[comp.lang.prolog] Native vs. threaded code

draxler@gorgo.ifi.unizh.ch (05/28/90)

Hi there,

I know that this topic has been discussed intensively
a short while ago - but at that time I did not grasp the
relevance of the discussion for my own work...

	     Native code vs. threaded code

and its bearings on compilation vs. interpretation, the 
differences in execution speed and memory requirements 

Has anyone saved the entire discussion, or is there anyone
willing to send me a summary? Any references are appreciated

Thanks, Christoph Draxler

reply to: draxler@ifi.unizh.ch
or snail to: Christoph Draxler
	     Dept. of Computer Science
	     University Zurich
	     Winterthurer Str. 190
	     CH 8057 Zurich