[comp.lang.prolog] Thsn:q

chandra@hplb29a.HPL.HP.COM (Chandra) (08/07/87)

     Thanks to all of you (Leslie, Ron and JCP) for your suggestions
to get rid of the worms that were destroying my petunias. 

     I decided to use Dipel (as it was suggested that it destoys the
worms, but is harmless to most other living beings).  It worked like a
charm.  Now my garden is filled with beautiful petunias again.  Thanks
a million.

       I like to avoid using chemical (poisonous) pesticides  as much
as possible.  (This is particularly important since I have a two year
old who likes to run around every where in the yard.)  Hence I was
delighted by the responses which suggested the use of Dipel, Thuricide
etc.  Now another general question.  "Are there such products available
for weed control?"  There are some weeds in my lawn.  The gardener 
suggests to spray something like Weed-B-Gon to get rid of them.  I
don't feel very comfortable walking and playing on the lawn with this
kind of material on it.  I appreciate it if any of you can suggest
some non-poisonous way of getting rid of the weeds.  

     Thanks in advance,

     (M. S. Chandrasekhar)