[comp.lang.prolog] workshop on higher-order logic programming

gopalan@juliet.cs.duke.edu (Gopalan Nadathur) (08/16/90)

                       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION


                           a Workshop on


                              at the

          North American Conference on Logic Programming
                        Oct 29 - Nov 1, 1990
                           Austin, Texas

The introduction of higher-order features has been a major consideration 
in the context of most programming paradigms. The purpose of this workshop 
is to provide a forum for discussing emerging viewpoints and proposals 
concerning this aspect in the framework of logic programming. Topics for 
discussion are expected to include possible interpretations of the notion 
of higher-order logic programming, the theoretical underpinnings of 
different proposals, the utility of higher-order notions in realizing 
new programming language features, applications in areas such as 
metaprogramming and  databases, and implementation considerations. This 
list is not exhaustive and any reasonable interpretation of the topic of 
the workshop will be entertained.

The workshop is currently scheduled for the afternoon of November 1, 
1990 and is expected to consist of a series of half-hour presentations
that are organized so as to permit ample time for discussion. Persons 
desirous of making presentations are requested to send a title and an 
abstract (of about 300 words) of the proposed talk to the following 
address by September 10, 1990:

	Gopalan Nadathur
        Attn: NACLP'90 Workshop on HOLP
        Department of Computer Science
        Duke University
        Durham, NC 27706

        e-mail: gopalan@cs.duke.edu
        tel: (919)-660-6545

E-mail submissions are welcome. A notification of acceptance or rejection 
will be provided before September 30, 1990.

Although attendance at the workshop is open to all registrants at
NACLP'90, space limitations and the desire to provide for close 
interaction requires the number of attendees to be limited. Even if you
are only interested in attending the workshop, please notify the 
workshop organizer (preferably by e-mail), with a line indicating 
the reason for your interest. 

gopalan@duke.cs.duke.edu (Gopalan Nadathur) (10/15/90)

                        NACLP '90 WORKSHOP



                  2:00 - 6:30 p.m., November 1, 1990
                     Hyatt Regency, Austin, Texas
                                Room C

This workshop will discuss both theoretical and practical issues 
concerning the idea of higher-order logic programming. Several
different approaches to this notion will be presented. The topics 
of practical motivation, realms of applications and implementation 
will also be discussed in conjunction with these proposals. In all, 
six presentations have been scheduled for the workshop, with each 
expected to last 30 minutes. 

Attendance at the workshop is open to all NACLP '90 registrants. 
However, please inform the workshop organizer of your intention to 
attend at the address indicated below, should you know of this in 

	Gopalan Nadathur
        Department of Computer Science
        Duke University
        Durham, NC 27706

        e-mail: gopalan@cs.duke.edu
        tel: (919)-660-6545

The schedule of talks is the following:

2:00 - 2:30  A Minimal Model Approach to Higher Order Prolog
                     Bill Wadge, University of Victoria

2:30 - 3:00  Title to be announced
                     Fernando Pereira, Bell Labs (Murray Hill)

3:00 - 3:30  Examples of Programming in HiLog
                     David S. Warren, SUNY Stony Brook

3:30 - 4:00  Extending HiLog with Lambda Abstraction
                     Weidong Chen, Southern Methodist University

                 Break 4:00 -4:15

4:15 - 4:45  Predicates as Parameters in Logic Programming:
             A Set-Theoretic Basis
                     Jamie Andrews, Edinburgh University

4:45 - 5:15  Horn Clauses in an Intensional Version of Church's Logic
                     Gopalan Nadathur, Duke University

5:15 - 5:45  A Compiled Implementation of Prolog with Higher-order Terms
                     Pascal Brisset and Olivier Ridoux
                     IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 RENNES CEDEX, FRANCE

                 Discussion 6:00 - 6:30