[comp.lang.prolog] PROLOG DIGEST V6 #25

restivo@POLYA.STANFORD.EDU (Chuck Restivo) (07/04/88)

Date: Monday 2 May 1988 12:53-PST
From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@POLYA.STANFORD.EDU>
US-Mail: P.O. Box 4584, Stanford CA  94305
Subject: PROLOG Digest   V6 #25

PROLOG Digest           Monday, 2 May 1988      Volume 6 : Issue 25

Today's Topics:
                                    Query - Toleration & Etiquette,
             Implementation - End_Of_File & Destructive Predicates,
                            & Techniques & Strings & BSI Standards

From: mcvax!prlb2!kulcs!bimbart@uunet.uu.net  (Bart Demoen)
Subject: I don't understand "precised"

could the author of article 599 in comp.lang.prolog behave a bit more respectful
towards europeans who speak 3 or 4 (natural) languages but whose native
language is not english ? we are bound to make mistakes in english, but that's
no reason to sneer at us and by the way, it is not the first time he did so,
or do I need to remind you of the Boston conference in 1985, Mister O'Keefe ?
those who have nothing to say, repeat themselves.


Date: 16 Mar 88 10:24:05 GMT
From: mcvax!prlb2!kulcs!bimandre@uunet.uu.net  (Andre Marien)
Subject: behavior of read/get0 at end_of_file

>	copy_chars :-
>		get0(Char),
>		copy_chars(Char).
>	copy_chars(-1) :- !.
>	copy_chars(Char) :-
>		put(Char),
>		copy_chars.

At the benchmark workshop he agitated vividly against the different
behavior of BIM_Prolog in case of end of file.
BIM_Prolog fails when get0 attemps to read past end of file in stead of
returning -1. The same is true for read.
If you write the same program as above with the BIM_prolog convention,
this it what it looks like :

        copy_chars :-
                get0(Char), !,
        copy_chars .

The previous code creates a choicepoint for every character which
get processed. It can be easily avoided :

	copy_chars :- copy_chars_h.
	copy_chars .

	copy_chars_h :- get0(Char), put(Char), copy_chars_h .

Now this looks so obviously better and more readable to me,
that it convinces me we made the better choice.

BTW, if you ever want to convert a program with a different interpretation,
the solution is easy :

/*QP*/read(X) :- /*bim*/read(X), ! .
/*QP*/read(whatever_is_used_to_indicate_end_of_file) .

Of course, as you can verify above, a different coding may very well
produce a better program.

-- Andre' Marien
-- Bart Demoen


Date: 17 Mar 88 03:17:08 GMT
From: munnari!mulga!lee@uunet.uu.net  (Lee Naish)
Subject: If-then-else/soft cut  (Destructive list predicates)

In article <1798@sics.se> seif@sics.se (Seif Haridi) writes:
>if(+P,+Q,+R) is similar to (P -> Q ; R) construct except that it allows the
>generation of all possible solutions for P.

Several Prologs have similar constructs and I think all Prologs
*should*.  From a logical point of view, quite often we want to do
something like
	some X (p(X, Y), q(X, Z)) ; (not some X p(X, Y), r(Z))

The standard (p(X, Y) -> q(X, Z) ; r(Z)) doesnt work because some
solutions to the first disjunct may be lost (it may also bind Y, cutting
off the second disjunct when it shouldn't).

A solution to the first problem is to use
	(\+ p(X, Y) -> r(Z) ; p(X, Y), q(X, Z))
Unfortunately, this calls p/2 twice.

In NU-Prolog, you can write
	(if some X p(X, Y) then q(X, Z) else r(Z))
This can return multiple answers to p/2 (without calling it twice)
and also delays until Y is ground (solving the second problem).

How is it implemented?  Not with any destructive assignment.
It is translated into a call to xyzzy(Y, Z), where xyzzy/2 is
defined as follows (more or less):

?- xyzzy(Y, _Z) when ground(Y).	% delay until Y is ground
xyzzy(Y, Z) :-
	p(X, Y),
	q(Y, Z).
xyzzy(Y, Z) :-

Soft cut removes the choice point for xyzzy but does not touch choice
points created by the execution of p.  It is as easy to implement as
cut, if not easier.  If the quantified variable, X, did not occur in the
"then" part, normal cut could be used instead of soft cut.

