volume 5 : Issue 19

Today's Topics:
                       Announcement - Symposium

Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 08:08:33 PST
From: Moshe Vardi <vardi@navajo.stanford.edu>
Subject: Symp. on Principles of Database Systems

            Sixth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium
                        March 22-25, 1987
                      San Diego, California

The technical sessions, business meeting, Sunday  evening  recep-
tion, and lunches will all be at the Bahia Resort Hotel, situated
on San Diego's Mission Bay. The Bahia is within walking  distance
of  the  beach,  recreational facilities (sailing, tennis courts,
pool), Sea World, and relaxed boardwalk shops and cafes. Checkout
time  is  1pm;  checkin  time  is 4pm, or earlier subject to room
availability. A block of rooms has been reserved until  March  1,
1987. Please reserve a room by using the form provided or by cal-
ling 800-821-3619 (800-542-6010 within California). First night's
deposit   is  required.  Room  rates  and  availability  are  not
guaranteed past March 1.

Advanced registration  is  requested  using  the  form  provided.
Registration  rates go up markedly after March 9.  A registration
desk will be open Sunday night from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.,  and
during  the day on Monday (8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).  Registrants,
other than students, receive admission to the technical sessions,
one  copy  of  the  proceedings, reception, lunches, and a dinner
cruise on Tuesday evening.  Student  registration,  available  to
full-time  students only, includes the technical sessions and one
copy of the proceedings.  Additional copies  of  the  proceedings
will be available for sale at the registration desk.

There are three choices for ground transportation from  the  air-
port to the hotel. Courtesy airport transportation is provided by
the hotel. The Bahia Hotel  van  leaves  the  airport  every  two
hours, starting at 7:30am and ending at 9:30pm.  The van can also
be called outside scheduled times using the free telephone marked
"Bahia  Hotel"  at  the hotel reservation desk in the airport ar-
rival lounge. Additionally, a regular limousine van is  available
for  $5  (direction Mission Bay). Taxi fare to the hotel is about

For participants driving to San Diego on I-5, take I-8 West, then
exit at West Mission Bay Drive. The hotel is located on the North
side of Mission Bay Drive.

The average temperature in March is 60 degrees. Rain is unlikely,
but cannot be ruled out.

All technical sessions and the business meeting are in  the  Mis-
sion Room.  The exhibit program is in the Mission Lounge.  Sunday
night registration and the reception are in the Del Mar Room.  On
Tuesday  night  there  will  be  a  dinner cruise with live music
around the San Diego Harbor, between 6:30pm and 9pm.  Transporta-
tion  to the harbor will be provided.  Buses will leave the hotel
at 6pm.

                        TECHNICAL PROGRAM
                     SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1987

Reception 8:30 pm - 11 pm, Del Mar Room

                     MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1986

Note:  All talks will take place in the Mission Room

SESSION 1  - 9:00 am - 10:35 am

Chair: M.Y. Vardi (IBM Almaden Research Center)

Invited Talk: Database Theory -  Past  and  Future,  J.D.  Ullman
(Stanford University)

Logic Programming with Sets, G.M. Kuper (IBM T.J. Watson Research

Sets and Negation in a Logic Database Language (LDL1),  C.  Beeri
(Hebrew  University), S. Naqvi (MCC), R. Ramakrishnan (University
of Texas at Austin and MCC), O. Shmueli, and S. Tsur (MCC)

                Coffee Break 10:35 am - 11:00 am

SESSION 2  - 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Chair: A.K. Chandra (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Logical Design of Relational Database Schemes, L.Y. Yuan (Univer-
sity  of  Southern  Louisiana)  and  Z.M. Ozsoyoglu (Case Western
Reserve University)

On Designing Database Schemes Bounded or Constant-Time  Maintain-
able  with  Respect  to  Functional Dependencies, E.P.F. Chan and
H.J. Hernandez (University of Alberta)

Computing Covers for Embedded Functional Dependencies, G. Gottlob
(CNR, Italy)

SESSION 3  - 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Chair: R. Fagin (IBM Almaden Research Center)

Dynamic Query Interpretation in Relational Databases,  A.  D'Atri
(Universita  "La  Sapienza"  di  Roma),  P. Di Felice (Universita
dell'Aquila), and M. Moscarini (CNR, Italy)

A New Basis for the Weak Instance Model, P. Atzeni  (CNR,  Italy)
and M.C. De Bernardis (Universita "La Sapienza" di Roma)

Answering  Queries  in  Categorical  Databases,  F.M.  Malvestuto
(Italian Energy Commision)

                 Coffee Break 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm

SESSION 4  - 3:45 pm - 5:25 pm

Chair: U. Dayal (CCA)

Nested Transactions and Read-Write Locking,  A.  Fekete  (Harvard
University),  N. Lynch (MIT), M. Merrit (AT&T Bell Laboratories),
and W. Weihl (MIT)

Transaction Commitment at Minimal Communication Cost,  A.  Segall
and O. Wolfson (Technion)

The Precedence-Assignment Model for  Distributed  Databases  Con-
currency  Control Algorithms, C.P. Wang and V.O.K. Li (University
of Southern California)

A Knowledge-Theoretic Analysis of Atomic Commitment Protocols, V.
Hadzilacos (University of Toronto)

       Business Meeting: 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm, Mission Room

                     TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1986

       Note: There will be exhibits in the Mission Lounge

SESSION 5  - 9:00 am - 10:35 am

Chair: T. Imielinski (Rutgers University)

Invited Talk: Perspectives  in  Deductive  Databases,  J.  Minker
(University of Maryland)

