[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V5 #44

PROLOG-REQUEST@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (07/15/87)

PROLOG Digest           Wednesday, 15 Jul 1987     Volume 5 : Issue 44

Today's Topics:
     Query - Benchmarks & Proceedings & DEC-10 & Code & Counting,
                           Puzzle - Riddle

Date: 24 Jun 87 18:00:24 GMT
From: mnetor!utzoo!utgpu!bnr-vpa!bnr-ai!jay@seismo.css.gov
Subject: copies of prolog benchmarks?

Does anyone have prolog source code for the benchmarks by Dr. Pereira
mentioned in the June '87 issue of AI Expert?  E-mailing a copy would
be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

-- Jay Gauthier


Date: 8 Jul 87 20:42:00 GMT
From: Jan Chomicki <aramis.rutgers.edu!chomicki@rutgers.rutgers.edu>  
Subject: How to get Melbourne proceedings?

How to get the proceedings of the 1987 International Conference on
Logic Programming in Melbourne? Will they appear as a book? Any
information will be appreciated.

-- Jan Chomicki


Date: 10 Jul 87 00:29:58 GMT
From: Aniekan Akpaffiong <wasat.usc.edu!aniekan@OBERON.USC.EDU>  
Subject: A question on Prolog-10

Hi, A person at our site ran into a problem with prolog-10 version 3.3
on our TOPS-20 machine.  I am not familiar with Prolog so I hope there
is someone on the net that has used Prolog-10 on a TOPS-20 machine and
would like to take a look at this problem.  Below is the error
message.  Could it be a problem with system not giving the program
enough memory?  If so, could the user on his own allocate more memory
to his program.  If you have an idea but would want more information
please let me know.

To Joe, re PROLOG error: the exact error message is
 ? workspace full
followed by an abort. Could it be something at the OS level having
to do with limits on my vi`fga~2memo`k-
I2unp`otecfev mk2direqto`k a|v B@OLOG f{lea2f}r bgbl{c `eav/exwcgfw.
T} `un fzw b`}qeaa,2give fhe gosl I{|ifO,l,g.
((Load {nif file,2l / losv brog`am,2g / go.<< `un2teaf2caae<;================================================//=


-- Aniekan.

Dsfe( M}| #3 Ju~ 87211:22(#&?CDT
Agbxwcf( Cove2Requwafa

I2havw fe} }der~abbi|g2requwsfa(
I `eqe|flk2obfained a2qobk of 0H}e to soldw {f2eitz B`olog,"2s21+8"`wpo`t bk He~de` Coelho,2Joae2Carloa2Qoffa, anv ^gia M}n{a2Berei`s
f`om Lsb}`sfo`io Nacional de Enge|ha`ia2Cidil.2 If qo|s{afa }t B`ol}g
s}lgf{o|a fo ank ditfere|t b`ob~ema, i|clgdi|g blanninu,2pa`aing, a|d
fzeo`w p`oding.2 Mk2t{`st queafi}n2esa raiaev py2f`ki|g t}2fkbe in
a|v gae D.H<D2Wa``wn5a2WA@BLAN.  I2detecfwd2awde`s~2fyboa, a|dpoaa{b~k2awde`a~2erro`a.  In2ank2caae,2atfwr qgife a2fee2z}g`a }t
f`acing, I s afi~l gnab~e fo maye2WA@BLSN2eo`k2qo`reqflk<  Ao I sm
eo|de`ing {f the`w {a aome on-line 0H}e to soldw {f2eitz B`olou" thaf
qo|s{afa }f2teafwv B`ol}g s}lgf{ona.
_k aeco|d2requeat ia2scfgsllk s :pe`aonsllk2morw g`uent; abecial2caae
}f fhe2t{`af.2 _k2`esea`ch2i|fwreat ia in lsnggaue blann{nu) this {a
whaf2qagaed e to seihe }n fze2WA@BLAN code. 2I sib~k wanfed2aeo`ki|g bla|nw` fo i|qorb}`afe2inf} y2skafem a|d wanfwd f} adoidimbleenfing2a bla|ne`.2 Ia2ankone ab~e fo makw adailab~w B@OLOGimblee|faf{ona of2a|k eell-ynown blanning a~g}`ithms2:Atribs,WA@BLAN, Noaz> FEEAK> ef sl)?



Dsfw( 2 Ju~ 87204:35(#"2GMT
From(2Dogg Collinuw2.asc?dsx!gd{qcf`!collinge@pesder.qa<eaah{ngfon<wdg,22
Agbxwcf(2C}gnfi|g fh{nga.

OK, I looked in Cl}ckain and Me~liah and2coglvn'f finv if. 2Noe [ askkou sf fze2`iak of looking fo}liah..<
Ask2kog2hade s bgnch }f `wlaf{ona {n fhe2dafsbaaw,2`(J). 2Hoe vo2kogc}g|t ub fhw ngbe` }f fzem-  I2hade bew| gainu 0aef}f:J>`(J;,LJ)" a|d
fhen wsag`i|g fhe lwngfh ot ^J2eith a}mefhing2elae<  Th{a awems2c`gde
anv2p`gfsl fo me -2hoe can I d} if2direqtlk-

Of2q}g`ae> it {a `esllk2mo`e qombl{cafwd fhsn this2buf this {a fheke`nal }f fzw b`oblem.

In2a `wlafed2dedwlobenf, ca| 0aefof" be 2imbleenfed {| B`o~og-2Zoe-

--2Dogg Collinge

Dsfw( 3 Ju~ 87213:35(&!2GMT
Fro( Fim Fin{|2<aubwr.gbenn<edg!linc<c{s.gbenn<evg!f{R@GTUE@A<WDG,22
Agbxwcf(2C}gnfi|g fh{nga.
C}gnfi|g fhw ngbe` of q~auaea {n fhe VB g|ifki|g2eifh a2gidwn2fer
gai|g2AEFOF/BAGOT {a fhw2"p`}ber"2esk fo d} if<  Fhw othw`2esk th{aso`f }f fhinu {s2fkbicsllk donw {f t} gaw2ASSERF=REFRAQF fo yeeb ac}g|fe` {n fhe DB a|v gae a fs{lg`w v`iden ~o}b fo find a~l fhemafqhea> aa2in(

       2c}gnfQ~auawa:J,_) (-
             2 2refracf:c}gnf(N)),
              2 N2 ia2N+#,
              22asse`f:c}gnt(N )),

       2c}gnfQ~auawa(M,\) :-2refracf:c}g|fe`(N))<

The`w ia> aa2I `ecall, a def{nifion of2s b`ed{cafe FINDALL in C4M
ehicz {a aim{ls` fo BAGOF a|d2AEFOF.

?- Fim

Dsfw( 9 Ju~ 87215:50(""2GMT
Agbxwct: B`ol}g `iddle - (nf)
Is {f2poaaib~e fo q}|sfrgcf2s brog`sm tzaf)
(#) *gwnw`sfea*2|sfg`a~ ngpe`a i| aacendinu orde`>
( ) voea2nof mayw gae }f aide eftwcfa2:asse`t,2refract efc.)>
(!) gwnw`sfwa fhe2t{`af | ngpe`a {n fime O(n)<

Fze2fopledw~ b`ed{cate shogld be2nsf(J;, ehicz ia of2q}g`ae2indokwdeith2J g|{natantiafed.2Any ngbe` of avdifions~ b`ed{csfes a`e
aviffed.2Note thsf fzw brog`sm shogld pe aelf-qonfained, i.e. I'm2nofi|fwreafed {| brograma like

       2|wjf_nsf:J,Y) :- Y {a2J+#<

ehich ~eadw {f to fze2reaponaib{lik }f fhe calli|u brog`sm fo
"qo|se`dw" fhe2~aat ngbe` gwnw`afwd2gnf{l fze fie fhe2|ejt ngber ia

Pe2ea`nwd thaf qomplwxifk ca| creeb {n2fz`oguh2yog` backvoo` ?eabecisllk {f2k}u gae any2agji~{ary b`ed{csfes. Fhw ngbe` ot wxifa
a|d `wdoa a|d fhw ngbe` }f2da`iab~e `enam{nga needwd fo2get sf fhe|ejt ngbe` vewb2eifhin2a rwqg`aion2also faye fime and2c}g|f
A~fernsfivelk2I2eog~d2ve`y mgcz2sbb`eqiafe a nwgsfive2resglf2?
b`wfe`sblk {n fhe2fo`m of2s b`oof.


End }t B@OLOG D{ueaf