This is discussed in
	Naish, L., "Negation and Quantifiers in NU-Prolog", Proceedings
	Third ICLP, London, LNCS 225, Springer.

While I am on the subject, I may as well launch into some "random
musings, part 1".


Its a pity cut was ever invented.  It combines two operations which
should be separate.  They are soft cut (clobbers the parent choice point)
and the "once" construct of DEC-10 (which clobbers all choice points 
created by the execution of a call).
	p :- q, r, !, s.
is equivalent (exactly) to
	p :- once (q, r), soft_cut, s.

Why should the two operations be separated?

	* Soft cut is for negation.
	* Once is for existential quantification.

For example, if we assume that the first argument of p/2 is ground at
the time of calling (we could ensure this by delaying, testing, compile
time analysis, or praying very hard)

	p(X, Y) :- once q(X, Z), r(X, Y).
	p(X, Y) :- s(X, Y).
is a correct implementation of
	p(X, Y) :- some Z q(X, Z), r(X, Y).
	p(X, Y) :- s(X, Y).
	p(X, Y) :- q(X, Z), soft_cut, r(X, Y).
	p(X, Y) :- s(X, Y).
is a correct implementation of
	p(X, Y) :- q(X, Z), r(X, Y).
	p(X, Y) :- all Z not q(X, Z), s(X, Y).

Thats enough for now.  Stay tuned for part 2, which may mention commit,
removing choice points as soon as possible and "semi-completeness"
(defined in "Proving properties of committed choice logic programs",
appearing in JLP some time).

-- lee


Date: 17 Mar 88 08:00:35 GMT
From: munnari!mulga!lee@uunet.uu.net  (Lee Naish)
Subject: Programming techniques

In article <772@cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok@quintus.UUCP writes:
>use	q(0, X, X)	for an empty list
>and	q(s(s(...(0)...)), [X1,...,Xn|X], X)	for a list of N elements.
>	empty_queue(q(0,X,X)).
This is a really nice technique, which I only became aware of recently
(it was used in a breadth first search program of Fernando's posted to
the net).  I am currently giving an honours course on Prolog programming
techniques and gave this example last week (I used proper integers, not
s(...) - I think its better in this example).

There must be lots of techniques like this which are being discovered.
Please post them to the net so we can all benefit (including my

Here is an example from todays lecture, for reading terms from a file
(the idea comes from David Morley):
        % Term is a term in File
        % (returns all terms in a file by backtracking)
        % Cleans up when eof is reached.
contains_term(File, Term) :-
        open(File, read, Stream),	% see(File),
        read(Stream, Term),		% read(Term),
        ( isEof(Term) ->
                close(Stream),		% seen,

contains_term/2 can be treated like a nice logical relation.
Some examples of its use:

	% get list of all terms in a file
read_all(File, TermList) :-
	findall(Term, contains_term(File, Term), TermList).

	% do dcg processing of a file
	% (I'm not sure if I like this style of coding)
dcg(File) :-
	contains_term(File, Term),
	expand_term(Term, ETerm),

Here is a better way of collecting all terms in a file into a single
term (a list in this case).  Most people should have seen this.

        % Treat file like a list of terms and use tail recursion to
        % process them.
        % This means we dont have to use side effects or all
        % solutions predicates to do something useful.
        % This scheme doesnt work properly with backtracking, since
        % read is not undone on backtracking.
read_all(File, AllTerms) :-
        open(File, read, Stream),
        read_all1(Stream, AllTerms).

read_all1(Stream, AllTerms) :-
        read(Stream, Term),
        ( isEof(Term) ->
                process_term(Term, AllTerms, AllTerms1),
                read_all1(Stream, AllTerms1)
        % what to return at eof
        % how to return a single term in the data structure
process_term(Term, Term.AllTerms, AllTerms).

