[comp.lang.prolog] Arity/Prolog 6.0 & Windows 3.0

todd@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Todd Ogasawara) (12/14/90)

I just received the upgrade annoucement for Arity/Prolog 6 and the
Arity/Windows Toolkit.

While I am absolutely sure that I want to upgrade to A/P 6, I am less
certain about the Windows Toolkit. Has anyone out there tried this (beta
tester, etc.)? Is this a stand alone Windows Prolog environment? In other
words, is it totally self-contained like, say, Actor? Or does it required
SDK and Microsoft C 6.0? Is it a full development environment (editor,
debugger, etc.) for Windows or do you develop everything in the DOS
Arity/Prolog 6 and then test the output by running Windows?

As the Arity Windows Toolkit will set me back an additional $325 over and
above the $120 price for the A/P 6 upgrade itself, I would appreciate as
much info as I can get before ordering the Windows Toolkit since I have not
seen or heard anything about it previous to this upgrade announcement

Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii
UUCP:		{uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!ucsd!nosc!uhunix!todd
BITNET:		todd@uhunix