[comp.lang.prolog] quicksort speed in prolog

andrewt@cs.su.oz (Andrew Taylor) (07/04/90)

In article <3357@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au> ok@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Richard A. O'Keefe) writes:
>As an example of slowness, it failed utterly, because we were given
>NO DATA WHATSOEVER.  He specifically claimed that quicksort is an example
>that shows that vanRoy et al's results aren't a defence against claims
>that Prolog is slow.  But quicksort is precisely the kind of thing that
>the new Berkeley compiler ought to be very good at!  ...

Richard is right, a Prolog compiler using global analysis can produce
good code for quicksort. Appended below is the standard quicksort benchmark
and the code my compiler yields (in pseudo-C for readability).

The best way to compare this to C is not clear. If you literally as possible
translate the Prolog to C, including data structures, I'd expect similar
code and similar execution times. This seems an artificial comparison.

I timed the C library function qsort on an array containg the same numbers.
It was over 3 times slower.  This is unfair because the C library function
is more general, taking an arbitrary comparison function as argument.

I modified the source of the C library function to do only integer comparison.
This left it 10% slower than the Prolog. All of this was on a MIPS R2030.

Prolog isn't slow at quicksort'ing.


main :- list50(L), qsort(L, X, []), write(X), nl.

qsort([X|L], R, R0) :-
	partition(L, X, L1, L2),
	qsort(L2, R1, R0),
	qsort(L1, R, [X|R1]).
qsort([], R, R).

partition([X|Xs], Y, [X|Ls], Bs) :- X < Y, !, partition(Xs, Y, Ls, Bs).
partition([X|Xs], Y, Ls, [X|Bs]) :- partition(Xs, Y, Ls, Bs).
partition([], _, [], []).


	call_1 = stackp + 8
	stackp[0] = successp
	stackp = stackp + 12
	call_1 = stackp[-4]
	call_2 = stackp + -8
	call_3 = CONST([])
	call_1 = stackp[-8]
	successp = stackp[-12]
	stackp = stackp + -12
	goto p_nl_0

	r2 = CONST([])
	if (call_1 == r2) goto L9
	stackp[4] = call_2
	call_2 = call_1[-2]
	stackp[16] = call_1
	call_1 = call_1[2]
	stackp[24] = call_3
	call_3 = stackp + 8
	call_4 = stackp + 20
	stackp[0] = successp
	stackp = stackp + 28
	call_3 = stackp[-4]
	call_1 = stackp[-8]
	call_2 = stackp + -16
	r3 = stackp[-12]
	r12 = r3[-2]
	r13 = stackp[-16]
	call_2 = stackp[-24]
	call_1 = stackp[-20]
	successp = stackp[-28]
	stackp = stackp + -28
	call_3 = globalp
	globalp[-2] = r12
	globalp[2] = r13
	globalp = globalp + 8
	goto p_qsort_3
	call_2[0] = call_3
	goto successp

	r2 = CONST([])
	if (call_1 == r2) goto L4
	r3 = call_1[-2]
	if (r3 >= call_2) goto L6
	call_1 = call_1[2]
	call_3[0] = globalp
	call_3 = globalp + 2
	globalp[-2] = r3
	globalp = globalp + 8
	goto L7
	r12 = call_1[-2]
	call_1 = call_1[2]
	call_4[0] = globalp
	call_4 = globalp + 2
	globalp[-2] = r12
	globalp = globalp + 8
	goto p_partition_4
	r13 = CONST([])
	call_4[0] = r13
	call_3[0] = r13
	goto successp

	r2 = c_struct([27,74,17,33,94,18,46,83,65,2,32,53,28,85,99,47,28,82,6,11,55,29,29,81,90,37,10,0,66,51,7,21,85,27,31,63,75,4,95,99,11,28,61,74,18,92,40,53,59,8],98)
	call_1[0] = r2
	goto successp