PROLOG Digest Tuesday, 14 Apr 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 26 Today's Topics: Administration - Listing Service Proposal, Implementation - XOR & "Delayed Cut" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon 13 Apr 87 10:10:47-PDT From: Ken Laws <Laws@STRIPE.SRI.COM> Subject: Listing Service Proposal While not directly addressing the merits of your suggestion or the interest of the Prolog Digest readers, I would like to ask whether there is any compelling reason for the Arpanet discussion lists to assume the database role you propose. Why is an online system more useful than the printed journals and vendor literature that are already available? Why should free database services be offered by a military network, rather than a commercial network (e.g., CompuServe), library system, university, or home-hobbyist bboard? And if the military (or NSF, or other group) really wants this, are they willing to pay for it? Similar questions have been coming up on the AIList lately, especially with regard to the distribution of public-domain software. Maintaining any system, even an automated one, puts an additional burden on the moderator and reduces service to the discussion list. It is reasonable that a commercial service should continue to grow (by adding more employees), but a volunteer effort will collapse if it grows to large. This is especially true of discussion lists since it can be very difficult to find a new moderator if the existing one moves out or burns out. (A new moderator is faced with doing all that the previous one did, despite inexperience and possibly incompatible software systems.) I am also bothered by the idea of vendors being in charge of the database contents. There are dangers of some vendors loading it to their own advantage while others fail to update obsolete messages (or never enter their products in the first place). If your concern in creating the database is to help people make rational decisions, such imbalances are counterproductive. This is one reason for the Arpanet prohibition against commercial traffic: a publicly supported network should not give companies with access an advantage over their competitors. -- Ken ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 87 02:11:29 GMT From: Jan Chomicki <aramis!chomicki@RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: XOR without redundancy and databases Problem: write a Prolog predicate xor(G1,G2) which will generate through backtracking all and only solutions to G1 if there is one; otherwise it will generate all and only solutions to G2. Each solution should be generated exactly once. In essence, the code should look like: xor(G1,G2):- G1. xor(G1,G2):- no_success_in_the_previous_clause, G2. The problem is how to obtain information about those proof tree branches that have ultimately failed. Existing bindings and current refutation bear no trace of them. Prolog interpreter, however, knows the full computation history. Can we make him talk? The most obvious answer would be to explicitly use the database (assert, record etc.) or some other side-effects(file operations). There is a subtler way which makes use of the concept of the "current universe of atoms". This universe contains all the atoms known to the interpreter. They come from three different sources: - the text of the program. - the computation so far: input etc. - the code of the interpreter itself if it is written in Prolog. The branches of the proof tree may be marked by special atoms which do not appear anywhere else. xor(G1,G2) :- pick(String), xor(G1,G2,String). xor(G1,G2,String):- G1, there_was_once(String). xor(G1,G2,String):- \+ was_there_once(String), G2. pick(String) :- new_string(String), \+ was_there_once(String), !. there_was_once(String):- name(_,String). was_there_once(String):- current_atom(Atom), name(Atom,String). new_string([112]). new_string([112|L]):-new_string(L). NOTE 1: current_atom/1 which enumerates all the current atoms is available in Edinburgh and Quintus Prologs. NOTE 2: We can not directly test for the presence of an atom in the current universe of atoms. By the very appearance in the goal, the atom becomes part of this universe! Hence ?- current_atom(abrakadabra). succeeds even if we substitute the strangest atoms for abrakadabra. Thus we enumerate the current atoms and compare their string versions with the original string. NOTE 3: For every invocation of xor/3 we need a new string which has not appeared anywhere else as an atom. This string can not be permanently assigned to a textual appearance of xor. Thus just before the invocation of xor/3 strings should be generated and tested for uniqueness (by was_there_once/1) until a brand new atom is found. That would narrow down the dangerous area to the execution of xor/3 where we generally know what atoms may appear. -- Jan Chomicki ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 87 02:42:59 GMT From: Jan Chomicki <aramis!chomicki@RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: "Delayed cut" without redundancy and databases The same trick with the current universe of atoms (see my previous posting) solves the second problem: a complex backtracking schema. Given a predicate P :- A, B, C, D. Is it possible to rewrite P to obtain the following behavior: If the goal A initially succeeds, then if B doesn't succeed, backtrack into A. (This is quite normal.) However, if A initially succeeds, and B does too, then prevent backtracking into A. I will consider the following predicate p/2: p(X,Y):-a(X), b(X,Y). which illustrates all the salient points of the problem except the presence of C and D. That will be dealt with at the end. The difficulty here is the position of the cut: we'd like to cut the computation once the first binding for X (from a/1) and all the Y corresponding to it are obtained (from b/2), provided there is at least one such Y. Looking at the text, there is apparently no place where we can put the cut to ensure the above behavior. But: p(X,Y):- q(X,Y), Y\=='$$$$$'. q(X,Y):- pick(String), a(X), ( b(X,Y), there_was_once(String); was_there_once(String) -> Y='$$$$$', ! ). pick(String):-new_string(String), \+ was_there_once(String), !. there_was_once(String):- name(_,String). was_there_once(String):- current_atom(Atom), name(Atom,String). new_string([112]). new_string([112|L]):-new_string(L). NOTE 1: The cut is delayed: it appears only after b/2 has succeeded at least once. NOTE 2: '$$$$$' is a null value which gives a void success(i.e. without answer bindings). If C is present (as in the original problem), we have to propagate this void success through it. This should do: q(X,Y,Z):- pick(String), a(X), ( b(X,Y), there_was_once(String) ; was_there_once(String) -> Y='$$$$$', ! ), ( Y\=='$$$$$' -> c(Y,Z); otherwise -> true). We can not put c/2 in the same Or-branch as b/2, because backtracking to a/1 depends upon the success/failure of b/2 only. -- Jan Chomicki ------------------------------ End of PROLOG Digest ********************