[comp.lang.prolog] Another example from that book

ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) (02/15/88)

Subject: Treesort (Covington et al again)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog
Keywords: tutorial

If you read my "review" of "Prolog Programming in Depth", you may recall
that I praised the authors for having taken the trouble to measure their
various sorting routines.  Well, now I've taken a closer look at the
code, and I got a surprise.  Let me first show you a simple quack-sort:

	quack_sort(RawList, SortedList) :-
		quack_sort(RawList, SortedList, []).

	quack_sort([]) --> [].
	quack_sort([Head|Tail]) -->
		{ partition(Tail, Head, Before, After) },
		[ Head ],

	partition([], _, [], []).
	partition([X|Xs], Head, [X|Left], Right) :-
		X < Head,
		partition(Xs, Head, Left, Right).
	partition([X|Xs], Head, Left, [X|Right]) :-
		partition(Xs, Head, Left, Right).

The authors of "Prolog Programming in Depth" compared several versions
of quack_sort with two other sorting methods:  insertion sort, and a
version of tree sort.  I'll show you their tree_sort, then a cleaned-up
version, and then explain why this comparison was peculiarly favourable
to quack_sort.

	tree_sort(List, NewList) :-
		list_to_tree(List, Tree),
		tree_to_list(Tree, NewList).

	insert(NewItem, empty, tree(NewItem,empty,empty)) :- !.
	insert(NewItem, tree(Element,Left,Right),
			tree(Element,NewLeft,Right)) :-
		NewItem < Element,
		insert(NewItem, Left, NewLeft).
	insert(NewItem, tree(Element,Left,Right),
			tree(Element,Left,NewRight)) :-
		insert(NewItem, Right, NewRight).

	insert_list([Head|Tail], Tree, NewTree) :-
		insert(Head, Tree, MiddleTree),
		insert_list(Tail, MiddleTree, NewTree).
	insert_list([], Tree, Tree).

	list_to_tree(List, Tree) :-
		insert_list(List, empty, Tree).

	tree_to_list(Tree, List) :-
		tree_to_list_aux(Tree, [], List).

	tree_to_list_aux(empty, List, List).
	tree_to_list_aux(tree(Item,Left,Right), OldList, NewList) :-
		tree_to_list_aux(Right, OldList, List),
		tree_to_list_aux(Left, [Item|List], NewList).

Here is the cleaned up version.

	tree_sort(RawList, SortedList) :-
		insert_items(RawList, empty, Tree),
		gather_items(Tree, SortedList, []).

	insert_items([], Tree, Tree).
	insert_items([Item|Items], Tree0, Tree) :-
		insert_item(Tree0, Item, Tree1),
		insert_items(Items, Tree1, Tree).

	insert_item(empty, Item, tree(Item,empty,empty)).
	insert_item(tree(Label,Left0,Right), Item, tree(Label,Left,Right)) :-
		Item < Label,
		insert_item(Left0, Item, Left).
	insert_item(tree(Label,Left,Right0), Item, tree(Label,Left,Right)) :-
		insert_item(Right0, Item, Right).

	gather_items(empty) --> [].
	gather_items(tree(Label,Left,Right)) -->
		[ Label ],

Three cuts have been reduced to one.  If we were using compare/3, even
that one cut could profitably be eliminated.  I have good reasons for
all the name changes, but I'd like to keep this short.

Now, why is the comparison between tree sort and quack_sort so
peculiarly favourable to quack_sort?  Because (this version of)
tree_sort ***IS*** quack_sort!  Consider the top node of the tree:  the
first element of the input goes there, and the rest of the input is
routed to either the left or the right subtree, and finally we
concatenate the elements of the left subtree, the first element, and the
elements of the right subtree.  But this is just the partitioning,
recursive sorting, and concatenation done by quack_sort!  You will
notice that gather_items//1 is identical to quack_sort//1 except for the
call to partition/4, and that partition/4 and insert_item/3 have
essentially the same structure.

In quack_sort, the tree is implicit in the control structure of the
program, and the intermediate Before/After sequences are explicit.  In
tree_sort, the tree is explicit, and the Before/After sequences are
implicit in the control structure of the program.  quack_sort and
tree_sort should compare the same pairs of elements (though not in the
same order) and construct exactly the same unstably sorted result.

This is an interesting result in itself, but Covington et al make no
mention of the fact that their tree_sort is fundamentally identical
to quack_sort.  (Which is to say that it has all the properties which
make quack_sort a dreadful choice.) 

I repeat that while the examples are not the best, there are many good
things in the text.  For instance, I very much like what they say about
certainty factors on pp 328-330 (except that they call them "confidence"
factors).  I don't think you'll find another book this accessible with
this coverage.  While I intend to keep commenting on the examples for
some time, I would still recommend the book.  Vulcan may have been a
cripple, but he was arguably the second most *useful* of the gods...