-- lee


Date: 14 Mar 88 05:39:31 GMT
From: quintus!ok@unix.sri.com  (Richard A. O'Keefe)
Subject:  Strings

In article <512@ecrcvax.UUCP>, micha@ecrcvax.UUCP (Micha Meier) writes:
> In Prolog Digest V5.100 Richard O'Keefe writes
> "... if efficiency is your concern your are better off using lists
> of character codes than strings."
> May I ask this to be precised a little bit more? I can't see why is it
> faster to handle structured data on the global stack rather than directly
> characters - I guess this applies only for special predicates,
> e.g. returning all substrings of a string, but even there it's in
> no way evident that using lists is faster. Several points to make:
I don't understand "precised".

Most implementations of strings in Prolog ARE "structured data on the
global stack".

When I say that it is more efficient to use lists of character codes
rather than packed byte vectors, I am reporting empirical measurements.
I don't have to explain it:  I'm just saying truthfully that in the
cases I have measured lists were faster.  There may be Prolog systems
which implement lists so badly that this isn't true.  I have to admit
that I've only really tested concatenation and searching, not accessing
single characters.

> 	- when using lists of character codes, each time when
> 	  the character code or the next element is accessed,
> 	  it has to be dereferenced and its type must be tested

On the contrary.  A great advantage of using lists is the fact that
you *don't* have to do anything to a list element *unless* you want
to process that particular element.  Contrast
	Chars0 = [Char1|Chars1]
which dereferences-and-type-tests Chars0 (it's one operation) and
assigns the two fields of Chars0 to Char1 and Chars1 *without*
dereferencing or type testing Char1, with
	N1 is N0+1,
	nth_char(N1, String, Char1)
where N1 has to be dereferenced-and-type-tested and checked for being
in the right range, then the character has to be extracted and *boxed*,
and finally assigned to Char1, also we had to do arithmetic on N0/N1.

If you don't like the arithmetic (and who could blame you), consider
instead the Turbo Prolog equivalent (taken from the first edition of
the Turbo Prolog manual, so it's probably wrong).
	frontchar(String0, Char1, String1)
Let's assume a conventional Prolog, rather than Turbo Prolog, which no
doubt does something clever.  String0 has to be dereferenced and type
tested (just like a list cell!) then the first character has to be
extracted and *boxed*, and a new string descriptor has to be created
and *boxed* and assigned to String1.  Assuming that a boxed character
costs one cell and a string descriptor costs two cells (not unreasonable),
walking down a string of N characters using frontchar/3 ends up using
3N cells for the characters and string tails *in addition* to the
packed byte vector we started with, whereas the list version would have
used 2N cells total.

> 	- copying a list is certainly slower than copying a string;
> 	  for strings you might need a fixed size buffer which
> 	  can complicate the things a little bit of you want
> 	  strings of arbitrary length, but it is easier to get
> 	  another buffer than to get another global stack

Why would you copy either?  If you have a variable X which is bound to a
string or list of character codes, and you want a variable Y to have the
same value, just do Y = X.  I don't understand "get another global stack".

If you're worried about space, consider the fact that with the usual
representations of lists and byte vectors, when you append something
in front of a list you can share the old tail, but with a byte vector
you have to make a copy.  That is, with Chars1 a known list of N
characters and Chars0 unknown,
	Chars0 = [Char1|Chars1]
costs 2 cells and 1 time unit, but with String1 a known string of N
characters and String0 unknown,
	frontchar(String0, Char1, String1)
costs N+1 bytes + 2 cells for the string descriptor and N+k time units.
(The version using nth_char/2 would turn over 2N cells.)
You can use 1 cell for a string descriptor rather than 2, but then the
cost of taking substrings goes way up.

> 	- a list item needs at least 8 bytes, a character only one
> 	  (plus some fixed amount for each string, e.g. length, end or others).
> 	  If your string is longer than "aa", you need much more space
> 	  to handle it as a list, consequently more time due to swapping
I have answered this above.  You might think about the fact that the
list representation will handle 16-bit characters (can you say "Kanji"?
I knew you could) at no extra cost, but the alleged space advantage of
byte vectors is chopped in half.

> 	- garbage collection is easier for atoms than for strings
> 	  in the sense that there is only one reference to the name
> 	  of the atom, namely from the symbol table itself, but to
> 	  gather all accessible atoms one has to scan the stacks
> 	  and the program code anyway (unless you want to trail them
> 	  which is really not faster)

This is an implementation detail.  There is no reason why a Prolog system
might have more pointers to an atom name than one.  In order to find all
accessible strings you have to scan the stacks too.

