[comp.lang.prolog] Non-Horn-Clause Logic Programming Workshop

uli@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de (U. Furbach) (10/12/90)


		Friday, November 2, 1990, 8.30 am - 5 pm
   		   Hyatt Regency Hotel, Austin, Texas

			   in conjunction with
		North American Conference on Logic Programming '90


Program  Friday, Nov. 2. !990

 8:30 AM   Welcome  -  U. Furbach

 8:45      J. Lobo, J. Minker & A. Rajasekar: Semantics of Disjunctive
              Logic Programs: An Overview

 9:15      D.W. Reed, B.T. Smith: A Case-analysis Based Fixpoint Semantics 
	      for Disjunctive Programs: Extended Abstract

 9:45      B. T. Smith, D.W. Loveland: High-performance Disjunctive Logic 

10:15      COFFEE 

10:30      F. Yang, A.L. Brown & H.A. Blair: A Disjunctive Rule System

11:00      B. Spencer: Avoiding Duplicate Proofs

11:30      D.W. Reed: Near-Horn Prolog and the Ancestry Family of Proof 
               Systems: Extended Abstract

12:00      B. Fronhoefer: Model Elimination vrs. Linear Resolution

12:30 PM   LUNCH

14:00      C. Brzoska: Templog is an Instance of the CLP Scheme

14:30      L.Th. McCarty: Intuitionistic Logic Programming: Definite 
                Rules, Indefinite Rules and Inductive Proofs

15:00      S. Biundo: Deductive Plan Synthesis

15:30      COFFEE

16:00      Masayuki Fujita, Hideji Kawata, Ryuzo Hasegaw: Program 
                 Synthesis using a Model-Generation Theorem Prover

16:30      R. Fettig: Program synthesis in equational logic: methods,
                  applications and problems


The workshop is open to all NACLP registrants, but the number of participants
is limited to 50 to promote closer interaction. If you plan to attend,
please register for the conference and in addition notify (preferably
by e-mail) the workshop organizer:  

  Ulrich Furbach			
  Institut f"ur Informantik 		
  Technische Universit"at M"unchen
  Postfach 20 24 20
  D 8000 M"unchen 

  tel.: +49-89/2105-2031
  e-mail: furbach@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de