[comp.lang.prolog] Planning and Purity

pop@lastresort.cs.umass.edu (06/11/90)

From: pop@cs.umass.edu ()
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Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog
Subject: Planning and Purity
Reply-To: pop@cs.umass.edu ()
Distribution: world
Organization: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Keywords: Planning in Prolog.

Many simple  planning  problems  can  be handled  in  Prolog  using  iterative
deepening. While  real  Prolog gurus  will  probably recommend  some  kind  of
meta-interpreter or transformation system, for novices  an easy
approach  is to add  an extra place  to
every plan-specific predicate. This place  is in integer D,  for Depth. The
predicate  fails for D=0. Thus  you can conduct  a search to  a specified
depth.  That way  the original, purely logical, McCarthy-Hayes treatment of
"Situations, Actions  and Causal Laws" can be  run for modest  examples, and
you don't  have to use  the horrible assert-retract kludges which emanated
from MIT some years later.  You just call  your  top-level goal  predicate
with increasing  depths  until  it succeeds, or you run out of time.  The time
complexity of this approach is  no worse than breadth first search, and the
space complexity is much better.

The main problem about the McCarthy-Hayes approach is that n^2 frame 
axioms are required if there are n situuation-dependent predicates. I
have been looking at the use of Boyer-Moore style reasoning about
simulation programs as a means of circumventing this problem whilst
preserving sanity.

:- current_op(P,A, =), op(P,yfx, then).  /* Define then as an operator */

acceptable(D1,D2) :-
   D1 > 0, D2 is D1-1.

/* The frame axiom - blocks not acted on stay put. */

on(A,B,S then puton(C,D),N1) :-
  acceptable(N1,N2),             /* Decrement and test count */
  on(A,B,S,N2),                  /* was A on B before? */
  diff_blk(A,C),                 /* are we picking up A? */
  diff_blk(B,C),                 /* are we picking up B? */
  diff_blk(B,D).                 /* are we trying to put C on B?*/

/* putting A on B means that A is on B. */

on(A,B, S then puton(A,B), N1) :-

/* if A is put on B then its top remains clear */

cleartop(A, S then puton(A,B), N1).

cleartop(A, S then puton(B,C), N1) :-

/* Now a predicate to recognise when two blocks are distinct.
NOTE we cannot replace diff_blk(A,B) by  A \= B, since this does not
bind variables (and it does not have the correct Predicate Calculus semantics).
diff_blk, as defined below, is equivalent to a set of unit clauses saying
 diff_blk(a,b) .....

diff_blk(A,B) :-

it_deep(G,V,D,D_max) :-
  D < D_max,
  D1 is D+1,
  (V = D, call(G) ; it_deep(G,D1,D_max)).

/* Now we describe a specific problem */

:- spy it_deep.
:- spy on.
:- nospy on.
:- spy cleartop.
:- spy acceptable.
:- nospy acceptable.
:- on(a,b,S,3), on(b,c,S,3), print(S).
:- it_deep((on(a,b,S,N), on(b,c,S,N)),N,1,3), print(S).

s0 then puton(b, c) then puton(a, b)

:-  S = ((s0 then puton(b,c)) then puton(a,b)),
         on(a,b,S,2), on(b,c,S,2).


Mc Carthy, J. and Hayes, P.J. [1969] Some Philosophical Problems from the
Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence, in Machine Intelligence 4 (eds Meltzer
B. and Michie, D), Edinburgh University Press.

Boyer,R.S., and Moore J.S. [1975] Proving Theorems about Lisp Functions
JACM 22(1), 129-75

Robin Popplestone.