> we still think that having strings is useful.

Yes, but WHAT FOR?  We've seen above that the time and space costs can go
either way.

Here's a specific example:
    assuming that your Prolog system supports the ISO 8859/1 character set,
    and that it does *not* reflect dpANS C's setlocale() and strcollate()
    functions as Prolog string operations,

    write a predicate which will take two text objects representing
    German-language book titles, and compare them using whatever the
    convention is in German libraries.  To make it easier, we'll
    assume that there are no punctuation marks and that all numbers
    are spelled out.  Do this entirely in Prolog, using only the
    operations you already have.  (If you can stand it, try using
    the operations in the BSI draft.)

    make two versions of the predicate: one which uses byte vectors and
    one which uses lists, measure their space and time use, and show us
    the code, the test data, and the results.

 Those who do not understand Prolog are condemned to reinvent Lisp, poorly.


Date: 16 Mar 88 09:57:19 GMT
From: quintus!ok@unix.sri.com  (Richard A. O'Keefe)
Subject: Strings

In article <5349@utah-cs.UUCP>, shebs%defun.utah.edu.uucp@utah-cs.UUCP (Stanley T. Shebs) writes:
> In article <776@cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) writes:
> >If you need random access into some collection, a vector-like structure
> >is going to be a really good idea.  The point is that most uses of STRINGS
> >just aren't like that.
> In other words, if I use strings in the ways for which lists are a good
> representation, fine, and if I don't, then my program is going to have
> really shabby performance.
The point is that there is no one implementation of the abstract data type
"sequence of character" which is best for all purposes, which is hardly a
surprise.  My claim is that the implementation which is best for most of
the tasks people claim strings are good for is lists, not packed vectors of
bytes.  Is having only one representation available a good idea?  Of course
not.  Does that mean that packed vector of byte should be provided?  Not
necessarily.  A bearable-all-round implementation of logical arrays might
be a better idea.

> But surely you're not suggesting that Prologs provide "buffers"?

No, of course not.  But NOT supporting abstraction and sticking as close
to the machine as possible is how C gets the speed it does.  Specifically,
C can handle text fast precisely because it HASN'T got a string data
type.  The point was that you can't use C or Fortran or ADA as a stick
to beat Prolog with while shouting how wonderful *strings* are.  If the
goal is, as Shebs suggested in an earlier posting, to have no dynamic
allocation costs, show me how to achieve that in an implementation of
Lisp or Icon, and then we'll talk about achieving zero dynamic
allocation in Prolog.  Don't tell me that strings are so wonderful &c &c
that Prolog should have them and use C as an example to support your
case, it doesn't.

Anybody who thinks he can find in any of my postings an argument that
data abstraction is bad or that lists are a universal cure had better
take a course in reading English.  The claims I have made about strings
in Prolog are simply that

 	For most of the things I have seen strings used for in Prolog,
	the packed vector of byte representation is clumsy to use or
	slower than the list representation and usually both, and the
	use of string operations can often be avoided entirely by the
	use of proper abstractions that express what you really want.

As an example of the latter, if you want to represent arithmetic
expressions, it is clearer, faster, and a better use of abstraction,
to use trees (such as a+b) rather than strings (such as $a+b$), and
if you use data abstraction, only the module that defines the operations
will know which representation you are using.


Date: 15 Mar 88 02:35:02 GMT
From: defun.utah.edu!shebs@cs.utah.edu  (Stanley T. Shebs)
Subject:  Strings
In article <768@cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) writes:

>When I say that it is more efficient to use lists of character codes
>rather than packed byte vectors, I am reporting empirical measurements.
>I don't have to explain it:  I'm just saying truthfully that in the
>cases I have measured lists were faster.  There may be Prolog systems
>which implement lists so badly that this isn't true.  I have to admit
>that I've only really tested concatenation and searching, not accessing
>single characters.

This is a very interesting assertion, because it has a lot of implications
for *any* vector/array-type representation.  The broadest interpretation
is that any and all vector-like types are bad.  This would also extend to
types that one might not think of as vector-like, such as infinite-precision
integers (bignums).  So, if Prolog strings are better as lists, is that also
true for Prolog bignums?

