F0O@psuvm.psu.edu (08/16/90)
I'd first like to say thanks to all that replied to my question. My solution to the disjunction problem was like Theo Norvell's. He had: gofirst(Player) :- random(RandNum), gofirst_aux(Player,RandNum). gofirst_aux(Player,RandNum) :- RandNum < 0.5, Player = computer ; RandNum >= 0.5, Player = opponent. I tried using parenthesis to get around having to write the above clauses, and found PDC prolog will not allow you to put parenthesis around clauses. You can put them around arithmetic expressions though. I couldn't believe they wouldn't allow you to do that! PDC has a Compuserve address, where you can log suggestions and questions. I will definitely ask them to put this feature in their next version. I hope they listen... [Tim]