[comp.lang.prolog] Looking for Prolog on Mac II

posegga@iraul1.ira.uka.de (Joachim Posegga) (01/24/89)

I'm currently looking for a Prolog system running on Mac II,
that should be (fairly) compatible with Quintus Prolog and
not too expensive (< $1000).

Is anybody using such a system and willing to drop me a 
message about his/her experience? 
 Joachim Posegga                     Phone: +49-721-608-3985
 Universitaet Karlsruhe              CSNET: posegga@ira.uka.de
 Institut fuer Logik, Komplexitaet   EARN : posegga@dkauni0i.bitnet
 und Deduktionssysteme		     
 POB 6980, 7500 Karlsruhe, W Germany

malczews@castor.usc.edu (Frank Malczewski) (01/26/89)

Advanced A.I. Systems
P.O. Box 39-0360
Mountain View, CA 94039-0360     produces its AAIS which claims compatibility
with DEC 10/20 Prolog, C-Prolog, and Quintus Prolog.

I am but a mere novice who has purchased this product for a class, and am just
now getting around to using it, so cannot offer my own opinion.  Other opinions
state that it is quite special; its cost is $298 list.  

This is the price for the new 2.0 release, which has expanded its support for
the Mac II;  I only have the brochure, and am waiting as we speak for the

-- Frank Malczewski