The reason I wonder is that Lisp has not used lists to represent bignums
since the mid-60s, and (for instance) JonL White's bignum paper in the
86 Lisp conference assumes a vector-like representation.  Off the top of
my head, it seems that the Prolog evaluation model is the ultimate reason
for the advantage of lists.  If not, O'Keefe's empirical measurements have
some consequences reaching far beyond contemporary Prolog, and Lispers
should start rethinking their implementation techniques...

Incidentally, David Wise has made similar claims for the advantages of
list representation in functional languages, but (if I recall correctly)
he also assumes binary trees and some sort of hardware memory support.

>	frontchar(String0, Char1, String1)
>Let's assume a conventional Prolog, rather than Turbo Prolog, which no
>doubt does something clever.  String0 has to be dereferenced and type
>tested (just like a list cell!) then the first character has to be
>extracted and *boxed*, and a new string descriptor has to be created
>and *boxed* and assigned to String1.  Assuming that a boxed character
>costs one cell and a string descriptor costs two cells (not unreasonable),
>walking down a string of N characters using frontchar/3 ends up using
>3N cells for the characters and string tails *in addition* to the
>packed byte vector we started with, whereas the list version would have
>used 2N cells total.

Boxing characters is just as bad as boxing small integers, and just as
unnecessary.  Avoiding the creation of a new string descriptor is harder,
and requires compiler analysis, but it is possible under many circumstances.

I think the real underlying motivation for strings is that languages like C
can do string processing with essentially zero space and time overhead,
and one would like to have Prolog to have the same characteristics.
It's not so much an issue of doing one operation on German titles, but of
passing a million characters of text through a program without allocating
so much as one byte of storage dynamically.  If a Prolog implementor could
guarantee that, then no one would care whether there was a separate string
datatype or not, and the implementor could make a lot of money!

-- stan shebs


Date: 17 Mar 88 16:03:04 GMT
From: mcvax!enea!ttds!draken!kth!sics!lhe@uunet.uu.net  (Lars-Henrik Eriksson)
Subject:  Strings

In article <776@cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) writes:
>	ISBN 3-211-81776-X		(can anyone tell me what it means
>	ISBN 0-387-81776-X		for a book to have 2 ISBNs?)

It means it is published at two places at once. For instance, in my copy of
the ALGOL 68 report, you can find the lines:

ISBN 3-540-07545-3 Springer-Verlag Berlin * Heidelberg * New York
ISBN 0-387-07545-3 Springer-Verlag New York * Heidelberg * Berlin

I.e. the first one was printed in Germany, the second one in the U.S.
Note that only the publisher parts of the numbers differ.

-- Lars-Henrik Eriksson

Date: 11 Mar 88 16:40:19 GMT
From: defun.utah.edu!shebs@cs.utah.edu  (Stanley T. Shebs)
Subject:  character type (BSI standards)

In article <756@cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) writes:

What he says.  O'Keefe makes some strong points about the complexities
of case conversion in various languages.  I suppose case conversion on
individual characters is too prevalent to drop it in favor of "word" or
"sentence" case conversion!  I haven't done any significant text processing
in CL, so can't comment on the "correct" practice.

>I think the Common Lisp character abstractions aren't quite right either.
>Trying to treat control-super-hyper-X as a single character is not quite
>right.  (How many versions of Common Lisp have (> (char-bits-limit 1)) ?)

The real reason for having "char-bits" in CL has more to do with a certain
Lisp company than with sound technical reasons.  Thus the "fancy" characters
are not required to be storable into strings, which limits their usefulness!
Still, most commercial CL impls *do* have (> char-bits-limit 1), but the
main reason seems to be that there are usually about 24 bits available in
the standard representations, but only 7 are actually needed for a code, so
there's nothing to lose by saying that some of the remaining bits are 
"char-bits".  All pretty sad, actually...

>If characters are represented by integers, then it is straightforward
>to program up missing operations.  If characters are a separate data type,
>but that data type is missing many of its "natural" operations, then you
>wind up with murky code changing types all over the place.

