(William Clocksin on jenny) (01/04/89)
Readers of this bulletin board may be interested to know that a 20-processor DelPhi machine has been up and running for a month or so. For the usual nondeterministic benchmarks such as N-Queens, the speedup curve is linear up to the amount of parallelism in the problem, and then *completely flat* up to the number of processors. This is the behaviour people have been looking for, and it suggests that the DelPhi design is not prey to the bandwidth contention that is characteristic of the various shared-memory designs people have been discussing. As expected, the overheads of the DelPhi principle add only about 30 percent to a single-processor version, and this overhead is completely recouped (and then some) when a second processor is used. Our small benchmarks run out of parallelism at about 10 processors, but we have some electrical design problems to try, which should use up all the processors.