[comp.lang.prolog] CFP: Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming

udi@wisdom.weizmann.ac.IL (Udi Shapiro) (07/24/89)

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

           Seventh International Conference on Logic Programming

                    Jerusalem, Israel, 18-22 June 1990

The  Association  for    Logic   Programming  is   sponsoring  the  Seventh
International Conference on Logic  Programming, to be  held in Jerusalem at
the Hyatt-Regency  Hotel.   Previous conferences  were  held  in Marseille,
Uppsala, London, Melbourne, Seattle, and Lisbon.

Papers are invited on any aspect of logic programming, including:

    Applications                        Deductive Databases
    Implementation                      Languages
    Machines                            Parallel Execution
    Programming Methodology and Tools
    Relations with Artificial Intelligence
    Theory and Foundations

Papers must be  written and presented  in English, must  contain a  200-250
word abstract, must not exceed 4,000 words (12-14 double-spaced pages), and
must not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Submit five copies of manuscripts to the Programme Chairmen. Papers must be
received by 1 December 1989.  Acceptance will be notified by  1 March 1990.
Camera-ready copy will be due  by 1  April 1990.   The Proceedings will  be
published by MIT Press.

Programme Chairmen                      Conference Chairman

David H.D. Warren and Peter Szeredi     Ehud Shapiro
Department of Computer Science          Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Bristol                      and Computer Science
Bristol BS8 1TR                         The Weizmann Institute of Science
United Kingdom                          Rehovot 76100, Israel
warren@compsci.bristol.ac.uk            udi@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il

Programme Committee

Maurice Bruynooghe, Belgium             Takashi Chikayama, Japan
Seif Haridi, Sweden                     Manuel Hermenegildo, USA
Chris Hogger, UK                        Feliks Kluzniak, Poland
Jean-Louis Lassez, USA                  John Lloyd, UK
Ewing Lusk, USA                         Maurizio Martelli, Italy
Chris Mellish, UK                       Shamim Naqvi, USA
Vijay Saraswat, USA                     Kazunori Ueda, Japan
Jeff Ullman, USA                        David S. Warren, USA

Preconference workshops will be held in Eilat at the Neptune Hotel on June
14-15, and will be announced separately.

Local arrangements and exhibits by ORTRA, Israel.
Telex 361142, FAX +3-660952, Telephone +3-664825.