udi@wisdom.weizmann.ac.IL (Udi Shapiro) (06/15/89)
A parallel implementation of Logix, a concurrent logic programming
environment, is now available under the Cosmic Environment.
Logix is a concurrent logic programming environment developed at the
Weizmann Institute. It has been used for several years now here
and at other sites for the development of substantial concurrent logic
programs, including itself. It supports the development and execution
of programs in several concurrent logic languages, including Flat
Concurrent Prolog, FCP(:,?), and Flat GHC.
Logix incorporates an interactive shell capable of handling several
concurrent computations, an interactive concurrent debugger, a
hierarchical module system, a type system with a static type checker,
lint-like checker, and several other tools and libraries. It is
mostly written in FCP (>20K lines of code), with an abstract machine
emulator written in C.
Logix for the Cosmic Environment also supports program-controlled process
to processor mapping and automatic code management.
The uniprocessor version of Logix is available on Sun-3 workstations,
VAX/Unix and CCI. The Cosmic Environment version is available on a
network of Sun-3 workstations and the Ametek/Symult Series 2010.
A Sun-4 port is planned. We may port Logix to other Unix or Cosmic
Environment machines should there be sufficient demand for it.
Licensed users of Logix may obtain Logix on the Cosmic Environment
by sending a letter explaining their request, a renewed signed license
form, and a magnetic media (1/2" tape or 1/4" cartridge), to
Mr Yossef Dabby
Dept of Applied Math and Computer Science
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100
To obtain an electronic copy of the new license agreement write to
bill@wisdom.bitnet or
New users should pay a handling fee of US$250, and need not send a
magnetic media, only the signed license.
Logix on the Cosmic Environment comes with an updated release of
uniprocessor Logix.
The Cosmic Environment is available from Chuck Seitz at Caltech, who writes:
"You can obtain a programming guide from us by sending electronic mail
to chuck@vlsi.caltech.edu. The programming guide will describe the
procedure for obtaining the CE source. The CE is available to most
research institutes without charge."