[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V5 #68

PROLOG-REQUEST@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (09/28/87)

PROLOG Digest            Tuesday, 29 Sep 1987      Volume 5 : Issue 68

Today's Topics:
        Implementation - Standards & Library & Good Clean Fun

Date: 27 Sep 87 04:28:45 GMT
From: Lee Naish <munnari!mulga!lee@uunet.uu.net>  
Subject: Standard of code

Virtually every time someone posts Prolog code to the network I groan.
I see code like this:

>merge([],List2,List2):- !, fail.
>merge(List1,[],List1):- !, fail.
>merge([Head1|Tail1],[Head2|Tail2],[Head1,Head2|R]):- merge(Tail1,Tail2,R), !.

I wince, I tear my hair out, I fall to my knees and bang my head
against the nearest rock crying; is this the Prolog code people write?
What happened to logic programming?  Am I wasting my time?

Then I compose myself.  I grit my teeth, take hold of my electronic
butchers knife and attack the code.  Out with the filth!  Out with the
cuts, the dirty negation, the asserts.  Wash it clean.  Just leave the
essence; pure beautiful logic:

merge(Head1.Tail1, Head2.Tail2, Head1.Head2.R) :-

Then I look on it anew.  I see it can be run as Prolog.  No choice point
will be created!  It will be fast!  It can be run backwards!  It can be
run any way need dictates.  I breath a sigh of relief and my confidence
in logic programming and Prolog are restored.


Date: 28 Sep 87 15:54:55 GMT
From: Stanley Shebs <shebs@cs.utah.edu>  
Subject: Standard of code

I must be too old and cynical - whenever I see really bad code, my
main regret is that the authors are not in a class I'm teaching, so I
can fail them on that program.  (We have used large red stamps saying
"VOMIT" to good effect, also...)

I would like to see next editions of Prolog textbooks flush all the
hype about Prolog being "declarative" (whatever that's supposed to
mean) and replace it with sections on good style.  I would like even
more to see cuts disappear from implementations entirely, to be
replaced by meta-level capabilities, but I suppose that's a forlorn
hope, since everybody wants "efficiency".

-- Stan Shebs


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 87 17:36:26 PDT
From: Richard A. O'Keefe <quintus!cresswell!ok@Sun.COM> 
Subject: Lagache library.

I'd like to comment on three of the predicates in STDLIST.PRO


(1) This predicate is in the public-domain library file LISTS.PL
    held at Stanford, is it not?

(2) Lagache's definition is not as efficient as it could be.
    It does not use tail recursion, so to add up a list of N
    numbers it will (temporarily) take up O(N) space on the
    stack.  Not good.  Coding something in tail-recursive
    form shouldn't hurt in any bearable Prolog, and it is a
    MAJOR improvement in any good Prolog.
    His code was

        sumlist([], 0).
        sumlist([Number|Tail], Result) :-
                sumlist(Tail, OldResult),
                Result is Number+OldResult.

    Better code would be

        sumlist(Numbers, Sum) :-
                sumlist(Numbers, 0, Sum).

        sumlist([], Sum, Sum).
        sumlist([Number|Numbers], Sum0, Sum) :-
                Sum1 is Sum0+Number,
                sumlist(Numbers, Sum1, Sum).

    Note that his documentation says that "The predicate will
    fail if it is given a list that contains objects that are
    not numbers".  In most Prolog systems that I know of this
    isn't quite true, for one of two opposing reasons:

    (a) Some Prolog systems (such as C Prolog or ALS Prolog)
        will allow source variables in an arithmetic expression
        to be bound to arbitrary arithmetic expressions at run
        time.  Thus in C Prolog Lagache's code would claim that
        | ?- sumlist([1+2,3*4], 15).
        But neither 1+2 and 3*4 are compound terms, not numbers.

    (b) Some Prolog systems (such as DEC-10 Prolog) will not
        allow source variables in an arithmetic expression to
        be bound to anything but a number at run time, and will
        report violations of this restriction as an error.  In
        such a system,
        | ?- sumlist([a,b,c], X).
        will not simply fail, but will do whatever the system
        does for errors.

    To actually make the code do what Lagache says it does, you
    have to insert the number/1 test.  The code in LISTS.PL did
    not make this test, but the documentation explicitly warned
    that the behaviour was undefined on anything but a list of

    One objection to the tail recursive form is that you need
    two predicates.  Actually, once you get used to it, you'll
    very often find that the version with the accumulator is
    nearly as useful as the original, because you can "start
    the function part-way".  For example, if I want to force
    the result of sumlist to be a floating-point number even
    if all the elements of the list are integers, I can call

        sumlist(Numbers, 0.0, Sum)

    One of the things which you have to know to be a competent
    Prolog programmer is the use of accumulator parameters, of
    difference structures (same thing only backwards), and how
    to exploit last call optimisation (which is to say, what
    the standard transliteration of an iterative loop into the
    recursive style of Prolog looks like).