Maintenance of Stratified Databases Viewed as a  Belief  Revision
System,  K.  Apt (Ecole Normal Superieure and Universite Paris 7)
and J.M. Pugin (BULL Research Center)

Specification and Implementation of Programs for Updating  Incom-
plete Information Databases, S. Hegner (University of Vermont)

                Coffee Break 10:35 am - 11:00 am

SESSION 6  - 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Chair: H. Korth (University of Texas at Austin)

Operation  Specific  Locking  on  B-Trees,  A.  Billiris  (Boston

Concurrency Control in Database Structures with Relaxed  Balance,
O.  Nurmi,   E. Soisalon-Soininen (Universitat Karlsruhe), and D.
Wood (University of Waterloo)

Performance Results on Multiversion Timestamping Concurrency Con-
trol  with  Predeclared  Writesets,  R. Sun (Iona College) and G.
Thomas (Clarkson University)

SESSION 7  - 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Chair: V. Vianu (University of California at San Diego)

Decomposing an N-ary Relation into a Tree of Binary Relations, R.
Dechter  (Hughes Aircarft Company and University of California at
Los Angeles)

Formal Bounds on Automatic Generation and Maintenance of Integri-
ty Constraints, J.P. Delgrande (Simon Fraser University)

Relative Knowledge  in  a  Distributed  Database,  T.  Imielinski
(Rutgers University)

                 Coffee Break 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm

SESSION 8  - 3:45 pm - 5:25 pm

Chair: M. Yannakakis (AT&T Bell Laboratories)

The Parallel Complexity of Simple Chain Queries, F.  Afrati  (Na-
tional  Technical  University  of  Athens)  and  C. Papadimitriou
(Stanford University and National Technical University of Athens)

Bounds on the Propagation of Selection into  Logic  Programs,  C.
Beeri  (Hebrew  University), P. Kanellakis (Brown University), F.
Bancilhon (INRIA and MCC), R. Ramakrishnan (University  of  Texas
at Austin and MCC)

A Decidable Class of Bounded Recursions, J.F. Naughton  (Stanford
University) and Y. Sagiv (Hebrew University)

Decidability and Expressiveness  Aspects  of  Logic  Queries,  O.
Shmueli (Technion and MCC)

                Dinner Cruise: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

                    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1986

SESSION 9  - 9:00 am - 10:35 am

Chair: P.A. Larson (University of Waterloo)

Invited talk: Chickens and Eggs - The Interrelationship  of  Sys-
tems and Theory, P. Selinger (IBM Almaden Research Center)

Axiomatization and Simplification Rules for  Relational  Transac-
tions,  A.  Karabeg, D. Karabeg, K. Papakonstantinu, and V. Vianu
(University of California at San Diego)

A Transaction Language Complete for Database Update and  Specifi-
cation, S. Abiteboul (INRIA) and V. Vianu (University of Califor-
nia at San Diego)

                Coffee Break 10:35 am - 11:00 am

SESSION 10  - 11:00 am - 12:15pm

Chair: Y. Sagiv (Hebrew University)

On the Power of Magic, C. Beeri (Hebrew University) and R. Ramak-
rishnan (University of Texas at Austin and MCC)

Efficient Evaluation for a Subset of Recursive Queries, G. Grahne
(University of Helsinki), S. Sippu (University of Jyvaskyla), and
E. Soisalon-Soininen (University of Helsinki)

Worst-Case Complexity Analysis of Methods for Logic Query  Imple-
mentation,  A.  Marchetti-Spaccamella, A. Pelaggi (Universita "La
Sapienza" di Roma), and D. Sacca (CRAI, Italy)

SESSION 11  - 2:00 pm - 4:35pm

Chair: P. Kanellakis (Brown University)

On the Expressive Power of the Extended  Relational  Algebra  for
the  Unnormalized Relational Model, D. Van Gucht (Indiana Univer-

Safety and Correct Translation of Relational  Calculus  Formulas,
A.  Van  Gelder (Stanford University) and R. Topor (University of

Safety of Recursive Horn  Clauses  with  Infinite  Relations,  R.
Ramakrishnan  (University  of  Texas  at Austin and MCC), F. Ban-
cilhon (INRIA and MCC), and A. Silberschatz (University of  Texas
at Austin)

                 Coffee Break 3:15 pm - 3:45 am

One-Sided Recursions, J.F. Naughton (Stanford University)

Optimizing  Datalog  Programs,  Y.  Sagiv   (Hebrew   University)

                     CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION

Sponsors:  SIGACT, SIGMOD, and SIGART.

Local Arrangements:  Victor Vianu, Dept. of Electrical  Engineer-
ing  and Computer Science MC-014, University of California at San
Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, (619) 534-6227, vianu@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu

Chairman:  Ashok K. Chandra, IBM  T.J.  Watson  Research  Center,
P.O.Box   218,   Yorktown  Heights,  NY  10598,  (914)  945-1752,
ashok@ibm.com, ashok@yktvmv.bitnet

Program Chairman:  Moshe Y. Vardi, IBM Almaden  Research  Center,
650   Harry   Rd.,  San  Jose,  CA  95120-6099,  (408)  927-1784,
vardi@ibm.com, vardi@almvma.bitnet

Program Committee: U. Dayal, T. Imielinski, P.K.  Kanellakis,  H.
Korth,  P.A.  Larson,  K.J.  Raiha, Y. Sagiv, M.Y. Vardi, M. Yan-

Executive Committee: A.K. Chandra, S. Ginsburg, A.  Silberschatz


End of PROLOG Digest