[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V5 #20

PROLOG-REQUEST@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (03/22/87)

PROLOG Digest            Monday, 23 Mar 1987       Volume 5 : Issue 20

Today's Topics:
               Programming - A Good Work & Splay Trees

Date: Sun 22 Mar 87 03:40:22-EST
From: vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@C.CS.CMU.EDU>
Subject: Splay trees in LP languages.

There have hardly been any interesting programs in this Digest for a
long while now. Here is something which may stir the slothful among
you!  I present Prolog programs for implementing self-adjusting binary
search trees, using splaying. These programs should be among the most
efficient Prolog programs for maintaining binary search trees, with
dynamic insertion and deletion.

The algorithm is taken from: "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees",
D.D. Sleator and R.E. Tarjan, JACM, vol. 32, No.3, July 1985, p. 668.
(See Tarjan's Turing Award lecture in this month's CACM for a more
informal introduction).  

The operations provided by the program are:

1. access(i,t):  (implemented by the call access(V, I, T, New))
  "If item i is in tree t, return a pointer to its location;
  otherwise return a pointer to the null node."
  In our implementation, in the call access(V, I, T, New),
  V is unifies with `null' if the item is not there, else
  with  `true' if it is there, in which case I is also
  unified with that item.

2. insert(i,t):  (implemented by the call insert(I, T, New))
  "Insert item i in tree t, assuming that it is not there already."
  (In our implementation, i is not inserted if it is already
  there: rather it is unified with the item already in the tree.)

3. delete(i,t):  (implemented by the call del(I, T, New))
  "Delete item i from tree t, assuming that it is present."
  (In our implementation, the call fails if the item is not in
  the tree.)

4. join(t1,t2):  (Implemented by the call join(T1, T2, New))
   "Combine trees t1 and t2 into a single tree containing
    all items from both trees, and return the resulting
    tree. This operation assumes that all items in t1 are
    less than all those in t2 and destroys both t1 and t2."

5. split(i,t): (implemented by the call split(I, T, Left, Right))
   "Construct and return two trees t1 and t2, where t1
    contains all items in t less than i, and t2 contains all
    items in t greater than i. This operations destroys t."

The basic workhorse is the routine bst(Op, Item, Tree, NewTree), which
returns in NewTree a binary search tree obtained by searching for Item
in Tree and splaying. OP controls what must happen if Item is not
found in the Tree.  If Op = access(V), then V is unified with null if
the item is not found in the tree, and with true if it is; in the
latter case Item is also unified with the item found in the tree. In
the first case, splaying is done at the node at which the discovery
was made that Item was not in the tree, and in the second case
splaying is done at the node at which Item is found. If Op=insert,
then Item is inserted in the tree if it is not found, and splaying is
done at the new node; if the item is found, then splaying is done at
the node at which it is found.

A node is simply an n/3 structure: n(NodeValue, LeftSon, RightSon).
NodeValue could be as simple as an integer, or it could be a (Key,
Value) pair.

Here are the top-level axioms. The algorithm for del/3 is the first
algorithm mentioned in the JACM paper: namely, first access the
element to be deleted, thus bringing it to the root, and then join its
sons. (join/4 is discussed later.)

  access(V, Item, Tree, NewTree):-
    bst(access(V), Item, Tree, NewTree).
  insert(Item, Tree, NewTree):-
    bst(insert, Item, Tree, NewTree).
  del(Item, Tree, NewTree):-
    bst(access(true), Item, Tree, n(Item, Left,Right)),
    join(Left, Right, NewTree).
  join(Left, Right, New):-
    join(L-L, Left, Right, New).
  split(Item, Tree, Left, Right):-
    bst(access(true),Item, Tree, n(Item, Left, Right)).

For the sake of completenes, we define the less/2 relationship for two
kinds of nodes:

  less(e(X,V), e(Y, V1)):- !, X < Y.
  less(X, Y):- integer(X), integer(Y), !, X < Y.

