[comp.lang.prolog] Naive Reverse

kam@druhi.ATT.COM (MorrisseyKA) (07/29/87)

Here's a naive (:-) question:

	What is the formula for determining the number of LIs needed
	to reverse a list of length N, using the following definition?

	nairev([X|Xs],Zs) :- nairev(Xs,Ys), append(Ys,[X],Zs).

	append([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]) :- append(L1,L2,L3).

It seems that the answer should be easy to determine, but I'm having a
heck of a time coming up with an answer that I feel confident about.

Karen A. Morrissey

richard@aiva.ed.ac.uk (Richard Tobin, JANET: R.Tobin@uk.ac.ed ) (07/31/87)

In article <2080@druhi.ATT.COM> kam@druhi.ATT.COM (MorrisseyKA) writes:
>	What is the formula for determining the number of LIs needed
>	to reverse a list of length N, using the following definition?
>       [ usual definition omitted ]

A logical inference is a succesful unification with the head if a clause.

 append([], L, L)
    requires one logical inference.
 append([X|L1], L2, [X|L3])
    requires one logical inference plus those required for append(L1, L2, L3).

 Writing a(N) for the logical inferences required for append with a first
 argument of length N, we have
    a(0) = 1
    a(N) = 1 + a(N-1)
 so ('trivially')
    a(N) = N+1.

 nairev([], [])
    requires one logical inference.
 nairev([X|Xs], Zs)
    requires one logical inference plus those required for nairev(Xs,Ys),
    plus those required for append(Ys, [X], Zs).

 Writing n(N) for the logical inferences required for reversing a list of N
 elements, we have
    n(0) = 1
    n(N) = 1 + n(N-1) + a(N-1)
         = N+1 + n(N-1)                          since a(N-1) is N
         = N+1 + N + n(N-2)                      expanding n(N-1)
         = N+1 + (N-1)+1 + ... + (2-1)+1 + n(2-2)
         = N+1 +  N      + ... +  2      +  1
         = (N+1)(N+2)/2                              as is well known (:-)

You could do the last bit by induction if you wanted to be rigorous.

In particular, n(30) = 496. 
Richard Tobin,                           JANET: R.Tobin@uk.ac.ed             
AI Applications Institute,               ARPA:  R.Tobin%uk.ac.ed@cs.ucl.ac.uk
Edinburgh University.                    UUCP:  ...!ukc!ed.ac.uk!R.Tobin

tree@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Tom Emerson) (03/20/89)

I am looking for the Prolog source for the naive reverse benchmark.

Thanks in advance for your help.


| It matters not how strait the gate,      |                           |
| How charged with punishments the scroll, |                           |
| I am the master of my fate;              |Tom Emerson                |
| I am the captain of my soul.             |tree@sun.soe.clarkson.edu  |
|         --- From W.E. Henley, "Invictus" |                           |

broome@adm.BRL.MIL (Paul Broome ) (03/20/89)

In <2695@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> tree@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Tom Emerson) writes:
:I am looking for the Prolog source for the naive reverse benchmark.

The naive reverse benchmark is popular because it generates a lot of procedure
calls.   But it seems that benchmarks for NP-complete problems would be
most interesting since they require search and search is easy in Prolog.  Plus
we'd be attacking a famous unsolved problem.

I know about the 'Stock-cutting problem' by Dincbas, et al in LP'88.  Has
anyone heard of other benchmarks for NP-complete problems?

Paul <Broome@brl.mil>

p.s. The following is bench/nrev.P from the SBProlog distribution.  

/*  The naive reverse benchmark */

nrev([X|Rest],Ans) :- nrev(Rest,L), append(L,[X],Ans).

append([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]) :-

bench(Count) :- cputime(T0),dodummy(Count),cputime(T1),

dobench(Count) :- data(List),repeat(Count),nrev(List,_),fail.

dodummy(Count) :- data(List),repeat(Count),dummy(List,_),fail.


data(X) :- data(X,30).
data([a|Y],N) :- N > 0, N1 is N-1, data(Y,N1).
/* data([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,aa,bb,cc,dd]). */

repeat(N) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, repeat(N1).

report(Count,T0,T1,T2) :- write(T0),nl,write(T1),nl,write(T2),nl,
	Time1 is T1 - T0,write(Time1),nl,
	Time2 is T2 - T1,write(Time2),nl,
	Time is Time2-Time1,write(Time),nl,
	Lips is (496*Count*1000)/Time,
	write('Lips = '),write(Lips), nl.

ok@aucsv.UUCP (Richard Okeefe) (03/30/89)

In article <18765@adm.BRL.MIL>, broome@adm.BRL.MIL (Paul Broome ) writes:
> The naive reverse benchmark is popular because it generates a lot of procedure
> calls.   But it seems that benchmarks for NP-complete problems would be
> most interesting since they require search and search is easy in Prolog.
> Plus we'd be attacking a famous unsolved problem.