(1) This predicate appears in the public-domain library file FLAT.PL
    held at Stanford.  However, the version there is an instance of
    the generic predicate binary_to_list/5, which means that it is
    not as efficient as it might be.

(2) Lagache's code uses neither tail recursion nor difference lists.

    His code was

        flatten([], []) :- !.
        flatten([Head|T], X) :-
                flatten(Head, Y),
                flatten(T, Z),
                append(Y, Z, X),
        flatten([Head|T], [Head|X]) :-
                flatten(T, X),

    Oy, is this strange!  If I recall correctly, Sterling & Shapiro
    discuss list flattening in "The Art of Prolog".  That is easily
    THE best Prolog textbook currently available.  If you can only
    afford one Prolog book, buy that one.

    Here's my code for flatten/2:

        %   flatten(ConsTree, FlatList)
        %   flattens out a tree of cons cells into a list.
        %   Note that it only works that way around: given a List
        %   there are infinitely many ConsTrees it could have
        %   come from, including itself.

        flatten(ConsTree, FlatList) :-
                flatten(ConsTree, FlatList, []).

        flatten([], Flat0, Flat) :- !,
                Flat0 = Flat.
        flatten([Head|Tail], Flat0, Flat) :- !,
                flatten(Head, Flat0, Flat1),
                flatten(Tail, Flat1, Flat).
        flatten(Other, [Other|Flat], Flat).

    There is a subtle difference: according to my definition
    flatten(a, X) binds X = [a], whereas according to Lagache's
    it fails.  I consider this to be a bug in Lagache's version:
    since flatten([a], X), flatten([[a]], X), flatten([[[a]]], X)
    all bind X = [a], why not flatten(a, X)?

    There is an important practical difference: this version
    makes NO structure that will not appear in the final result,
    whereas Lagache's keeps on copying things.

    All of this is not really important.  I've been writing Prolog
    for nearly 8 years and have never yet found a use for flatten/2,
    and I've been writing Lisp longer than that and never found a
    use for (flatten -) there either.  [The other functions in the
    public domain FLAT.PL, such as and_to_list/2, HAVE been of use.]


(1) If you want to associate keys with values, you will find two
    useful packages in the public-domain DEC-10 Prolog library
    held at Stanford: ASSOC.PL (trees) and MAPS.PL (sequences).
    You will also find a predicate keys_and_values/3 in PROJEC.PL
    which is similar to Lagache's make_assoc_list/3.  More about
    that shortly.

(2) Lagache's code was

        assoc(_,[],error):- !,fail.  /* Base recursive case, No such
                                        element found */
        assoc(Item,[Pair|_],Pair):- found_item(Pair,Item).    /*
                                                Successful match */
        assoc(Item,[_|Rest],Pair):- assoc(Item,Rest,Pair).    /*
                                                Continue search */

        found_item([Item|_],Item).        /* test if 'car' of list is
                                        'Item' */

    This time I haven't sanitised it.

    Some points to note:  "base recursive case" contradicts itself.  The
    base case is not recursive.  The first clause is entirely redundant.
    This could be coded directly as

        assoc(Key, [Cons|_], Cons) :-
                Cons = [Key|_].
        assoc(Key, [_|Conses], Cons) :-
                assoc(Key, Conses, Cons).

    or perhaps more lucidly as

        assoc(Key, Conses, Cons) :-
                Cons = [Key|_],
                member(Cons, Conses).

    Note that [X|Y] is a cons cell, not a pair.
    And [X,Y] is a (two-element) list, not a pair.
    X-Y is a pair.
    There are two good reasons for using pairs rather than conses.

    (a) The result can be type-checked by the Mycroft&O'Keefe type
        checker.  Source code for that is available in the public-
        domain Prolog library at Stanford, see TYPECH.PL & PROLOG.TYP.
        The full report from DAI Edinburgh contains a listing.
        We would say

        :- type list(T) --> [] | .(T,list(T)).  % in PROLOG.TYP
        :- type pair(K,V) --> K-V.              % in PROLOG.TYP
        :- pred keysort(list(pair(K,V)), list(pair(K,V))).  % "
        :- pred assoc(K, list(pair(K,V)), pair(K,V)).

        assoc(Key, [Pair|_], Pair) :-
                Pair = Key-_Value.
        assoc(Key, [_|Pairs], Pair) :-
                assoc(Key, Pairs, Pair).

        Using conses instead of pairs basically rules out type
        checking.  (Turbo Prolog victims note.)