We now consider the definition of bst. We use the notion of
`difference-bsts'. There are two types of difference-bsts, a left one
and a right one. The left one is of the form T-L where T is a bst and
L is the *right* son of the node with the largest value in T. The
right one is of the form T-R where T is a binary search tree and R is
the *left* son of the node with the smallest value in T. An empty bst
is denoted by a variable. Hence L-L denotes the empty left (as well as
right) difference bst.

As discussed in the JACM paper, we start with a notion of a left
fragment and a right fragment of the new bst to be constructed.
Intially, the two fragments are empty.

  bst(Op, Item, Tree, NewTree):-
    bst(Op, Item, L-L, Tree, R-R, NewTree).

We now consider the base cases. The empty tree is a variable: hence it
will unify with the atom null. (A non-empty tree is a n/3 structure,
which will not unify with null). If Item was being *access*ed, then it
was not found in the tree, and hence Null=null. On the other hand, if
the Item is found at the root, then the call terminates, with the New
Tree being set up appropriately.

The base clauses are:

  bst(access(Null), Item, L, null, R, Tree):- !, Null=null.
  bst(access(true), Item, Left-A, n(Item, A, B), Right-B,
      n(Item, Left, Right)).
  bst(insert, Item, Left-A, n(Item, A, B), Right-B,
      n(Item, Left, Right)).

We now consider the zig case, namely that we have reached a node such
that the required Item is either to the left of the current node and
the current node is a leaf, or the required item is the left son of
the current node. Depending upon the Op, the appropriate action is

  bst(access(Null), Item, Left-L, n(X, null, B), Right-B,
      n(X, Left, Right)):-
    less(Item, X), !, Null=null.
  bst(Op, Item, Left, n(X, n(Item, A1, A2), B), R-n(X, NR,B),
    less(Item, X), !,
    bst(Op, Item, Left, n(Item, A1, A2), R-NR, New).

The recursive cases are straightforward:

  bst(Op, Item, Left, n(X, n(Y, Z, B), C),
      R-n(Y, NR, n(X, B, C)), New):-
     less(Item, X), less(Item, Y), !,
     bst(Op, Item, Left, Z, R-NR, New).
  bst(Op, Item, L-n(Y, A, NL), n(X, n(Y, A, Z), C),
      R-n(X, NR, C), New):-
    less(Item, X), less(Y,Item),!,
    bst(Op,Item, L-NL, Z, R-NR, New).

The symmetric cases for the right sons of the current node
are straightforward too:

  bst(access(Null), Item, Left-B, n(X, B, null), Right-R,
      n(X, Left, Right)):-
    less(X, Item), !, Null=null.  % end of the road.
  bst(Op, Item, L-n(X, B, NL), n(X, B, n(Item, A1, A2)),
      Right, New):-
    less(X, Item), !,
    bst(Op, Item, L-NL, n(Item, A1, A2), Right, New).
  bst(Op, Item, L-n(Y, n(X, C, B), NL), n(X, C, n(Y, B, Z)), Right, New):-
    less(X, Item), less(Y,Item),!,
    bst(Op, Item, L-NL, Z, Right, New).
  bst(Op, Item, L-n(X, A, NL), n(X, A, n(Y, Z, C)), R-n(Y, NR, C), New):-
    less(X, Item), less(Item, Y),!,
    bst(Op, Item, L-NL, Z, R-NR, New).

We now consider the definition of join.  To join Left to Right, it is
sufficient to splay at the rightmost vertex in Left, and make Right
its Right son. To build NewTree, we initially start with an empty left
difference tree,

  join(Left-A, n(X, A, var), Right, n(X, Left, Right)):-!.
  join(Left-n(X, A, B), n(X, A, n(Y, B, var)), Right,
       n(Y, Left, Right)):- !.
  join(Left-n(Y, n(X, C, B), NL), n(X, C, n(Y, B, n(Z, A1, A2))),
      Right, New):-
    join(Left-NL, n(Z, A1, A2), Right, New).

This is all. From those of you who keep track of such things, I would
much appreciate statistics on how well this method compares to more
conventional balanced tree implementations in Prolog over some large

-- Vijay Saraswat

P.S: Needless to say, these programs can be directly transalted into
Concurrent Logic programming languages such as CP(!,|).


End of PROLOG Digest