It wouldn't be terribly interesting to try NP-complete benchmarks.
NP-complete problems are hard no matter _what_ the programming language.
A Prolog program _cannot_ be asymptotically better than the best RAM
algorithms.  Just because hard problems can be _stated_ easily in a language
doesn't mean they can be _solved_ fast.  (This is not to say that Prolog may
not be an appropriate language for parallel systems, but it can't do any better
than the best parallel algoriothms either.)

broome@adm.BRL.MIL (Paul Broome ) (04/03/89)

In article <193@aucsv.UUCP> ok@aucsv.UUCP (Richard Okeefe) writes:
:In article <18765@adm.BRL.MIL>, broome@adm.BRL.MIL (Paul Broome ) writes:
:> ... benchmarks for NP-complete problems would be most interesting since 
:> they require search and search is easy in Prolog.  Plus we'd be attacking
:> a famous unsolved problem.
:It wouldn't be terribly interesting to try NP-complete benchmarks. ...
:A Prolog program _cannot_ be asymptotically better than the best RAM

Sorry, my article was terribly terse and not really about benchmarks. I had in
mind using the flexibility of Prolog to explore different algorithms for
NP-complete problems. In particular, replacing generate and test methods with
those that test (or constrain) while generating.   There's an example in CHIP
(Constraint Handling in Prolog (Dincbas, LP'88)) where these methods beat
existing ones in Fortran. Are there others?  

Who knows, there might yet be a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for
these problems.  Failing that, the comparison with existing methods would
still be interesting.



From: Brad Miller <miller@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU>

    Date: 3 Apr 89 00:48:56 GMT
    From: broome@adm.BRL.MIL (Paul Broome )

    Sorry, my article was terribly terse and not really about benchmarks. I had in
    mind using the flexibility of Prolog to explore different algorithms for
    NP-complete problems. In particular, replacing generate and test methods with
    those that test (or constrain) while generating.   There's an example in CHIP
    (Constraint Handling in Prolog (Dincbas, LP'88)) where these methods beat
    existing ones in Fortran. Are there others?  

I don't understand how using Prolog as a test bed for algorithms has
something to do with benchmarks.

I certainly concur that naive reverse only excercises the unifier and
procedure call; I think a better benchmark of logic programming systems
would include something that required backtracking, at least in the naive
case. The benchmark would then examine the strategy of the logic system to
best implement search for a particular solution, or search for all
solutions. The problem with too general a benchmark, however, is that it
won't allow you to isolate exactly what you are testing.

I'd be interested if anyone has an idea for a benchmark that would, for
example, do well in a system that does intelligent backtracking and poor in
a system that does naive, but doesn't otherwise stress the sorts of things
naive reverse does, i.e. unification and procedure call.

Brad Miller		U. Rochester Comp Sci Dept.
miller@cs.rochester.edu {...allegra!rochester!miller}

debray@arizona.edu (Saumya K. Debray) (04/04/89)

> From: Brad Miller <miller@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU>
> I certainly concur that naive reverse only excercises the unifier and
> procedure call;

On modern Prolog systems, it doesn't even do this too well, since
it can be compiled into very compact code with much of the procedure
calling and unification optimized away.  I've heard stories that one
commercial Prolog vendor[*] managed to compile append/3 into
sufficiently few machine instructions that code for the whole
procedure fit into the instruction cache of the 68020, giving huge
LIPS numbers.  A competing vendor[*] apparently felt compelled to
introduce an "append" instruction in their interpreter after this,
to match these LIPS figures.

[*] I have friends at both places, and financial interests in neither.
    Hence (and also because aforementioned friends are quite likely to
    referee my papers in the future), both these systems will go unnamed.

> I'd be interested if anyone has an idea for a benchmark that would, for
> example, do well in a system that does intelligent backtracking and poor in
> a system that does naive ...

I'd think any "search"-type program with a poorly chosen order of
goals would do (e.g. map coloring).  The problem with most intelligent
backtracking schemes  is that because of the runtime overhead they incur,
they end up doing well on badly written programs but poorly on well
written ones.

Saumya Debray		CS Department, University of Arizona, Tucson

     internet:   debray@arizona.edu
     uucp:       arizona!debray

broome@adm.BRL.MIL (Paul Broome ) (04/05/89)

In article <10073@megaron.arizona.edu> debray@arizona.edu (Saumya K. Debray) writes:
:> From: Brad Miller <miller@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU>
:> I certainly concur that naive reverse only excercises the unifier and
:> procedure call;
:On modern Prolog systems, it doesn't even do this too well, since
:it can be compiled into very compact code with much of the procedure
:calling and unification optimized away.  

I don't know that it's done, but I'd say it's even proper for a compiler to
transform naive reverse into its more efficient cousin.  If it implements the
general unfold/fold technique it's just good optimization.  But that changes
the complexity of the computation and defeats the purpose of the benchmark.
The two goals, optimization and benchmarking, clash.

> I don't understand how using Prolog as a test bed for algorithms has
> something to do with benchmarks.

The graph (map) coloring problem, on the other hand, is a member of the class
of problems for which no deterministic polynomial time algorithm is known; it
seems to _require_ search.  So whatever tricks the compiler/programmer does
would be welcomed as a contribution toward an important problem instead of as
a defeat of the benchmark.