A separate data type with conversion functions doesn't imply murky code,
if the missing operations have been written to keep all the murkiness to

-- stan shebs


Date: 17 Mar 88 01:48:17 GMT
From: munnari!mulga!dnm@uunet.uu.net  (David Morley)
Subject:  BSI standards

In article <8803112331.AA09995@decwrl.dec.com> vantreeck@curie.dec.com writes
to Richard O'Keefe:
>You have a precedence parser for PROLOG with user defined operators that can
>run as fast and be as small as a one-pass recursive decent or LALR(1) parser
>on a PROLOG without user defined operators?

It is not dificult to modify SLR(1) or LALR(1) parser generators so that
they accept user definable operators.  I am working on a generalisation
of LR-style parser generating algorithms which makes this easy.  For
example, the modified SLR(1) parser generator can be given a DCG such as:

term(Prec) --> [fy_op(Prec)], term(P1), { Prec>=P1 }.
term(Prec) --> [fx_op(Prec)], term(P1), { Prec>P1 }.
term(Prec) --> term(P1), [yf_op(Prec)], { Prec>=P1 }.
term(Prec) --> term(P1), [xf_op(Prec)], { Prec>P1 }.
term(Prec) --> term(P1), [yfx_op(Prec)], term(P2), {Prec>=P1, Prec>P2}.
term(Prec) --> term(P1), [xfy_op(Prec)], term(P2), {Prec>P1, Prec>=P2}.
term(Prec) --> term(P1), [xfx_op(Prec)], term(P2), {Prec>P1, Prec>P2}.
term(0) --> simple_term.

and automatically churn out a deterministic shift-reduce parser for the
language (ignoring the fy500 atom yf500 conflicts, etc.).  No need to get
your hands dirty hacking YACC to shreds.

(By the way, if you hate DCG's, just think of a DCG as a finite
representation of an infinite BNF grammar).

As for a parser for PROLOG with all the bells and whistles, I'm working
on it, but don't hold your breath (my interest in this field is
improving automatic parser generation so that ambiguity can be resolved
in the grammar rather than by hacking the parser generator algorithm ala
YACC).  <-: By the way, does anyone want user definable brackets? :->

The only reason I haven't said anything about the BSI standards debate
before is that ROK says everything I want to say (and more)better than I can.
I hope the committee takes note.

-- David Morley


Date: 17 Mar 88 12:06:38 GMT
From: mcvax!unido!ecrcvax!micha@uunet.uu.net  (Micha Meier)
Subject:  BSI Proposal

In article <771@cresswell.quintus.UUCP> ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) writes:
>As Chris Moss says, most languages since Fortran regard blanks as
>significant.  Surely it is inconsistent to argue that
>	"RED O" and "REDO"
>are different, and that is a Good Thing, but
>	"red (O)" and "red(O)"
>being different is a Bad Thing?  Blanks are being treated as
>significant in both cases.  "RED O" and "red (" are both two tokens,
>and "REDO" and "red(" are both one token; it's exactly the same thing.
>What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

	I'm no fan of the allowed space between the functor and
	the opening parenthesis, but this does not seem to me as
	a good argument. In the usual languages blankspaces are
	allowed between characters of different classes (in the POP
	meaning of character classes), with some exceptions like
	e.g. the floating point constants. From this point of view
	a space between "red" and "(" seems rather natural,
	to say that "red(" is one token seems to me at least arguable
	(easy to implement, I admit).

	But there are other consequences of this BSI rule - is there any
	reasonable argument to forbid binary operators that start with
	a capital letter or that contain letters and graphic chars?

	Actually, we have implemented the BSI standard in our Sepia,
	(it's probably one of the first implementations)
	but I have to admit that one of the first things to provide
	was a switch to be able to switch it off. There is a long list
	of problems we have encountered, we are going to pass them to
	BSI soon. I have appreciated to have a minimal list of
	built-ins provided by BSI, but the description contains so
	many errors that one has really to take care when implementing
	them. My global impression from BSI is, I'm afraid, close
	to that of R.A.O'K, it is a new language, and very
	difficult to implement. I've never really understood the grammar
	and the 'Formal Specification of Prolog', though :-)

-- Micha

End of PROLOG Digest