(Kiran Chugh) (07/08/90)
If you have any information about - UNH Prolog Recently I have been using UNH Prolog on a UNIX based system(SUN's) and it seems that one of the I/O predicates 'see' does not function properly. On executing the 'see' predicate it identifies the file and scans each element of it, then it aborts out of Prolog. I will be glad to get any responses in this matter. Thank you for sharing with me your experience. Karen (R. Kym Horsell) (07/08/90)
The description of the problem is a little vague. The see/1 predicate may be working properly. If you say "see(f)." to the Prolog prompt this tells Prolog to take all future input (including commands) from file f. What it does when it hits end-of-file on f is problematic; you may expect it to come back to the terminal for more input but this isn't always the case -- it may just crash out. See/1 isn't typically meant for interactive use. -Kym =====