wlodr@ida.liu.se (Wlodek Drabent) (08/27/90)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- INRIA CALL FOR PAPERS ALP ------------------ EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGIC PROGRAMMING (ICLP'91) June 25-28, 1991 - Paris, France ---------PRESENTATION---------- The eighth International Conference on Logic Programming, sponsored by the Association of Logic Programming (ALP), is organised in Paris by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA). Previous conferences were held in Marseilles, Uppsala, London, Melbourne, Seattle, Lisbon and Jerusalem. Logic Programming is one of the most promising steps towards a more declarative approach to Programming. It covers not just Horn clause Programming but also any extension using some kind of domains or logics. Originated in the early seventies from the techniques developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence (Proof Theory), with which it has obviously strong but not exclusive relationships. Its has been popularised by the programming language PROLOG. Its dialects start to be widely distributed, and used in the industry, in many areas such as Computer aided manufacturing (CAD, Robotics, IC design and realisation, Planning), Software Engineering (Test generation, System prototyping, Specification), AI Systems (Expert Systems, Knowledge bases, Man-Machine Interfaces) and Data Bases. The aim of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming is to serve as a forum for researchers confronting their most recent advances, and engineers as well as PROLOG users willing to update their expertise and contribute to the development of the field. The Conference will provide three programmes: -Pre-conference tutorials (June 26) giving up-to-date view of some aspects of Logic Programming and presented by the best specialists. -An Exhibition (June 26-28) gathering industry, laboratories and editors. -The Conference (June 26-28): Paper Sessions, a Poster Session where industrial applications of PROLOG will be presented, more advanced Tutorials and invited Talks. As for ICLP'90, Specialised Workshops will be organised on voluntary basis before the conference. ---------TOPICS---------- For the Conference authors are invited to submit in English original and non published papers on any aspects of Logic Programming, including, but not restricted to: Theory and Foundations Relations with Software Engineering Applications Relations with Deductive Databases Implementations,Machines and Relations with Artificial Architectures Intelligence Parallel Execution Programming Methodology and Tools Extensions, Constraints Logical Languages for Parallelism -----INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS----- CONFERENCE: Papers must be written and presented in English and must not exceed 5000 words (20 double-spaced pages). 6 copies of the manuscripts must be submitted to Koichi Furukawa ICOT, Mita Kokusai Building 21 F 4-28 Mita 1-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 108 email: furukawa@icot.or.jp ----->Papers must be received by November 3rd, 1990. If possible the submission should be accompanied by a 100 word abstract sent by e-mail to iclp@minos.inria.fr . -----> Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by February 4th 1991. ----->Camera-ready copy will be due at MIT Press by March 15th 1991. POSTER SESSION: For the poster session submit 6 copies of an extended abstract to the Programme chairman. The idea of the poster display is to stimulate exposition, discussion and exchange of ideas. A large room will be at your disposal. Around the room the "speakers" put up "posters displays" (notes and diagrams describing their application). Participants move around the room. They may read and ask the "speaker". More information about the poster session can be obtained from the local arrangement. ----LOCAL ARRANGEMENT INFORMATIONS (ICLP'91)------ Local arrangement informations can be obtained by writing to: Service des Relations Exterieures, ICLP'91, INRIA-Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153, Le Chesnay, France, Phone: 33-1-39635600, Fax: 33-1-39635638, Telex: 697033F, email: iclp@minos.inria.fr . -------CONFERENCE ORGANISATION---------- ------------------- Conference Chairman Programme Chairman Pierre Deransart, INRIA Koichi Furukawa, ICOT France Japan ------------------- PROGRAMME COMMITTEE K. Clark, Imperial College, UK P. Deransart, INRIA, France Y. Deville, Univ. of Namur, Belgium M. Dincbas, ECRC, Germany W. Drabent, IPI-PAN, Poland K. Furukawa, ICOT, Japan H. Gaifman, The Hebrew University, Israel S. Haridi, SICS, Sweden A. Herold, ECRC, Germany G. Levi, Univ. of Pisa, Italy J. Lloyd, Univ. of Bristol, UK K. Marriott, IBM T.J. Watson, USA G. Mints, Institute of Kibernetics, USSR S. Naqvi, Bellcore, USA J.F. Pique, Marseilles, France D. Poole, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada A. Porto, Lisbon, Portugal V. Saraswat,Xerox PARC, USA T. Sato, Electronical Laboratory, Japan H. Sondergaard, University of Melbourne, Australia L. Sterling, Case Western Reserve Univ., USA P. Szeredi, SzKI, Hungary K. Ueda, ICOT, Japan D.S. Warren, SUNY, USA ---------------- NATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Philippe Codognet, INRIA, GRECO CNRS Pierre Deransart, INRIA Bruno Legeard, AFCET, ENSMM, Besan\c{c}on Emmanuel Fermaut, AFNOR, Syseca Logiciel, Paris Christine Genest, INRIA, Service des Relations Exterieures ---------------- EXHIBITION The Exhibition will be organised during the conference (June 26-28) gathering industry, laboratories and editors. Industrial companies are invited to present Logic Programming Environments or Applications in which Logic Programming has a large place. The laboratories are invited to present research prototypes. Informations about the organisation of the exhibition can be obtained by writing to: Bruno Legeard, ENSMM, Laboratoire d'Automatique de BESAN\c{C}ON, Institut de Productique, 15 Impasse des Saint-Martin, Z.I. Tre\'pillot, 2500 Besan\c{c}on. Tel: (33) 81885344, Fax: (33) 81886502. ------------- WORKSHOPS Scientists interested in organising one specialised workshop should contact the coordinator. Informations about the local organisation of the workshops can be obtained through the coordinator: Philippe Codognet, INRIA-Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France Tel (33-1) 39635536, Telex: 697033F, Fax: (33-1) 39635600, email: codognet@minos.inria.fr . -------------- SPONSORSHIP REQUESTED FROM AFCET AFNOR BULL CNRS DRET IBM USRC -------------------------------------------------------------------------