[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG DIGEST V6 #13

restivo@POLYA.STANFORD.EDU (Chuck Restivo) (04/09/88)

Date: Tue  5 Apr 1988 11:43-PDT
>From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU>
US-Mail: P.O. Box 4584, Stanford CA  94305
Subject: PROLOG Digest   V6 #13

PROLOG Digest            Saturday, 9 Apr 1988      Volume 6 : Issue 13

Today's Topics:
                            Query - Yacc,
                 Implementation - Quicksort & Wisdom,
                          LP Library - List

Date: 15 Feb 88 16:18:35 GMT
>From: clyde!watmath!watvlsi!mccool@bellcore.bellcore.com  (Michael
Subject: Yacc in Prolog, Parsing and Dali

Does anyone know if there's anything like yacc written for Prolog?
I.e. not just grammar rules, but left-factoring, precedence parsing of
expressions, etc; what I'd like is some kind of preprocessor that
takes simple non-deterministic grammar rules, with some extra bits
thrown in to indicate associativity, precedence etc, and converts it
to a grammar-rule or prolog program that will do an efficient parse.

It seems like a useful thing to have so I'm *sure* somebody's already
written it :-)

My wish list is:

1) Public domain, in a common syntax --> Quintus pref
2) can accept a token-production function instead of a list
   this is to save memory.  WHY does everybody assume
   that the ENTIRE token list is in memory???  The token
   function would return a structure that could be recognized
   as a terminal, and the parser would poke it everytime
   it needed a new token.
   The parser might have to maintain a list
   to back up into (unput-style).  (Of course, if we had
   list-streams this wouldn't be a problem... but that's
   a different wish list)
3) has a simple way to handle syntax errors -->
   a way to resynch, e.g. skip tokens until you see
   a token.  This should be done in a way similar to
   yacc's "error ;" so I don't have to fool around with
   writing tail-recursive loops to scan for these kind of
4) precedence/associativity parser
   for operations, I would like to give only one rule like
   expr(binary(Op,E1,E2)) -->
                 $left,expr(E1),['+'],expr(E2),{Op = plus} |
                 $left,expr(E1),['-'],expr(E2),{Op = minus} |
                 $left,expr(E1),['*'],expr(E2),{Op = times} |
                 $left,expr(E1),['/'],expr(E2),{Op = divide} |...
                with "$left" indicating left associativity, and the order
                indicating precedence.

I'm working on a front end for a "silicon compiler", and have already
written a parser for a pascal-like language, but the grammar gets
pretty horrible after you add syntax checking and other fuzz. In the
interests of software engineering, I'd much rather have a high-level
description that can be changed easily (the operator stuff is
*particularly* important) than some grotesque Dali-like byzantine


Date: 6 Feb 88 10:27:13 GMT
>From: quintus!ok@unix.sri.com  (Richard A. O'Keefe)
Subject: Quicksort Strikes Again!

Quicksort Strikes Again!

    I recently came across a bug in an otherwise excellent Prolog system.
*       DEC-10 Prolog,
*       C Prolog, or
*       Quintus Prolog.
What about other systems?  You'll have to check for yourself.

    The bug is this:  keysort/2 is supposed to be ***STABLE***.
sort/2 and keysort/2 are **indispensable** for efficient Prolog.
The Prolog system I have in mind uses a version of (falsely so-called)
"quick" sort.  The code goes something like this:

        buggy_key_sort(Raw, Sorted) :-
                buggy_key_sort(Raw, Sorted, []).

        buggy_key_sort([], L, L).
        buggy_key_sort([Key-Val|Pairs], L0, L) :-
                key_partition(Pairs, Key, LE, GT),
                buggy_key_sort(LE, L0, [Key-Val|L1]),
                buggy_key_sort(GT, L1, L).

        key_partition([], _, [], []).
        key_partition([Pair|Pairs], Key, [Pair|LE], GT) :-
                key_less_than_or_equal(Pair, Key),
                key_partition(Pairs, Key, LE, GT).
        key_partition([Pair|Pairs], Key, LE, [Pair|GT]) :-
                key_partition(Pairs, Key, LE, GT).

        key_less_than_or_equal(J-_, K) :-
                J @=< K.

If you have access to the source code of your Prolog system, and the
implementation of keysort/2 looks something like this, rip it out and
replace it by a stable sort.  If you are still hypnotised by the name
"quick" sort, there is a stable version of "quick" sort which is easy
to code in a list-processing language.  (Hint:  see "fat pivot" in the
index of a good book on internal sorting.)  If you aren't hypnotised
by names, replace it by a merge sort; it should be *much* faster, as
well as giving the right answers!

If you haven't got access to the source code of your Prolog system, how
can you tell whether keysort/2 is implemented correctly or not?  Here's
how:  the reason that we care about the stability of keysort/2 is that
if you sort on several keys, you don't want later sorts to disturb the
order created by the earlier sorts.  In the simplest case, we have two
keys.  Try this program.

        swap_keys_and_values([], []).
        swap_keys_and_values([K-V|P], [V-K|S]) :-
                swap_keys_and_values(P, S).

        test :-
                keysort([1-3,1-2,1-1, 2-3,2-2,2-1, 3-3,3-2,3-1], X),
                swap_keys_and_values(X, Y),
                keysort(Y, [1-1,1-2,1-3, 2-1,2-2,2-3, 3-1,3-2,3-3]).

If 'test' fails, you have the bug.

Once again, just to be clear:  QUINTUS PROLOG DOES NOT HAVE THIS BUG.


Date: 30 Jan 88 09:13:37 GMT
>From: thorin!unc!bts@mcnc.org  (Bruce Smith)
Subject: LIST-of-PROLOGs available by FTP!

The LIST-of-PROLOGs is now available by FTP from UNC.  It currently
contains information on the following systems, several of which are
either free or very cheap to academic users!

        AAIS Prolog, A.D.A. Prolog, ALS Prolog, Arity/Prolog,
        Basser Prolog, BIM-Prolog, Blog, C-Prolog,GProlog,
        CLP(R), Edinburgh Prolog, EqL, ExperProlog-II, 
        Horne, HP Prolog, IC Prolog, ICL Prolog, IF/Prolog, Lambda
        Prolog, LISPLOG, LM-Prolog, LOGLISP, LPA Mac-Prolog,
        MacPROLOG, Micro-Prolog, Modula-Prolog, MProlog, MU-Prolog,
        NU-Prolog, PARLOG, Personal Prolog, POPLOG, Prolog-1,
        Prolog-2, Prolog-10 and Prolog-20, Prolog-86, Prolog-II,
        PROLOG/i and PROLOG/m, Prolog-CRISS, PROLOG/P, Quintus
        Prolog, Rhet, Salford University Prolog, SB-Prolog, Sicstus
        Prolog, TI Prolog, Trilogy, UNH Prolog, UNIX Prolog, UNSW
        Prolog, Uranus System, VM/Prolog, VS/Prolog, VPI Prolog,
        WProlog, York Portable Prolog, ZYX Macintosh Prolog

Additions are always welcome.  Please send me mail if you know one I
missed or if you have newer information on one already in the LIST.

To grab a copy, connect to mercury.cs.unc.edu and log in as "ftp",
using your name as password.  The list is in the directory /pub/LIST.
The file will be named something like "PrologList.1.30" (depending on
the date), and a compressed version (with a .Z suffix) is available,
also.  If you cannot FTP or have trouble, please send mail.

-- Bruce T. Smith 


End of PROLOG Digest