[comp.lang.prolog] schedule for Workshop on Logic Programming Environments - second try

tk@fctunl.rccn.pt (Tony Kusalik) (06/04/90)

the first posting of this was truncated at some sites

Tentative Schedule	Workshop on Logic Programming Environments 
			International Conference on Logic Programming 7
			June 14, 1990 
			Eilat, Israel


08:30	Opening Remarks - Tony Kusalik

08:35	Session A: Software Development Tools and Environments
	- Tony Kusalik, chair

	"A Programming Environment for Developing Large Applications"
	 by Jan Wielemaker

	"Keeping Track of Data Dependencies for Incremental Execution in
	 Logic Programming" by Philippe Chatalic

	"The Language ESP and Its Programming Environment"
	by P. Ciancarini, V. Ambriola, and C. Montangero

10:15 	break

10:45	Session B: Windowing, Graphics, and Visualization - Jacob Levy, chair

	"Carmen: A Prolog Tool for Generating User Interfaces"
	 by Alain Callebaut

	"The YToolkit: A Prolog Approach to a User Interface"
	by J.P. de Vilhena Geraldes Leal

	"Complete Visualization of Concurrent Programs and Their Executions"
	by Ken Kahn and Vijay Saraswat

12:30	lunch break

13:30	Introduction Debugging Sessions - Mireille Ducasse

13:35	Session C: Debugging I - Mireille Ducasse, chair

	"Automated Debugging of Non-Terminating Prolog Programs"
	by Anna-Maria Emde and Mireille Ducasse

	"A Graphical Representation Environment for Complex Prolog Structures"
	by Jean-Luc Cochard

	"A Prolog Debugger Based on a Refined Box Model"
	by Juergen F. H. Winkler, Axel v. Reeken, Adolf Schleiermacher

15:15	break

15:45	Session D: Debugging II - Mireille Ducasse, chair

	"A Theory of Testing in Logic Programming"
	by Liliane Lardot and Norbert Batllou

	"A Semantics for Error Declarative Notion of Logic Programs with Negation"
	by M. Berge're and G. Ferrand

	"PIMOS: A Concurrent Logic Programming Environment"
	by Ryozo Kyohara, Koichi Nakao, Kumiko Wada and Takashi Chikayama

17:30	Summary Remarks and Close of Afternoon Sessions - Jacob Levy

17:35	supper break

	period for ad hoc discussion groups to meet

19:30	Session E: Poster Displays

	"Redefining findall/3 for Accessing Relational Databases"
	by C. Draxler

	"Generic Browsing:  A Case for Contextual Logic Programming"
	by Gabriel Davi