[comp.lang.prolog] Partial evaluation, unfolding

dwiggins@ashtate (Don Dwiggins) (03/02/88)

Several recent messages have made incidental reference to this subject under
various names.  I'd like to know if there's a good overview or introductory
level discussion of the topic (particularly in the Prolog context).  It seems
that, along with difference lists and various other tricks, a working knowledge
of unfolding (how to do it, when it's worth it, what are the pitfalls, etc.)
would be a valuable addition to the Prolog programmer's armamentarium.
Don Dwiggins

bross@grads.cs.ubc.ca (Brian Ross) (03/26/88)

In article <503@ashton.UUCP> dwiggins@atsun.UUCP (Don Dwiggins) writes:
>Several recent messages have made incidental reference to this subject under
>various names.  I'd like to know if there's a good overview or introductory
>level discussion of the topic (particularly in the Prolog context).  It seems
>that, along with difference lists and various other tricks, a working knowledge
>of unfolding (how to do it, when it's worth it, what are the pitfalls, etc.)
>would be a valuable addition to the Prolog programmer's armamentarium.

E. Shapiro's _Art of Prolog_ has an excellent chapter on meta-interpretation
of Prolog programs, and is a good introduction on "how to do it"
(especially in an expert system shell context).

Brian J. Ross