[net.movies] Nimoy interview and Star Trek IV rumors

reiher@ucla-cs.UUCP (06/28/85)

The Z Channel Cable TV magazine features an interview with Leonard Nimoy in
the lastest issue.  Not being a particularly ardent Trekkie, I'm not sure
about how fresh his revelations about the origin of Spock and so on are,
but he also comments at length about "Star Trek IV", which he will direct.
Here are a few choice quotes.

Q:  Can you tell me anything about it [STIV]?
A:  It will be released in 1986.

Q:  Are all the regulars back?
A: We expect all of our regular cast.

Q: ...Any chance of it (the Enterprise) coming back to life?
A:  ...I would hope we could deal with the loss of a ship.

Q:  I understand that STIV is supposed to be a little funnier, a little
A:  Yeah, that's the intention.  ... it's time to have some fun ...

Q:  Rumor has it that Eddie Murphy may be joining you...[questioner's ellipses]
A:  ... I really don't know.  We don't even have a script yet.  No point in
discussing casting till we get a script.  We will have a script some time in
August. ... We know there will be at least one interesting guest character. ...
And I have had a couple conversations with him, but there's no predicting right

Q:  The crew in STIII seems to have strayed off their law-abiding course ...
[questioner's ellipses]
A:   ... In STIV we are going to deal with the fact that they are now
renegades ... So they aren't going to be functioning as policemen in STIV

Q:  Will Spock recover?
A:  Boy, I'm concerned about that. ... I'd like to see my old friend live
long and prosper.
        			Peter Reiher
				soon to be reiher@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU