vanroy@bellatrix.uucp (02/20/89)
Does anyone know of any comparisons of algorithms implemented in Prolog versus in another (possibly procedural) language? This involves writing the algorithm in a natural style in Prolog and in the other language, and using production compilers to compare the execution speeds. The results depend on several factors: (1) the choice of algorithm, (2) the quality of the Prolog implementation, (3) the quality of the implementation of the other language, and (4) the suitability of the architecture for Prolog. Since traditional "general-purpose" architectures are really not suited very well for symbolic languages, this comparison will be biased towards the other language. I know of one such comparison done at Argonne in which a theorem prover was written in Prolog and in C. The C version consistently outperformed the Prolog version by an order of magnitude. Has anyone done any other comparisons of this sort? Thanks for any pointers, Peter Van Roy (Bruce Smith) (02/25/89)
In <28091@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> Peter Van Roy ( raises a good question about Prolog performance. I have tried-- as I suspect many have-- comparisions of Quintus (or any other favorite) Prolog vs. C, but the programs are either trivial or I do not have the patience to write both. (Quintus was almost always within an order of magnitude, but always slower.) Peter Reintjes (usually pbr@mcnc, but temporarily off the net) wrote VLSI CAD tools in Prolog-- based in part on earlier tools written in C-- but he mainly emphasized software engineering aspects, not performance. (See, for instance, "A VLSI Design Environment in Prolog", in LP'88.) I'd like to hear from anyone who's done more comprehensive comparisions. And, does anyone have a strong intuition on when the Prolog programs will run near the C programs in speed? It's tempting to say on "symbolic" problems, but is a theorem prover (even a propositional one) not symbolic? Bruce T. Smith (Carl Kesselman) (02/25/89)
Mats Carlsson and I have spent a bit of time studying a propositional therom prover written by Ross Overbeek. Ross origionally wrote identical versions in C and Prolog with the C version being much faster. However, after studying the program using the Gauge performance analysis system, we were able to get the prolog performance within 25% of the C version. Both Gauge and the theorm prover were run under Sicstus prolog. The execution time for the prover was obtained using a preliminary version of a native code compiler. Carl