(Tim Finin) (02/09/89)
This talk describes PRATTFALL (Pundit Reads And Translates Texts into French, ALbeit Loosely), a machine-translation module built on top of the PUNDIT natural-language text-understanding system. Both PRATTFALL and PUNDIT are implemented entirely in Quintus Prolog; PRATTFALL is based on Michael McCord's LMT system. There are five principal components in PRATTFALL, each of which is described in turn: * Transfer from English to French * Restructuring to conform to French syntax * Assembling lexical items * Inflection of lexical items * Cleanup of inflected lexical items The transfer component is implemented using a definite-clause grammar modelled after one of the components of PUNDIT's SPQR module. Familiarity with LMT, PUNDIT, and machine translation in general is helpful, but not necessary. 2:00 pm, Weds., February 15, 1989 Cafeteria Conference Room Unisys Paoli Research Center Route 252 and Central Ave. Paoli PA 19311 -- non-Unisys visitors who are interested in attending should -- -- send email to or call 215-648-7446 -- -- Tim Finin (internet) Unisys Paoli Research Center ..!{psuvax1,sdcrdcf,cbmvax}!burdvax!finin (uucp) PO Box 517 215-648-7446 (office), 215-386-1749 (home), Paoli, PA 19301 215-648-7412 (fax)