dannyd@kulcs.uucp (Danny De Schreye) (02/07/90)
___ ___ _____ ______ ___ | \/ | | ___| |_ _|_ / __\ | |\/| | | _|_ | / \ /_ \\ |__| |__| |_____| |__\___/// \_\\ PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 2nd Workshop on / \ / ******************* Meta-Programming in Logic / \__/ 4-6 April 1990 Leuven Belgium All technical sessions are held at the "Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte", Blijde Inkomststraat 21, Leuven, 8th Floor. Wednesday, April 4th, 1990: *************************** 9.00h: REGISTRATION. 9.45h: OPENING. 10.00h: INVITED TALK: Towards meta matters, by Robert A. Kowalski 11.00h: COFFEE BREAK. 11.30h: SESSION 1: REFLECTION: Semantics of a metalogic programming language, by S.Costantini. Meta and reflective computation in logic programs and its semantics, by H.Sugano. 12.30h: LUNCH. 14.00h: SESSION 2: PROGRAM TRANSFORMATION: Compiling bottom-up and mixed derivations into top-down executable logic programs, by D.De Schreye, B.Martens, G.Sablon and M.Bruynooghe. Automatic derivation of logic programs : the synthesis of eureka predicates, by M.Proietti and A.Pettorossi. Constraint relaxation as higher order logic programming, by F.Rossi and U.Montanari. 15.30h: COFFEE BREAK. 16.00h: SESSION 3: APPLICATIONS: Metaprogramming for representation of legal principles, by A.Hamfelt and J.Barklund. Explanation-based acceleration of similarity-based learning, by M.Numao. Debugging Prolog programs declaratively, by S.Nadjm-Tehrani. 19.00h: RECEPTION AT THE UNIVERSITY HALL. Thursday, April 5th, 1990: ************************** 9.00h: SESSION 4: THEORY: Declarative semantics of a meta-programming language, by H.Christiansen. Non-monotone rule systems, their semantical issues and processing, by W.Marek and A.Nerode. Combinators in meta logic programming, by J.F.Nilsson. 10.30h: COFFEE BREAK. 11.00h: SESSION 5: PROGRAM TRANSFORMATION: Transforming interpreters into compilers by goal classification, by G.Neumann. To PE or not to PE, by A.Lakhotia. Some low-level source transformations for logic programs, by J.Gallagher and M.Bruynooghe. 12.30h: LUNCH. 14.00h: TUTORIAL 1: Godel: a logic programming language, by J.W.Lloyd. 15.30h: COFFEE BREAK. 16.00h: SESSION 6: KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION: Cliche programming in PROLOG, by D.Barker-Plummer. Metaclasses for metaprogramming in logic, by J.Malenfant, G.Lapalme and J.Vaucher. Metalogic for knowledge representation, by J.S.Kim and R.A.Kowalski. 19.00h: CONFERENCE DINNER AT THE FACULTY CLUB. Friday, April 6th, 1990: ************************ 9.00h: SESSION 7: CONSTRUCTIVE PROOFS: The meta and meta-meta level transformation of constructive proofs, by P.Madden. The improvement of Prolog program efficiency by compiling control: a proof-theoretic view, by G.A.Wiggins. Plan formation and execution in a uniform architecture of declarative metatheories, by F.Giunchiglia and P.Traverso. 10.30h: COFFEE BREAK. 11.00h: TUTORIAL 2: Metaprogramming, by L.Sterling. 12.30h: LUNCH 14.00h: SESSION 8: APPLICATIONS: Automatic detection of incomplete message protocols in concurrent logic programs, by D.Dams, M.Codish and E.Shapiro. Using meta-interpreters for polymorphic type checking, by T.W.Fruhwirth. Extensible unification by metastructures, by U.Neumerkel. 15.30h: COFFEE BREAK. 16.00h: SESSION 9: THEORY: Unification and constraint solution for metaprogramming: an overview, by R.A.Paterson and J.Staples. Hierarchies through basic meta-level operators, by A.Brogi, P.Mancarella, D.Pedreschi and F.Turini. The Meta90 Workshop is sponsored by: The Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research The Association of Logic Programming B.I.M.