    (b) The built-in predicate keysort/2 sorts lists of pairs,
        not lists of conses.  A moderately common idiom is to

        :- pred sort_by_separate_keys(list(K), list(V), list(K)).
        :- pred sort_aux(list(K), list(V), list(pair(K,V)),
                                  list(V), list(pair(K,V))).

        sort_by_separate_keys(RawKeys, RawVals, OrdVals) :-
                sort_aux(RawKeys, RawVals, RawPairs, OrdVals, OrdPairs),
                keysort(RawPairs, OrdPairs).

        sort_aux([], [], [], [], []).
        sort_aux([K|Ks], [V|Vs], [K-V|Ps], [W|Ws], [_-W|Qs]) :-
                sort_aux(Ks, Vs, Ps, Ws, Qs).

        As an example of why keysort/2 is useful, suppose that we want
        to know whether a given association list is a partial function.
        That is, does each key appear at most once in the list?

        The obvious way to code this is

        non_redundant([K-_|Pairs]) :-
                \+ memberchk(K-_, Pairs),

        But this takes O(N^2) time for a list of N pairs.  It is
        better to use keysort/2 thus:

        non_redundant(RawPairs) :-
                keysort(RawPairs, OrdPairs),
                \+ append(_, [K-_,K-_|_], OrdPairs).

    make_assoc_list/3 has two redundant clauses.  In fact, they are
    worse than redundant, because they destroy its logical character.
    Lagache's code was

        make_assoc_list([], [], []).
        make_assoc_list([], List2, List2) :- !, fail.
        make_assoc_list(List1, [], List1) :- !, fail.
        make_assoc_list([Head1|Tail1], [Head2|Tail2], [[Head1,Head2]|R]) :-
                make_assoc_list(Tail1, Tail2, R),

    I shouldn't have to point out that the cut in the last clause is
    useless.  Should I?

    Non-redundant code would be

        make_assoc_list([], [], []).
        make_assoc_list([Key|Keys], [Value|Values], [[Key,Value]|Lists]) :-
                make_assoc_list(Keys, Values, Lists).

    This is similar to keys_and_values/3 in PROJEC.PL:

        keys_and_values([], [], []).
        keys_and_values([Key-Value|Pairs], [Key|Keys], [Value|Values]) :-
                keys_and_values(Pairs, Keys, Values).

    The advantages of my version over Lagache's are several:
    -- purity.  It doesn't use cuts.
    -- clarity.  It is instantly clear that there are just two cases
        which can lead to success.  (An induction on any one of the
        arguments leads directly to this code.)
    -- correctness.  My version does indeed define a relation.
        Lagache's doesn't.
    This last point may need explanation.  Suppose someone gives me an
    association list, and I want to have the keys and values as
    separate lists.  (This is actually the use keys_and_values/3 is
    optimised for.)  Then I can just call

        make_assoc_list(Keys, Values, TheListIWasGiven)

    At least, I can do that with my definition.  If Keys and Values are
    variables, as they would be in this case, Lagache's definition will
    FAIL unless TheListIWasGiven is empty.  Here is a transcript:

        | ?- make_assoc_list([a,b], [1,2], X).
        X = [[a,1],[b,2]]
        | ?- make_assoc_list(X, Y, [[a,1],[b,2]]).

    What went wrong?  The second clause matched, binding
    X = [], List2 = Y = [[a,1],[b,2]], and then cut and failed.

    Exercise for the reader:  use this idea to see how Lagache's
    subst/4 can be broken.  (Hint: correct optimised code is

        subst([], _, [], _).
        subst([A|As], Old, [B|Bs], New) :-
                ( A = Old -> B = New ; B = A ),
                subst(As, Old, Bs, New).

    Aside from exploiting indexing, what is diferent?
    Second hint:  the name of the design principle that Lagache's
    code violates is "The Principle of Allowed Prophets".)

General remarks.

    Lagache's STDLIST.PRO library shows a strong Lisp influence.
    There's no harm in that:  I keep saying that Prolog implementors
    should look to Common Lisp for ideas.  But Lagache has followed
    his Lisp originals too slavishly.  The following criticisms
    apply to nearly everything in that library, with the exception
    of operations like member/2 and append/3 which have previously
    been published:

    (1) Failure to exploit tail recursion optimisation.

    (2) Many of the predicates are defined so that they can only
        work one way around.  For example, get_head/3 could have
        been defined to fail when the list was too short, and in
        that case it could have been implemented reversibly.

    (3) Many of the predicates are implemented so that they will
        only work one way around, when it would be easy to code
        them so that they implement a logical relation.  A good
        example is reverse/2.  A trivial change would make it
        fully reversible, but as written it is backwards-incorrect.

    (4) More generally, many of the predicates don't do exactly
        what the documentation says they do: there are unstated

    (5) There are a lot of :- !, fail clauses which are harmful.

And so on.


End of PROLOG Digest