(Chris Moss) (10/27/87)
>Date: 23 Oct 87 16:05:00 EDT >From: Andre (A.N.) Vellino <> >Subject: variadic predicates > >I was wondering if anyone on the Digest could think of a good reason for >objecting to the idea of a Prolog that has > > a) functors with variable arity (the only one that springs > to mind is that it is simple to emulate variadic predicates > with lists); > b) variable functors (so that, for example "?- Functor(Arg)." > is a valid query). > >-- Andre Vellino There are several Prologs on the market which do this. e.g. LMProlog (on Lisp machines) and microProlog (which also uses a Lisp-like syntax). It's pretty natural with Lisp syntax. See Mats Carlsson's thesis for some pretty elegant examples (e.g. variadic append). But there are significant problems. The biggy is compilation: people have invented all sorts of clever compilation techniques which work much better on fixed arity predicates, so that most systems treat foo/2 and foo/3 (i.e. foo(A,B) and foo(A,B,C)) as entirely different predicates. The problem with variable function symbols is: how do you constrain unification so that only identifiers match? One could have an arbitrary term, so making expressions that print out but can't be read back in. Can you mix the two notations? i.e. convert a program with variadic predicates to non-variadic? There are problems here. Consider: foo(A,B) :- ... foo(A|B) :- ... !, ... (this represents a variadic definition) foo(A,B,C) :- ... The second clause is common to both foo/2 and foo/3 and one would need to copy it both ways when converting, so there's no 1-1 correspondence between variadic and non-variadic programs (especially when operational things like cut are considered). But ultimately the question is: why bother? In Prolog, unlike most languages, one can write a list of arguments explicitly anywhere in the program. So if one wants printf(format, arg1, arg2, ...) one simply writes printf(format, [arg1, arg2, ...]). Ok it's 2 extra characters to type. But conceptually it's much simpler, and the program is probably easier to write too. Efficiency hardly suffers and you don't clobber any programs that don't want to use this feature. For calling a program with unknown name one can simply say: ?- ... apply(P, [arg1,arg2,arg3]) which again is more to type but simpler conceptually, and, if the apply predicate is built in to your system, no less efficient. Chris Moss (